Issues Reader 5: Semiotics 2 11

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* READ David Crows lecture (Semiotics 1) * READ and UNDERLINE the main points from Explaining Semiotics/Semiology YOU


The Contextual Issues Brief Unit 3

Semiotics is one of the three Issues that we cover, but you only have to write on one of them For Semiotics you are asked to:
1 2 3 4 5 choose two printed advertisements decode them utilizing semiotic analysis identify the sign, signifier, signified, the denotation, connotation and myth etc discuss their use of text and language conclude with your view on the success of these adverts

This is the procedure that this lecture will explain and illustrate

Your Semiotics/Semiology Pack

This Contextual Issue makes particular use of the Supporting Texts that are to be found in this Reader, The pack has the following sections 1. Explaining Semiotics/Semiology
an account of how signs carry meaning, the three different types of signs, identifying denotation and connotation, and the myths at work in adverts

2. Jargon Busting 3. Semiotic Analysis Categories 4. Sony Advert Case Study 5. Article: Signs and Myths

an exercise to help you use the correct terms two copies: for class work and for assignment class work example for Semiotic analysis

Semiotic theory and visual analysis

David Crow noted that semiotic theory helps you see or explain what is working in your practice and how to alter your work to make it more effective In short, design and media students find that Semiotics makes them more visually aware and more able to analyze their work But Semiotics does have a language all of its own for you to be familiar with (and use in your assignment): you will need to read through the semiotics pack in your own time therefore

Semiotic Analysis, with jargon.

To help you with this skill of analysis and with the mastering of some of the special terms, the pack contains a number of grids or tables for you to use when you do your assignment The Semiotic Analysis Categories grid is so good that youve got it twice (one to use here, one to use in your assignment), while the Jargon Buster chart will be completed by you to help you understand these terms

Jargon Busting Exercise

In pairs match the terms to the explanations and add an example of of the term if you can (eg. 01 = e + the example of dog). Refer to the material youve read so far and the Semiotic Analysis Categories chart.
The visual analysis in your assignment writing must apply the proper terms used in semiotics. The key ones that you should know are listed below Match these semiotic keywords to the correct explanation and add an example to help you remember the meaning in future:
term Sign Signifier Signified

01 02 03 04

a b c d

explanation A sign which has a direct link to what it refers The common sense or obvious meaning of a sign A sign which has a visual resemblance to what it refers The effect of a sign`s connotations in influencing how we think about things and creating a message A mark or symbol or device used to represent something The associated meanings that can be suggested by a sign Unrewarded words or signs outside of agreed conventions used by specific linguistic groups A sign which only has an agreed symbolic link to that for which it stands The fixing or accuracy of the link between signs and their meanings The agreed system of rules and conventions within which a sign must work to be meaningful The concept or mental picture called forth by the signifier The word, shapes or sounds which is the vehicle that expresses a sign

an example of this

05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

Symbolic sign Iconic sign Indexical sign


e f g

the word dog

h i j k l


Myth Langue Unofficial


Walkman Case Study

This advert, which appears as a black and white illustration in your pack, first appeared in full colour in a Sunday supplement magazine: we will view this as an overhead transparency

Semiotic Analysis Categories

Now complete this in pairs using the Sony example - try to follow this sequence both today and for your assignment (using the second version)

Use th is pro forma to make notes on your selected example prior to writing your 75 0 words

(, , ) ( . , , ) : :

, , ,

/ /

: / ; : , : :

(& )

() () / / ()

, , ,

Your Assignment
Hopefully this seems quite straightforward now that you have this grid to guide your semiotic analysis:
1 2 3 4 5 choose two printed advertisements decode them utilising semiotic analysis identify the sign, signifier, signified etc discuss the use of text/language in the advert conclude with your view of their success

Your first job is to find two good examples - start collecting

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