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Members of the group
1. Adriansyah 202111001
2. Azriel Azzahra Deanova P.J 202111005
3. Detia Tiopani 202111009
4. Fanny Amalia 202111013
5. Putra Reza Silalebit 202111020
6. Anggraeni Khairunnisa Wakano 202111021
Definition of conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva or red eye or pink eye.
(Vaughan, 2010)
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (outer layer of the
eye and inner layer of the eyelid) caused by microorganisms (viruses,
bacteria, fungi), allergies, and chemical irritants. (Vaughan, 2010)
a. Bacterial conjunctivitis
Bacterial conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus,
pneumococcus, and haemophillus
b. Viral Conjunctivitis
Viral conjunctivitis is a common disease caused by various types of viruses, and ranges from severe disease
that can cause disability to mild infections that are self-limiting and may last longer than bacterial
c. Allergic conjunctivitis
Allergic conjunctivitis is the most common form of eye allergy and is caused by an inflammatory reaction in
the conjunctiva mediated by the immune system
d.Fungal Conjunctivitis
Fungal conjunctivitis is usually caused by Candida albicans and is a rare infection. It is characterized by
white patches that can occur in diabetic patients and patients with compromised immune systems. Apart
from Candida sp, the disease can also be caused by Sporothtrix schenckii, Rhinosporidium serberi, and
Coccidioides immitis although it is rare
The conjunctiva due to its location is exposed to many microorganisms and other
disturbing environmental factors. Several mechanisms protect the ocular surface from
external substances. In the tear film, the aqueous element dilutes the infectious
material, mucus captures debris and the pumping action of the pelpebrae constantly
transports tears to the tear duct and tears contain antimicrobial substances including
lysozyme. The presence of damaging agents causes injury to the conjunctival
epithelium followed by epithelial edema, cell death and exfoliation, epithelial
hypertrophy or granuloma. There may also be edema of the conjunctival stroma
(chemosis) and hypertrophy of the stromal lymphoid layer (follicle formation).
Clinical manifestations
Clinic and cytology Viral Bacteria Chlamydia Atopic (allergic
Itching Minim Minim Minim Great
Hyperemia General General General General
Tears Profuse Medium Medium Medium
Exudation Minim Dripping mrngucur minimal
Preauricular adenopathy prevalent Rare Typically only There is no
ar inclusionary

Dye scrapings & Monocytes Bacteria, PMN PMN, plasma inclusion Eosinophils
exudates body-badn cells

Sore throat & Sometimes Sometimes Never Never

accompanying heat
Supporting Examination
a. Eye Examination

1. Sharp vision check

2. Examination with confrontation, campimeter and perimeter tests
3. Examination by performing a festel test
b. Medical Therapy
4. Topical antibiotics, steroid drops for allergies (contra-indicated in herpes simplex virus).
c. Laboratory Examination
5. Direct examination of scrapings or eye sap after the material is made into preparations painted with gram
stain or giemsa can be found polymorphonuclear inflammatory cells. In conjunctivitis caused by allergy,
eosinophil cells will be found in the stain with glycerin.
Some complications of untreated conjunctivitis include:
a. Glaucoma
b. Cataracts
c. Retinal detachment
d. Complications in teronic catarrhal conjunctivitis
e. Complications in purulent conjunctivitis often include
corneal ulcers.
1 day after admission to hospital, a 20-year-old man complained of red
left and right eyes, felt like something was stuck. Complaints are also
accompanied by a secretion (belch) which is felt a lot in the morning,
when you wake up. The patient admitted that before the red eye occurred
he was exposed to hot air, sweating and dust, then the patient rubbed his
eyes without washing his hands first and his hands were dirty, after
which the red eye immediately appeared. The next day when he woke up,
there was quite a lot of eye discharge and it felt sticky, making it difficult
to open his eyes. There was slight swelling of the upper eyelid. There
was no stinging, itching or photophobia.
The patient has not treated the complaint. The complaint feels a little less
when the patient sleeps, but the complaint is very disturbing because it
causes discomfort in the eyes. The patient also has no contact with other
people who have red eye. The patient claimed to be unfit and sleep
deprived. Physical examination results temperature 37,2ᵒCTemperature,
pulse 80 x/min, breathing 20 x/min, blood pressure 130/80 mmHg. On
the right and left eyes there is edema on the upper eyelid, the conjunctiva
appears hyperemic, there is greenish yellow secretion in both eyes. The
patient received Erlamycetin 3-4 times a day and Paracetamol 3 x 500
Data analysis
Subjective/objective data Problem Etiology
1. Ds:
• The client complained that the left and right eyes were red, felt like there was Risk of infection Increased exposure to
something stuck with a lot of secretions in the morning. environmental pathogenic
• The client admitted that before the red eye occurred he was exposed to hot air, organisms
sweating and dust, then the patient rubbed his eyes without washing his hands
first and his hands were dirty.
• The client said he did not feel any stinging, itching and photophobia.

• Right and left eyes have edema on the upper eyelid

• conjunctiva appears hyperemic

• greenish-yellow secretions were seen in both eyes.

• The patient received Erlamycetin therapy 3-4 times a day

Data analysis
Subjective/objective data Problem Etiology
Ds: Sleep Pattern Conjunctivits
• The patient claimed to be unwell and sleep deprived.
• Physical examination results:
• S: 37,2ᵒC
• N : 80 x/min
• RR: 20 x/min
• BP: 130/80 mmHg
• Paracetamole 3 x 500 mg.
Data analysis
Subjective/objective data Problem Etiology
Ds: Disordered sense of Symptoms of the
well-being disease
• The client said that the next day when he woke up, there was
quite a lot of eye dirt and felt sticky, making it difficult to open
his eyes.
• The client said there was slight swelling of the upper eyelid.

• Right and left eyes have edema on the upper eyelid

• conjunctiva appears hyperemic

• greenish-yellow secretions were seen in both eyes.

Nursing Diagnoses

1. Infection Risk relate to Increased exposure to

environmental pathogenic organisms
2. Sleep Pattern Disorder relate to Conjutivitis
3. Disruption of comfort relate to disease symptoms
Nursing interventions
DX. Nursing
DX Objectives and Outcome Criteria Intervention
I Infection Risk b.d. Increased After the intervention was carried out for 2x24 Infection prevention (I. 14539)
exposure to environmental hours the problem of risk of infection (L.14137)
pathogenic organisms decreased with the outcome criteria:
1. Monitor local and systemic signs and symptoms
 Hand hygiene improved
of infection
 Redness decreases
 Decreased swelling
2. Wash hands before and after contact with the
patient and the patient's environment
1. Describe the signs and symptoms of infection
2. Teach how to wash your hands properly
1. collaborative administration of Erlamycetin 3-4
Nursing interventions
D DX. Nursing Objectives and Outcome
X Criteria
2. Sleep Pattern After the intervention was Sleep Pattern Support (I.05174)
Disorder b.d carried out for 2x24 hours the
problem of comfort status
(L.08064) improved with the 1. Identify activity and sleep patterns
result criteria
2. Identify sleep disrupting factors (physical and/or psychological)
 Decreased restlessness
 Improved sleep patterns
1. Environmental modifications (e.g. lighting, noise, temperature, mattress, and
2. Limit nap time, if necessary
3. Adjust medication schedules and/or actions to support sleep-wake cycles
1. Explain the importance of getting enough sleep during illness
2. Encourage avoidance of foods/drinks that disturb sleep
1. Collaborative drug administration of Paracetamol 3 x 500 mg.
Nursing interventions
DX. Nursing Objectives and Outcome
DX Intervention
3. Disruption of After the intervention was Relaxation therapy (I.09326)
comfort b.d disease carried out for 2x24 hours the
problem of comfort status
(L.08064) improved with the 1. Identify decreased energy levels, inability to concentrate, or other
result criteria symptoms that impair cognitive abilities.
 Decreased restlessness 2. Identify relaxation techniques that have been effectively used
 Maintenance as needs 3. Identify willingness, ability, and use of previous Techniques
4. Check muscle tension, pulse frequency, blood pressure, and temperature
 Physical health improved before and after the Exercise
 Discomfort decreased 5. Monitor response to relaxation therapy
1. Use relaxation as a supportive strategy with analgesics or other medical
measures, if appropriate.
Nursing interventions
D DX. Nursing Objectives and Outcome
X Criteria
3. Education:
1. Describe the purpose, benefits, limitations and types of relaxation available
(e.g. music, meditation, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation)
2. Describe in detail the chosen relaxation intervention
3. Encourage taking a comfortable position
4. Encourage relaxation and feel the sensation of relaxation 4.
5. Encourage frequent repetition or rehearsal of the chosen Technique 5.
6. Demonstrate and practice Relaxation techniques (e.g. deep breathing,
stretching, or guided imagery)
In conducting the assessment, the author did not find any problems in this regard because of the
cooperation with the patient to complete the data reviewed.

2.Nursing Diagnosis
Nursing diagnosis is a clear statement about the patient's health problems accompanied by nursing
actions. Based on the problems obtained, the author found three nursing diagnosis problems, namely
Infection Risk relate to Increased exposure to environmental pathogenic organisms, Sleep Pattern
Disorders relate to Conjutivitis, Disorders of comfort relate to disease symptoms.

3.Nursing Interventions
At the intervention stage the author sets several action plans that are in accordance with the problems
faced by the patient. In carrying out this planning, the author did not find obstacles and difficulties
because all action plans in carrying out nursing care had been adjusted. And this planning is made
based on the patient's circumstances and conditions.

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