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South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

Exploring the
Linguistic Basis
of Stylistic
Stylistics is the use of language in literature and other texts that creates a
specific effect on the reader. In this presentation, we will delve into the
nuances of the linguistic basis of stylistic and its implications in language
teaching and discourse analysis.

Prepared by: Zhangabay N.E.

Group: 1703-61
Accepted by: Abilmansur A.K.
The Plan

1 The Art of Stylistic

Understanding the Building Blocks 2

3 The Techniques and Tools

The Complexity
of Stylistic in Literature
5 Extracting Stylistic from Texts

The Rhythms and Beats in Stylistics 6

7 Stylistics in Language Teaching

The Art of Stylistic

Creating with Words Using Rhythm and Beats

Like a painter's palette, words can be used to Just like a musician, the writer can play with
shape and create rich images in the reader's rhythm and beats to set the tone and create a
mind. sense of melody in the text.

The Dramatic Effect The Perfect Recipe

Stylistics can be used to create a sense of tension Stylistic devices, like spots of spice, can be added
and surprise, like the twists and turns of a carefully and strategically to create the perfect
Understanding the Building Blocks
The Power of Words Lexical Stylistic Devices

Words can be used in a variety of ways to Words like metaphors and similes are used
create a specific effect on the reader. for comparison, while alliteration and
assonance are used for sound effects.

Syntactic Stylistic Devices Stylistic Features in Discourse

Here, sentence structure and word order play
a vital role. From changing the position of An analysis of discourse can reveal the
words to leaving some of them out, writer's intentions and shed light on how the
everything counts! text is received and understood by the reader.
The Techniques and Tools

1 Metaphor

Using a word or phrase to describe

something by saying that is is
Simile 2 something else without using "like"
Saying something is like something or "as".
else by using "like" or "as".

3 Alliteration

Repetition of the initial sound of

Assonance 4 words in a sentence.

The repetition of vowel sounds but

not consonant sounds to create a
5 Repetition
certain effect.
The use of a word or phrase more
than once to emphasize a certain
Parallelism 6 idea.
The use of similar grammatical
structures in phrases or sentences to
7 Irony
emphasize a certain idea.
The use of words that mean the
opposite of what you really want to
say to create a humorous or critical
The Complexity of Stylistic in
Stylistics is a tool used by writers to create a certain effect in a text. The way a
text is written can affect the reader's interpretation and reception of it. Little
wonder, then, that stylistics in literature is a complex subject and one that
requires careful study.
Extracting Stylistic from Texts

1 Close Reading 2 Digital Tools

A thorough analysis of the A range of digital tools can be

text can highlight the specific used to extract data from
stylistic features used by the texts, analyze it and visualize
writer and the effect created. the results.

3 The Subjectivity of Stylistics

Stylistics can be subjective – the stylistic effects a reader perceives may

differ from person to person. As such, it is important to take into
account the reader's expectations and personal experience when
analyzing texts.
The Rhythms and Beats in
The rhythms and beats created by stylistic devices are not limited to literature.
These elements can be found in speeches, songs, and other forms of
communication. By understanding how stylistics work, we can better
appreciate the nuances of language and its use in communication.
Stylistics in Language Teaching
Focus on individual Use in writing Teaching new
meanings vocabulary
• Teaching stylistics can
help students to write • Using different
• more effectively and stylistic devices can
Stylistic devices can
• creatively.
Creating an aid in knowing new
help students learn
how meanings are awareness of the • vocabulary.
Studying the
created in language. different stylistic language's stylistic
• devices can help can help the students
Students can be more
students to create to understand the
aware of the
their own unique ways new words are
individual meanings
styles. used.
of words and phrases.

Linguistics Forms the Basis of Stylistics Power of Language

The study of Linguistics is instrumental in understanding the Bridges language barriers and brings people together
fundamental principles of Stylistics. through genuine understanding.

Linguistics Forms the Basis of Stylistics

The study of Linguistics is instrumental in understanding the fundamental
principles of Stylistics.
Power of Language
Bridges language barriers and brings people together through genuine
Thanks for your

Internet resources:
2. Jeffries L. “Critical Stylistics”

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