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 Introduction
 Greenhouse Effect
 Natural Greenhouse
 Artificial greenhouse
 Causes of Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse Gases
Ozone Layer Depletion
Formation of clouds
 Disadvantages of accumulation
 Solutions to increasing Greenhouse effect
 Solutions to Greenhouse effect
 conclusion

 Greenhouse gases are gases that contributes to

the warming of the Earth's atmosphere by
reflecting radiation from the Earth's surface.
 Greenhouse gases greatly affect the temperature of
the Earth; without them, Earth's surface would be
about 33 °C (59 °F) colder than at present.
 Greenhouse gases are those that can absorb and
emit infrared radiation.
In order, the most abundant
greenhouse gases in Earth's
atmosphere are:
 water vapor (H2O)
 carbon dioxide (CO2)
 methane(CH4)
 nitrous oxide (N2O)
 ozone (O3)
Greenhouse Effect
 Greenhouse Effect the capacity of certain
gases in the atmosphere to trap heat emitted
from Earth’s surface, thereby insulating and
warming the planet.
 The greenhouse effect has warmed Earth
for over 4 billion years.
Founder of Greenhouse Effect
 The greenhouse effect was discovered by Joseph
Fourier in 1824.
 First reliably experimented on by John Tyndall in
 First reported quantitatively by Svante Arrhenius
in 1896
Natural Greenhouse

 Earth is much colder than the sun, but it is warmer than

the space outside its atmosphere.
 Earth's atmosphere is made up of gases, and these
gases allow some solar radiation to reach the planet but
also absorb some of the heat radiating from the planet,
trapping it and radiating it back downward to the
 This cycle is called the greenhouse effect, because it is
similar to the warming process inside a glass-walled
Artificial greenhouse

 A greenhouse is a house made of glass. It has glass

walls and a glass roof.
 People grow tomatoes ,flowers and other plants in
 A greenhouse stays warm inside, even during winter.
 Sunlight shines in and warms the plants and air inside.
 But the heat is trapped by the glass and can't escape.
 Due to artificial greenhouse people can grow plants in
the off season too.
Causes of Greenhouse effect

 Greenhouse Gases
 Ozone Layer Depletion
 Formation of clouds
Greenhouse Gases

 Gasesthat trap heat in the atmosphere are called

greenhouse gases. This section provides
information on emissions and removals of the
main greenhouse gases to and from the
Ozone Layer Depletion
A cause of increasing Greenhouse Effect Ozone
depletion describes two distinct but related
phenomena observed since the late 1970s: a steady
decline of about 4% per decade in the total volume of
ozone in Earth's stratosphere (the ozone layer), and a
much larger springtime decrease in stratospheric
ozone over Earth's polar regions. The latter
phenomenon is referred to as the ozone hole
Formation of clouds
Clouds are created when water vapor, an
invisible gas, turns into liquid water droplets.
These water droplets form on tiny particles,
like dust, that are floating
in the air.
Disadvantages of accumulation
 Increase in Earth’s average temperature
 Rise in sea level
 Melting of snow, glaciers
 Extinction of various plants and animal species
 Struggle for existence
Solutions to increasing Greenhouse effect

 Reduce the use of materials which produce greenhouse

 Avoid the burning of fossil fuel and household residue.
 Upgrade infrastructures.
 Afforestation.
 Using alternative sources of energy.
 Using eco-friendly materials.
 Incineration plant should be established.
 Pollution should be controlled
Solutions to Greenhouse effect

 Save energy at home. ...

 Walk, bike, or take public transport. ...
 Eat more vegetables. ...
 Consider your travel. ...
 Throw away less food. ...
 Reduce, reuse, repair & recycle. ...
 Change your home's source of energy. ...
 Switch to an electric vehicle.
conclusion without
greenhouse effect

 The Earth would not be able to support life.

 But if the greenhouse effect becomes too strong,
the earth will be too hot to support life. Even a
little to much heat could hurt the animals, plants,
and everything else on the planet.
 Without the gasses that surround the planet, heat
would escape back into space, causing the earths
average tempter to be about 60 degrees colder
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