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MID EXAM Collection from

different university on unit Two

part 1 : True or False
1. Pongidae are primates of human ancestors.
2. Ardipithicus ramidus dated 4.2 million years B.P
discovered in middle Awash at 1994.
3. Lucy / Dinkinesh dated 3.18 million years B.P get
only 40% of her completed body parts.
4. Homo habilis are walking uprights human being
and dated 1.9 million years B.P.
5. Homo erectus originated in Africa and then spread
out to the rest of the world .
6. Archaic Homo sapiens are the same with Homo
sapiens sapiens.
7. Mode I Characterized by bifacial and produced by
the direct percussion.
8. Mode III Characterized by flexible and fines form
of production.
9. In Neolithic period the process of domestication
took place independently in various world.
10. The semites are the second majority people next
to the cushites.
Part 2 : Matching
1. Oromos supreme being A. Hadiya's supreme being
2. Kambat's supreme being B. Translated bible to Geez
3. Eker C. A person who hosts Eqo
4. Waa D. Gedeo
5. Aydameta E. A phenomenon of mixing of religion
6. Alamo or eke nayo F. Waqa
7. Marrowa shuka G. Established with in Hebrew
8. Syncretism H. Praying for chlidern grow without disease
9. Judaism I. A belief that dead exist in a form of ghost
10. Nine saints J. ground red pepper anoint their bodies
Part 3 : Choice
1. A sub period of stone age that human being developed language as well as
developed using stone , wood , furs to prepare food and clothing ?
A. Paleolithic C. Neolithic
B. Mesolithic D. Mode I
2. Which one of the following choice is not true in line with the human
evolution ?
A. Stone tools had been the first technologies to be developed by human
B. During the Neolithic period human beings transformed from mobile to
settled way of life
C. Evidence suggest that East Africa is the origin of humankind
D. The fossil named Dinkinesh which was Discovered at Hadar is grouped
under Australopiticus
E. None
3. Which one of the following alternative is different from
others in terms of the linguists classification of languages
of ethiopia and the horn on the basis of dialects ?
A. Geez C. Amharic E. Tigirigna
B. Gurage D. Agaw
4. Christianity became the state religion in Ethiopia during
A. Reign of king Ezana C. 334 A.D
B. fourth century A.D D. All
5. The main gateway of Islam in to Ethiopia and horn was
A. Dahlak Island in red sea C. Mogadishu in Indain ocean
B. Zaila in Gulf of Aden D. Massawa in red sea area
Part 4 : Short answer
1. Write the characteristics of Homo sapiens
sapiens ?
2. Write Characteirstics of Mode II ( Acheulean ) ?
3. Write the division and sub division of Afro Asiatic
language with their examples ?
4. Write some languages that grouped under Nilo
saharan ?
5. Write the name of Aksumite king who accept the
Islam refugees ?
Answer for part one
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. True
Answer for part two
1. F
2. D
3. I
4. A
5. J
6. C
7. H
8. E
9. G
10. B
Answer for Part Three
1. A
2. E
3. D
4. D
5. B
Answer for part Four
1. Have large brain , bipedal , use language , They think and execute
complicated ideas , They transmit knowledge from generation to
generation .
2. Characterized by bifacial , pointed and Convex features and
produced by indirect percussion ( hand ax or hammer )
3. Thier are Two Super Families
Afro Asiatic divide in to three
A. Cushitic
B. Semitic
C. Omotic
This division also sub divided
Sub division of Cushitic
1. Northern 3. Eastern
2. Central 4. Southern
Sub division of semitic
1. Northern
2. Southern ( Transverse and outer )
4. Anywa , berta , Gumuz , komo , Nara , opo , Shabo
5. Armah Ella seham( Ahmed al Nejash in Arabic
6. Teff , enset , dagussa , nug

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