Organizational: Behaviour

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The Contingency
Theory of leadership
The scenario in Profitel can be examined using the
contingency theory known as the Fiedler model.

Abstract 01 Abstract 02
The Fiedler model
The Fiedler model proposes that leadership effectiveness depends on
the fit between the leader's style and the specific situational variables
Leader-Member Relations
This dimension describes how much members respect, trust, and feel confident
in their leader. As an outsider, Lars Peeters might not have had great leader-
member relations when he first assumed leadership of Profitel. It's possible that
his aggressive deregulation and cost-cutting strategies further strained these
relationships. The low share price of the company raised concerns among the
board, indicating a lack of trust in his ability to lead.
Task Structure
The degree of procedure or structure in job assignments is related to this
dimension. Profitel's circumstances included a complicated medley of
variables. On the one hand, the arrival of new wireless broadband technologies
raised the job structure and necessitated its structured implementation. On the
other hand, the lack of evaluation of alternative technologies and the declining
customer satisfaction suggest that the task structure was not effectively
Position Power
Position power pertains to the degree of influence a leader has over power
variables such as hiring, firing, promotions, and salary increases. Lars
Peeters had significant power as the CEO, but his approach to pressure the
government for deregulation and his overconfidence may have backfired,
affecting the company's relationship with government leaders and customers
Solutions Assessing the Matching the leader's Providing leaders

for situational
style to the
situational variables.
with the resources
and support they

Organizations need to be successful

Solutions for the
More carefully assessing
the situational variables

Matching Lars Peeters'

leadership style to the
situational variables

Providing Lars Peeters with

the resources and support
he needed to be successful
SC Type
• Strong logical thinking
• Meticulous attention to detail
• Methodical decision-making
• Orderly lifestyle
• Value racticality
• Value grounded perspective
• Tend to be more reserved, yet • An approachable and easy-going
actively engage in organizing team member, placing value on
tasks, setting timelines, and collaboration
diligently ensuring that everyone • Having high standards
stays on track to meet deadlines. • Quite forthright
• Commitment to thorough • Believe in the importance of
planning and precise task precision and consistency in team
execution endeavors, upholding established
rules and guidelines

The Leadership
S Type
• Energized by by solitary moments
and meaningful one-on-one
interactions than by larger
• Drawn to concrete details,
practical information, and
thorough research
• Prioritize the emotional aspects of
team dynamics and interactions.
• Steady, patient, and cooperative
approach to teamwork
• Research, diligently gathering
• Prioritize reliability, consistency,
necessary information, and
and the maintenance of a
documenting it with meticulous
harmonious team environment
attention to detail
• A meticulous researcher and
• Actively engage in resolving
conflicts and strive to ensure that
• Prioritize meaningful exchanges,
every team member's perspective
prefer written communication or
is valued and considered
one-on-one discussions

The Resource Investigator

S Type
• Introspectiveness, thoughtfulness,
and a comfort with solitude
• Value for concrete details and a
practical, detail-oriented approach
• Logical decision-making
• Steady and reliable
• Dependability, patience
• Supportive nature
• Towards quieter, self-reflective • Rely on rational thinking, which
activities can be an asset in team
• Prefer for one-on-one interactions discussions requiring data-
over larger group settings supported viewpoints.
• The meticulous fact-checker, • A dependable, detail-focused
ensuring precision and accuracy contributor who appreciates and
promotes structure and

The Contributor
S Type
• Cherish moments of solitude
• Priorticise harmony and genuine
connections in relationships
• Sensitive to stress and incline
toward self-reflection
• Creative, empathetic, and open-
• Patient, calm, and dependable
• Prefer stable environments and
value cooperation and harmony.
• Gravitate towards being
empathetic and supportive, • Excel at resolving conflicts,
fostering a harmonious team leveraging empathetic Steadiness
environment trait to promote understanding
• Approach challenges with and cooperation among team
creativity, offering innovative members
solutions and unique perspectives • A meticulous planner
during brainstorming sessions.
• Embrace change and adjust to
new team dynamics seamlessly

The Mediator
CI Type
• Prefer quieter and more
contemplative environments
• Thoughtfulness
• Focus on possibilities, patterns,
and forward-looking thinking
• Rational thinking and objectivity
• Goal orientation, decisiveness, and
methodical thinking
• Dependability, patience, and
supportive nature
• A quite sociable person and know
how to help other members at • Work very carefully with the
work numbers and find the best, fastest
• Easily accept and listen to solution to the problem
suggestions about work and • Detail-oriented in work
always want to keep peace in the • Help members with their
group problems with complex logic
• Quite confident about assigned • Have quite good persuasion
tasks that involve calculation and ability

The Analyst
IS Type
• Like working alone
• Often look further into future results
than the present and the little things
• More emotionally than rationally
• Quite flexible in principles and
rarely affected by the principles
• Always ready to listen and
sympathize with group members to
connect with everyone more
• Spread positive energy to
• Quite a perfectionist and always
everyone so that the group has a
thoroughly research the areas that
comfortable working atmosphere
the team needs to analyze and
and maintains a peaceful attitude
ensure that the parts always fit
• Always try to create the most
comfort when working
• Help the group become more
• Always ensure and try to
harmonious and complete the
complete the assigned work in the
work more accurately
best possible way

The Coordinator

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