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Social Media

Affects Our Lives

Social media is an app or website that you can creat a profile about
yourself and whatever .

You can share and post pictures of some famous and

you may know of is twitter , facebook , snapchat ,
instagramme , google…
By making as seeing people having
Comparing our lives to others

Thinking we have so many friends

Increasing trust with stangers Social media :

Affecting our social
• Anxiety

• Addicting

• Sometimes eating haabits

Social media :
• Difficulty communication
Affecting our
social behavior
• Affectes our sleep

 When girls/boys eating out at a

restaurant and everyone is on thier
phone . Nobody is communicating
so there is no real human
conversation .

 when a little girl is on her

phone and her mother is taking
to her .
 use of social media at the workplace,
distract employees from work and affect
their productivity.

 Computer reliance could hurt a

person’s ability to have a face to
face conversation by making it
awkward and unusual to hear
something and respond with a
thoughtful message through the
spoken word
• Some people have selective posting .

• Social media can make a person look

happier than what they are .

• People spend 5- 10+ hours on social

media .
• 50% of people sleep with thier phones
next to them . facts
• Teens check thier phone 100+ times a
day .

• People text and drive all throughout

the day causing accidents .
Thanks for watching …!

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