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Bullying &

Ridicule Among
What is Bullying?
 Bullying is any unwanted or aggressive behavior from
someone who is intentionally trying to upset, harm, or have
power over you.

 It occurs among children, adolescents, and teens, either in

person, online, or through social media.
1. Physical Bullying
2. Verbal Bullying
3. Relational or social bullying
4. Cyberbullying
 It includes bodily harm or damage to possession.
 It is the most obvious form of intimidation .
 Physical bullying can include:
• Hitting, kicking, or spitting on someone
• Tripping or pushing someone
• Taking or breaking someone’s things
• Making mean or inappropriate gestures
It is when someone is saying or writing harmful things or
making threats.
It often accompanies physical behavior
Verbal bullying includes:
• Name-calling
• Taunting
• Teasing
• Threatening to cause harm
• Making inappropriate comments
It involves threatening someone's reputation or relationships.
 Also called relational bullying, relational aggression, or
emotional bullying
Social bullying can include:
• Excluding someone on purpose
• Spreading rumors and gossip about someone
• Shunning, or telling others not to interact or be friends
with someone
• Publicly embarrassing someone
 It involves bullying or harassing someone online or through
social media.
This harassment can occur on a computer, telephone, cell, or text
messaging device.
Cyberbullying can include:
• Sending mean texts
• Posting insults about someone on social media
• Making rude comments about someone's posts
• Threatening someone or bullying them through online chats or
Prevention of Bullying
Prevention of Bullying
1. Be confident. Show your kids to have confidence by standing up
for themselves when necessary. Help them understand the
difference between assertiveness and aggression.

2. Keep the lines of communication open. Check in with kids often.

Listen to them. Know their friends, ask about school, and
understand their concerns.
Prevention of Bullying
3. Encourage kids to do what they love. Special activities, interests, and
hobbies can boost confidence, help kids make friends, and protect them from
bullying behavior.

4. Validate your child’s feelings. When your child is sad, frustrated, and angry,
acknowledge each emotion, even if you do not feel the same. If a child’s
concerns are often dismissed as unimportant, the turmoil that comes with
bullying may be internalized and repressed.
Prevention of Bullying
5. Be a role model on how to treat others with kindness and respect.
6. Intervene to lessen harms and prevent future risk .
7. Create protective community environments
8. Teach kids how and when to report bullying when they witness it, and
help them understand why they do not want to be a bystander.
RA 10627: The Anti-Bullying Act of 2013
Philippine law requiring all elementary and secondary
schools to implement policies to prevent and address acts of
bullying in their institutions
Child Abuse
Child abuse encompasses a range of harmful actions or
omissions inflicted upon minors, impeding their physical,
emotional, or psychological development.

80% of Filipino children have experienced some form of

violence at home, in school, in their community and online.
Forms of Child Abuse
1.Physical abuse
2. Child Sexual Abuse
3. Emotional Abuse
4. Medical Abuse
5. Neglect
 It occurs when a child is purposely physically injured or
put at risk of harm by another person.
 It is any sexual activity with a child.
This can involve sexual contact, such as intentional
sexual touching, oral-genital contact or intercourse.
This can also involve noncontact sexual abuse of a child,
such as exposing a child to sexual activity or pornography;
observing or filming a child in a sexual manner; sexual
harassment of a child; or prostitution of a child, including
sex trafficking.
It means injuring a child's self-esteem or emotional well-
 It includes verbal and emotional assault — such as
continually belittling or berating a child — as well as
isolating, ignoring or rejecting a child.
Medical child abuse occurs when someone gives false
information about illness in a child that requires medical
attention, putting the child at risk of injury and unnecessary
medical care.
Neglect is failure to provide adequate food, clothing,
shelter, clean living conditions, affection, supervision,
education, or dental or medical care.
Legal Framework for
Child Protection
Republic Act No. 7610 - Special Protection of Children Against
Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act

• RA 7610 serves as the primary law addressing child abuse and providing
measures for the protection and rehabilitation of child victims. It defines the
different forms of abuse and sets penalties for those found guilty of
committing such acts.
Legal Framework for
Child Protection
The Family Code of the Philippines

• The Family Code establishes the fundamental principles governing family relations
and includes provisions that protect children's rights. It emphasizes the
responsibility of parents to provide proper care, support, and guidance to their
Legal Framework for
Child Protection
The Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act (RA 9344, amended by RA

• This law focuses on the rights and protection of children involved in conflict
with the law, emphasizing rehabilitation rather than punitive measures. It
establishes the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council to ensure proper
Reporting Child Abuse
• In the Philippines, there are multiple avenues to report child abuse
cases, such as the:
• Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
• Philippine National Police (PNP)
• Educational institutions, healthcare providers, and concerned
citizens are also mandated reporters.
Child Protection Networks (CPNs)
• CPNs are established in various regions to coordinate and enhance
the response to child abuse cases. They promote inter-agency
collaboration among government agencies, non-government
organizations, and other stakeholders.
Let’s choose kindness instead and spread
positivity at all times to ensure children and
adolescents grow up in a safe and protective

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