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Name :Muhammad Sharjeel

AG # : 2020-AG-4668
Subject : Islamic modes of finance
presented to : Dr. sahar munir
Presentation topic
“Sources of shariah”
• Shari'ah means a way or path.
• In Islam Shariah refers to the guidance & law as given by the Holy Quran
The Hadees and The Sunnah of Holy Prophet (S.A.W)
Sources of shariah

• The primary sources of Shariah are the “Quran” and “Sunnah”.

• The secondary sources of shariah are “Ijma” “ijtihad” and “Qiyas:

Primary sources
• The Quran: revelation from God to man (first source of Islamic law)
• The Sunnah: the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad: what he said, what
he did, what he saw and approved during his lifetime (second source of
Islamic Law)
Secondary sources

. IJMA :(Arabic:”Consensus”) in Islamic law , the universal agreement of

either the Muslim community as a whole or Muslim scholar .
The consensus _some times justified through a saying from the
Hadith (tradition of the saying and action of Muhammad).
Secondary sources

• Qiyas
in Islamic jurisprudence qiyas is the process of deductive analogy in
which the teaching of the hadith are compared and contrasted with those of

• Ijtehad means Effort

• Independent reasoning by an expert in Islamic law
• They can find nothing to give except the fruits of their labour ( Surah-al-

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