SGLG Good Local Governance GROUP 5

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Provincial Level

The Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG or Seal) as an

institutionalized award, incentive, honor, and recognition-
based program continues to uphold its commitment in
bringing about inclusive and people-oriented reforms
that will enable the local government units to foster a
culture of good governance amid the challenges in the
local government landscape.
The Department issued Memorandum Circular No. 2023-086 on
June 07,2023 with the subject "2023 Seal of Good Local
Governance: Pagkilala sa Karapatan at Kahusayan ng Pamahalaang
Lokal" to provide the quidelines in the conduct of CY 2023 Seal of
Good Local Governance (SGLG) assessmen.

This Memorandum Circular is issued to provide the final
benchmark of the indicator on local revenue growth (LRG) under
the Financial Administration and Sustainability to the SGLG.

This policy shall cover 82 provinces, 148 cities, and 1,486 municipalities which are subjected to the SGLG


Updated Assessment Criteria for Provinces

To qualify for the CY 2023 SGLG, a province must meet the following minimum requiremens for:


• Most recent audit opinion is unmodified or qualified plus 30℅ of recommendations fully complied with

• Compliance with the Full Disclosure Policy, as stated in DILG Memo Circular No. 2019-149. Posting in: (a)
at least three conspicuous places and (b) FDP portal ; and timely submission of FY 2022-Q4 FY 2022-Q4
LIFT System Reports (Statement of Receipts and Expenditures and the Quarterly Report on Real Property
•At least 3℅ average local revenue growth for FYs 2020-2022, OR
atleast 3℅ revenue growth/increase for FY 2021-2022

• Utilization of the 20℅ component of the National Tax Allotment

( Development Fund, CY 2022) ( Benchmark at least 55℅ of the 20℅
componen of the NTA as of December 31, 2022)

• Full utilization of all Performance Challenge Fund's released in CY

2019 and earlier, if applicable

• Full utilization of all Local Government Support Fund (LGSF) grants

received in CY 2021 by December 31, 2022.

• CY 2023 Annual Budget is approved on or before December 31,


• Full PDRRMC membership and regular meetings for all quartes of CY 2022

• LDRRMO with (a) Plantilla PDRRMO Head with at least SG 22; (b) at least 3 plantilla staff complement;
and (c) work space

• Approved Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP) and engagement of component
cities and municipalities in the planning process or initiative to communicate the plan to their component

• Approved CY 2023 Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (PDRRMO) Plan and Budget

• Approved Contingency Plans (CP) integrating COVID- 19/Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Disease
(EREID) concerns

• At least 60℅ fund utilization of the 70℅ component of CY 2022 LDRRMF- Preparedness component as of
December 31, 2022.
• Early warning system with (a) at least 1 marker for top 1 and top 2 hazard
in high-risk areas, (b) warning and alarm system, (c) automated or locally
innovated rain gauge,(d) information on EWS in conspicuous places, and (e)
SOP on the end-to-end use of EWS, including feedback mechanisms,
communicated to residents in high risk areas.

•Pre-emptive and forced evacuation mechanism

• Established Evacuation Management (EM) system and resources: (a)

evacuation center (EC) with minimum required facilities and standards,
system for registration, management plan/protocol/system integrating the
observation of minimum health protocols, info guide in the EC, and
management committee/teams ; and (b) prepositioned goods, resources,
and servics
• Equipped and trained Search and Rescue(SAR) or Emergency Response
(ER) teams

• LDRRM Operations Center with SOP

• Established ICS and at least one LDRRMC head/master or LDRRMO

head/staff trained any level of ICS.

• Participation and compliance with the submission of required documents

in the 2023 Gawad Kalasag (GK) Seal for LDRRMCOs.

* Gender and development

* Organized Local committees and anti trafficking and violence Against

women and their children (LCAT-VAWC)

* Updated provincial code for children

* A compliance with the accessibility Law

* Functionality of Person with Disability Affairs office

* Compliance with Mandatory Indigenous People representation in Sangunian

* Atleast 75% fund utilization/completion of PAPs for Senior citizens and PWDs

*At least one DSWD-accredited LGU-managed residential care facility for the vulnerable sectors(eg, women,
children, senior citizens and PWDs)

* Efforts to strengthen the Provincial Social Work and Development office

* Efforts to further mainstream social protection as reflected in the presence of comprehensive Social
Protection Development Report (SPDR)

* Institutionalized Public Employement Service office

* Functional Provincial Development council

* Established population office with a appointed or designated population office/coordinator

Health Compliance and Responsiveness

4.1 Complete final version of the Annual Operations plans (AOP)


Met at least two of the following:

• Atleast 55% of households with access to safely managed drinking water services in
CY 2021
. Atleast 43.60% of households with safely managed sanitation services in CY 2021
. TB Case Notification Rate
. Atleast 60-110% Operation Timbang (OPT)
. Institutionalized DRRM-H system
. Functional Local Epidemiology Surveillance Unit
Sustainable Education
. Functional provincial school board
. Atleast two (2) PAPs conducted in collaboration with two (2) different external
partners in CY 2022 [Mandatort]
. At least two (2) LGU-initiated planned PAPs in their LDIP/AIP or SEF Budget/LSB Plan
covering CY 2023 [Mandatory]
. At least two (2) PAPs that promote inclusive education in CY 2022

Business-Friendliness and Competitiveness

a.) Finalist of the PCCI's Most Business-Friendly LGU's Award CY 2022, OR
b.) Ranked among the Top 20 Provinces in the 2022 Competitiveness Index, OR
c.) All of the following:
6.1.1 Established provincial economic development and investment promotion
6.1.2 Updated provincial investment and incentives code

• Passed the 2022 Peace and Order Council Performance

Audit Rating.

• Related highly -functional in the 2022 Anti - Drug Abuse

Council Performance Audit.

• Provided logistical support to the PNP Provincial Office in

CY 2022.

Solid Waste Management

• Provincial Solid Waste Management board with CSO and
Private sector representative and shall convene joint
meeting of the Provincial, City, and Municipal Solid Waste
Management boards every quarter in CY 2022.

• Approved 10 - years Solid Waste Plan

Wetland and Water Management
•At least three of these initiatives contribution to biodiversity
conservation and enhancement focusing on inland wetlands and
water bodies .
(a.) Registry and map included in the Ecological profile,
(b.) Ordinance establishing wetlands or water body as a
conservation area or with protection purposes.
(c.) Management plan for an inlands or water body.
(d.) Program or project conducted on biodiversity conservation and
enhancement an or Water Management in CY 2022 or 2023.
•At least two of these initiatives on Water Quality Management
(a.) Annual Water Quality Monitoring Results of a water body indicating the
water quality with in the river classification.
(b.) Water Quality Monitoring unit created with monitoring capabilities.

Parks and Green Development

• Any of the efforts of establishment or maintenance of Public Public Parks
and Green Spaces.
(a.) At least one public park or green space maintained.
(b.) List and Map of Public Parks and green spaces in their jurisdiction included
in the Ecological profile or PDPFP or FLUP.

*Provincial tourism office or officer

*Tourists information and assistance center desks

*Approval Local Tourism Development Plan or at least the presence of one of

these: (a)EO or resolution creating the tourism Development Plan Committee
or TWG;(b)approved work plan for the formulation of the plan;and
(c) draft plan
*Provincial council for the promotion of culture and the arts

*At least 75% utilization rate of the CY 2022 budget appropriated for the
conservation and preservation of cultural property

*Updated Cultural property inventory

*Documented and published narrative of history and culture


*Functional provincial youth development council;(a)structure (b)quarterly

meetings and (c)trained members

*Provincial Development Plan

*LGU support to youth development with any two of these

(a)ordinance/resolution passed on Youth Development or adoption of local
youth anti poverty agenda in CY 2022 (b)facility/designated space dedicated
for youth related programs or activites (c)youth related program or service
conducted by any LGU office

*At least 10% of its component cities and municipalities are CY 2023 SGLG

*Reports on Casualties and Damages during Disasters

*Institutional integrity should not have been found guilty in corruption cases

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