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How to turn aggression into compassion ROAD PAR RAHI BHAI BHAI

M.Tech E&C

Rage and anger seem to have filled the present society. We have become more self-centered and more aggressive. Daily-stress and working habits are contributing to our change of behaviour. We stay enraged most of the time resulting in clouding of our mind and decision making.

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Aggression refers to behaviour between members of the same species that is intended to cause humiliation, pain, or harm. Aggressive behaviour has the potential to inflict injury or damage to the target person or object. Examples include physical assault, vandalism, self-harming behaviours, and verbal threats."

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Instrumental Aggression - Aggression aimed at obtaining an object, privilege or space with no deliberate intent to harm another person .

Hostile aggression - Aggression intended to harm another person, such as hitting, kicking, or threatening to beat up someone. Relational aggression - A form of hostile aggression that does damage to another's peer relationships, as in social exclusion or rumour spreading. Examples: "Go away, I'm not going to be your friend anymore!" and "Don't play with Margie, she's a nerd.

Causes of Aggression
Unfulfilled Human Needs and Desires
Neurosis Desperation Envy Greed

Compassion -'co' meaning together and 'passion' meaning a strong feeling.
Deep awareness of the suffering of others coupled with the wish to relieve it. It is an expensive process. Human qualities like sharing, readiness to give comfort, sympathy, concern and caring - are manifestations of compassion.

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Morning ritual. Greet each morning with a ritual. For instance:Today I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry, I am going to benefit others as much as I can. Empathy Practice. Imagine that a loved one is suffering and try to imagine the pain they are going through. Also try experiencing the suffering of others you know, not just those who are close to you. Commonalities practice. We are all human beings craving for attention, recognition, affection, and above all, happiness. Reflect on the commonalities you have with the others and ignore the differences.

Act of kindness practice. Even a smile, or a kind word, or doing an errand or chore, or just talking about a problem with another person. Practice doing something kind to help ease the suffering of others. Those who mistreat us practice. When we encounter someone who mistreats us, instead of acting in anger, withdraw and imagine the state of mind that person was in and realise that their action was not about you, but about what they were going through. Evening routine. Before you go to bed think about the people you met and how you treated each other. Analyse your behaviour was it compassionate or is there still scope for improvement.

While aggression is a negative attribute , compassion is positive. Two Simple phases can help us change our anger or aggression into compassion.
I. II.

Phase one is looking at the situation from the other persons perspective. Phase two is understanding that people must be in pain to act the way they act.


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Road Rage
A range of anti-social behaviours and/or acts of aggression which occur on the road. The range of behaviours includes minor instances such as gestures and use of the car horn, through to more serious violent acts such as assault or even murder. Simply, Road rage is defined as aggressive or angry behaviour by the driver of a motor vehicle.

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Driving is a stressful activity. A gruelling commute to work everyday can have a huge negative impact on your wellbeing and raise your stress hormones long before you get to the office. Noise, exhaust fumes and slow-motion frustration daily has increased road rage drastically. Many psychologists even classify it as a mental disorder.

M.Tech E&C

Cutting someone off: A driver gets really frustrated when someone cuts him off. This is the most common cause of road rage. Tailgating: When a person drives a vehicle really close to another's, it's called tailgating. Tailgating is very dangerous as any sudden reaction like abrupt braking can lead to a major accident, especially at high speeds. Bad drivers: There will always be bad drivers on the road -- the ones that don't care about the law or even others' lives.

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(i) Precipitating factors (ii) Offender factors

Frustration Disregard for others Perceived insults by the offender.

aggressiveness, territoriality and self-centredness (psychological variables) aggression can increase with fatigue, low tolerance, life stresses, substance abuse and poor impulse control road aggression can be merely another manifestation of dysfunctional behaviour even slight damage or threat of damage to their vehicle is a personal insult deserving great and immediate retaliation.

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(iii) Victim factors

Disregard for security failure to communicate inattention failure to follow rules of the road poor driving

(iv) Environmental factors

traffic density heat and humidity deadlines, running late high noise levels weather conditions road features poor light ambiguity in the road system over priorities and rights.

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Fold two hands together And express a dash of sorrow Marinate it overnight And work on it tomorrow. Chop one grudge in tiny pieces Add several cups of love Dredge with a large sized smile Mix with the ingredients above. Dissolve the hate within you, By doing a good deed Cut in and help your friend If he should be in need. Stir in laughter, love and kindness From the heart it has to come, Toss with genuine forgiveness And give your neighbour some. The amount of people served Will depend on you, It can serve the whole wide world, If you really want it to.

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Useful Tips

Don't offend

Be cool

Get enough sleep

Keep your distance

Make your car a relaxing place.

Do not drive in a time crunch

M.Tech E&C


Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong, weak cannot forgive

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion - Dalai Lama

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