Presentation Kaniyakumari

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By: Sreeja. P
My questions:
- Why do people feel the need to go to Kanyakumari, what is so special about it?
- How has the lives of people selling less-expensive goods and people working in informal sector changed
ever since tourists started coming to Kanyakumari?
- What damages/problems and benefits do tourists cause to the ecosystem and the local natural environment
in Kanyakumari?

Contents Kanyakumari, site and landmarks.

Benefits for tourists:
Culture (and history)
Tourist statistics
(negative) Effects on workforce
& positive
(negative) Effects on climate, air and environment
& positive
Accomodation, money spent by tourists increase as tourism increases
Site (l‘amour)
Southern most point of India.
• Area where three oceans, Indian ocean,
Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea meets.
• Has 8 beaches.
• You can see sun rise and
set from the beach.
• Has many historical landmarks, like the
• Thiruvalluvar (a Tamizh poet) statue and
Swami Vivekananda (an Indian philsopher) memorial.

• Has come in songs like,

• „Kashmir Main Tu Kanyakumari“.

• People post vlogs from Kanyakumari, people from different countries (might)
access the post; more incomers to Kanyakumari.

• People share posts of being in Kaniyakumari on sites like Twitter, Instagram (

#kanyakumari hashtag on Instagram • Photos and videos), etc., encourages
others to go there/ makes others want to go there.

 It has multinational hotels like Oyo; headquarters, Gurgaon, doesn't benefit

Kanyakumari. Gurgaon is located near the National Capital region, near
NCR, benefits north India, instead of South India. Ideal complexion for
Indians is light-skinned, not all South Indians meet requirements, racial ill-
treatment could occur; employees in Northern India could be paid more
than the South and better treated.
 There are many local hotels owners are from other states like Kerala; so
income would not really benefit Kanyakumari itself but other places near it.

• Hotels are located next to wide roads; tourists could call cabs to
go to places, could go to destinations without much problems.

• Tourists could rent cars for cheap rates, don‘t need to walk/call
taxis (often).

• People could hire taxis (ola cabs) wirelessly, can access places more

• Bus stands/stops are limited; not next to tourist stops, tourists reliant
on public transport (aware of climate change/don‘t have money for taxis)
may be unhappy because of having to walk long distances.

• Restaurants get more income from

incoming tourists, they usually eat more
than local customers (enthusiasm in trying
different food)they get more money, sometimes

• Resorts are built to gain income from tourism,

People are hired to work as assistants, servers,
kitchen keepers, etc.; employment.
(Hareen), 7 Best Resorts In Kanyakumari That Spell Peace And Serene (
(Disadvantages); dependent on tourism. Won‘t get much income
without tourists.

• Many seashells are found in Kanyakumari.

arent found all over India, it‘s a peninsula. People
sell seashells in stalls/shops near beaches for
tourists to buy.

Disadvantage: Is informal and is dependent on

visitors, won‘t be able to get money without any
visitors like in situations like lockdown (due to a

•Some tourists could be irresponsible of surroundings,

•throw/drop plastic bottles/soda cans on the beach while
•in a visit.

•Could land in water, causing harm for marine life:
• Fish could swallow pieces of plastic and die, decreasing
•population of (types of) fish.
• Pieces of plastics/other had objects could land in
•between aquatic plant leaves, causing parts to break; int-
•rruption in growth/cause damages to plant parts (stems,
• For the sake of vlogging and capturing moments, tourists often take
picture of locals; which is often without their permission like this one:

Vlogger takes pictures of fishermen without asking teir permission; could


• Kanyakumari Wild life sanctuary.

Animals are protected from being captured, poached. Their surroundings are watched to limit disturbances (human).
 Protected by government of Tamil Nadu, people are therefore charged with harsh punishment if they caused disruption.
 Has a wide variety of animals from tigers, panthers, elephants, blackbucks, etc.
 Unique plant species habitat here.
 Covers over 402km².

Effects: Prevents interruption to development of plants, animals along with their respective surroundings from tourism.

• Keeripirai reserve forest

Practices of hunting, poaching are strongly not
permitted, surroundings of animals closely

 About 20 km.
 Small waterfalls
 Has elephants, monkeys, etc.
 Treks are only allowed in special
circumstances; safety of animals and
Swach Bharat Mission

• The Swach Bharath mission had

helped people living in Kanyakumari
(incl. tourists) gain awareness of
pollution etc.
• Many people volunteer to pick up
garbage on streets and water bodies.
• Reduces amount of waste
(pollutants) on environment dropped
by tourists, like plastic bottle, plastic
bags, etc.

‘Over 300 persons with mental illness wandering in Kanyakumari district ’ - The

Eco-Tourism & Hotels Near Forest Tourist Places in Kanyakumari


Narendran, Vishnu. A Study on Migration of Fishers from Kanyakumari to

the ... - ICSF.

8 Reasons You Have To Visit Kanyakumari This Year | Travel.Earth

7 Famous Things to Buy from Kanyakumari - Tusk Travel

(3) What is the culture of Kanyakumari? – Quora

(488) kashmir main tu kanyakumari – YouTube

(488) kanyakumari vlogs – YouTube

#Kanyakumari Hashtag on Instagram • Photos and Videos,

[ Insert title here ] - [Z31MN] - Publish & Embed – Datawrapper

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