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Background of 7 QC tools:

 7 QC tools are a set of graphical data representation and simple statistical tools are
used for problem solving.

 These tools were either developed in Japan or introduced to Japan by the Quality
Gurus such as Deming and Juran. Kaoru Ishikawa has stated that these 7 tools can be
used to solve 95% of all problems.

 The 7 QC Tools are designed to simple , So that an average person can apply them in
process in any process or industry.
What is the use of 7 QC Tools?
 It encourages the way of problem-solving and improvement.

 They are very simple to use but it is very powerful.

 It is a scientific approach for problem-solving.

 We can get an 80% result by applying 20% of the effort.

 Each tool has its own specialty for problem solving and analysis.

 It is very easy to understand, communicate, and use by the shop floor operator .
7 QC Tools
1.Check Sheets
2. Cause and Effect Diagram
4.Pareto Diagram

5. Scatter Diagram
6.Control Charts

What is Check Sheet ?

Check Sheet is also called as Tally Sheet and is used for collecting and analyzing data.

Data collection is an important activity in the problem solving process as it provides

a basic for further action. A data may be numerical, observations and opinion.
 For collecting real-time data from production processes.
For example, Production data recording check sheet – part wise, model wise, machine wise
and operator wise.
 To distinguish between fact & opinion.
 To collect data about the type of problem/defects/rejection or non-conformance.
 When the data collection required from different machines, parts, models, shifts,
persons and locations etc.
 When to record product and process related parameters against defined
work standards to ensure quality.

 Helps to analyze the data for corrective and preventive actions.

 Helps in making the Bar graph, Histogram and Pareto Chart.
 Helps to take decision at a glace to control the product and process related non conformance
 Helps to detect how often a problem occurs.
 It facilitates systematic record keeping or data collection.
Computer related problem check sheet that shows the weekly status of problems. An example
given below, shows at a glance that the major problem are related to Email and Server Access
and last fourth week having the maximum problem.
Supplier related problem check sheet that shows the daily status of problems. An example
given below, shows at a glance that the major problem are related quality problem
Final Visual Station check sheet
Part Name: CASING Part Number: MJ007
SL No. Defects Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total Qty
1 White patch IIII III IIII II II III 18
2 Dent and Damage I I I I I 5
4 Blow Holes/Voids I I 2
5 Operation Skip I I 2
6 Rust II I III II IIII 12
7 Tool Mark I I 2
8 Under fill I 1
Total Qty 10 10 10 10 8 9 57
Visual station check sheet that shows the daily status of problems. An example given below,
shows at a glance that the major problem are related quality problem
Pareto Chart Microsoft Excel

What is Pareto Chart ? 97-2003 Worksheet

Pareto chart helps to Narrow problem area or prioritize the significant problems for corrective

Pareto Principle
Principle is based on Pareto 80-20 Rule i.e. 80 % of Problems comes from 20 % of the reasons.
Separates “Vital few” from “Trivial many
Pareto Chart
About “Pareto Chart“
 “Pareto Chart” also called as “Pareto Diagram“.

 Named after Italian Economist Wilfredo Pareto.

 80 % of issues comes from 20% of the problems.

 Shows focus area to get most gains.

 Bar chart arranged in descending order of height.

 Bars on left side relatively important than those in right .

 Separates “Vital few” from “Trivial many”.

Pareto Chart

Benefits of Pareto Diagram or Pareto Analysis

 Identifies ‘Major Few’ problems for necessary measures.
 Improves team performance & effectiveness.
 Helps to analyses Weighted cost of problem.
Problem prioritization of the quality related problem using pareto chart

Final Station Defect Summery

SL No. Defect Qty
1 White patch 18
2 Dent and Damage 5
3 Burr 15
4 Blow Holes/Voids 2
5 Operation Skip 2
6 Rust 12
7 Tool Mark 2
8 Under fill 1
EXAMPLE-2 SL No Product Number COPQ In lakhs
1 AA0001 0.5
Problem prioritization of the quality related problem using pareto chart 2 AB0011 1.2
3 AC0016 0.6
4 AP0017 1.9
5 AD0001 1.9
6 AK0001 2.5
7 AF0001 2.65
8 BA0001 2.44
9 BA0012 1.3
10 BA0023 1.95
11 BA0016 1.93
12 BA0014 0.86
13 BA0015 1.87
14 BA0009 1.65
15 CA0051 0.3
16 CA0012 0.5
17 NA0002 2.2
18 NB0002 0.75
19 NK0021 0.8
20 MN0012 0.9
21 AR0012 1.2
22 AR0006 2.3
23 AR0071 1.9
24 AR0012 1.2
25 AR0016 0.7
26 BA005 0.65
27 AC0011 0.52
28 AD0012 0.65
29 AA0023 0.25
30 AS0012 0.95
31 AS0045 0.65
32 AD0025 2.3
A Histogram is a pictorial representation of a set of data, and the most commonly used bar
graph for showing frequency distributions of data/values.
It is created by grouping the measurements into “cells” or “class ” or “bins”.

It is similar to the bar chart, but it groups data points into classes and plot frequencies.


 To summarize large data sets graphically.

 To compare measurements to specifications.

 Assist in decision making.

97-2003 Worksheet

 A bar graph that shows the frequency distribution of values/data.

 To assess process capability & to understand variation.

 Useful to understand the spread or variations, location, and shape of the data.

 To know whether a process is stable and predictable.

 To know whether the process produces within specification.

 Process monitoring and centering.

Microsoft Excel
Steps for constructing a Frequency distribution graph or Histogram in excel are as follows: 97-2003 Worksheet

Step-1 Count the number of data points ‘n’.

Step-2 Compute the range of data. The range ‘R’ is the difference between the largest and the smallest value in the
Step-3 Determine the number of classes or intervals i.e. class size
Histogram Microsoft Excel
97-2003 Worksheet

Step-4 Compute class width.

Step-5 Prepare the Tally sheet or Check sheet by summarizing data on it.
Step-6 Count the number of parts in each interval i.e. Number of frequencies within a particular class.
Histogram Microsoft Excel
97-2003 Worksheet
Step-7 Now plot the graph. Place frequencies on the vertical axis, and class intervals on the horizontal axis.

Step-8 Interpret the histogram by seeing the shape distribution.

SL No. DATA Sl No. DATA 20.1 1 Microsoft Excel
1 97-2003 Worksheet
20.1 26 20.15 20.12 3
2 20.13 27 20.15 20.13 6
3 20.13 28 20.16 20.14 9
4 20.13 29 20.15 20.15 13
5 20.15 30 20.15 20.16 11
6 20.16 31 20.13 20.17 4
7 20.12 32 20.12
20.18 2
8 20.16 33 20.16
20.19 1
20.14 34 20.15
10 20.2 0
20.12 35 20.13
11 20.16 36 20.14
12 20.14 37 20.15 Range 0.09
13 20.13 38 20.15 K 5
14 20.15 39 20.15 H 0.013
15 20.14 40 20.16
16 20.16 41 20.14
17 20.14 42 20.15
18 20.14 43 20.16
19 20.16 44 20.15
20 20.14 45 20.16
21 20.16 46 20.15
22 20.17 47 20.18
23 20.18 48 20.14
24 20.19 49 20.17
25 20.17 50 20.17
Microsoft Excel
97-2003 Worksheet
Cause and Effect diagram Microsoft Excel
97-2003 Worksheet

What is a Fishbone Diagram? Ishikawa Diagram | Cause & Effect Diagram .

Fishbone Diagram” also known as “Ishikawa diagram” and “Cause and Effect diagram.

It helps to Identify all potential or probable causes and select the best cause which
contributes to the problem/effect.

The brainstorming technique is used here for potential cause identification.

In a brainstorming session, all 4M or 6M factors are taken into consideration to

identify the potential causes.
Cause and Effect diagram Microsoft Excel
97-2003 Worksheet

About Fishbone Diagram

 Developed by Kaoru Ishikawa of Japan.

 To find out probable or potential that contributes to problem/effect.
 The brainstorming technique is used to identify potential causes.
 4M or 6M factors analysis done in brainstorming.
 Helps to identify the root cause of the problem.

When to use an Ishikawa Diagram?

 Problem-solving to focus on the Quality problem.

 To sort out interactions among factors for a cause.
 To analyze existing problems.
Cause and Effect diagram Microsoft Excel
97-2003 Worksheet

Why use the Ishikawa Diagram?

 Helps to determine the Root Cause of a Problem.

 To identify the Key Inputs variables – Primary, Secondary and Tertiary causes.
 Helps in identifying the possible cause for variation present in a process.
 Increases knowledge of a process and its factors.
 Helps to identify areas for data collection.
Cause and Effect diagram
Steps for making “Cause and Effect Diagram” Microsoft Excel
97-2003 Worksheet

Step-1: Identify & define the problem/effect. Use 5W2H approach to define problem.
1.1 Decide on the effect to examine.

Step-2: Fill in the Problem Box & draw the spline.

Step-3: Fill in the Problem Box & draw the spline.

Step-4: Identify Probable Causes that contributes to the problem/effects.

Also called Secondary causes.
4.1 Use Brainstorming technique and Check sheet for cause analysis.
4.2 Brainstorming – on 4M factors without previous preparation
Step-5: Add detailed levels i.e. identify sub-causes & analyze the diagram. Also
called Tertiary causes. Microsoft Excel
97-2003 Worksheet

Benefits of “Fishbone Diagram“

 Focus is on ‘Causes’ rather than on ‘Symptoms’ or ‘assumptions’.
 Break problems down into small pieces to find the real root cause.
 Increase people involvement & teamwork.
 Improves team performance & effectiveness.
 Improves process knowledge.
Stratification is a statistical technique of breaking down value/data into meaningful categories or

.Stratification Definition and Meaning

Stratification is a technique or method that can be defined in many ways:

A technique used to analyze and divide a universe of data into homogeneous groups called -
In Stratification, data recording/observation carried out from multiple sources like shifts,
machines, days, people, etc.
In other words, it is a method to divide the data into sub-categories and obtain meaningful
information to solve a quality problem.
A statistical technique or system of formation of layers or classes or categories to analyze the
Microsoft Excel
97-2003 Worksheet

When to use Stratification?

 When the data come from different sources or conditions, such as data collected from
different shifts, machines, people, days, suppliers and population groups, etc.
 Used extensively to control and improve the process. Is the process running OK and how

Benefits of Stratification
 Overall improve in product and process quality.
 Unknown strands of data can be identified.
 Systematic reduction of Process Variation-common cause of variation.
97-2003 Worksheet

Example: Machine wise Stratification.

Rejection data collected from three different machines and date wise trend chart plotted. From the chart,
we can see that machine-3 is contributing to high defects/rejection as compare to machine-1.
Therefore, the main focus area/source is a machine no.
3 for necessary measures to reduce process variation and rejection level.
97-2003 Worksheet

Example-1: Machine wise Stratification.

Rejection data collected from three different machines and date wise trend chart plotted. From the chart,
we can see that machine-3 is contributing to high defects/rejection as compare to machine-1.
Therefore, the main focus area/source is a machine no.
3 for necessary measures to reduce process variation and rejection level.
Scatter Diagram
catter Diagram is also known as Correlation Chart, Scatter Plot, Scatter Chart, and Scatter Graph.
Scatter Graph is used to find out the relationship between the two variables.
Scatter Graph It shows a Positive or Negative correlation between two variables.


It is a visual & statistical testing quality tool that is used to find out the relationships between
two variables.

•Used in problem-solving to establish a root cause.
•Examine root cause theories in Cause & Effect.
 To analyzes strength & find out the relationship between two variables.
 Provides the data to confirm a hypothesis that two variables are related
 For Better process management in the variable analysis.
 Establish a relationship between two sets of numerical data.
 To track trends & patterns of different measures.
Scatter Diagram
According to correlation pattern, the Scatter chart is divided into main five categories
1.Scatter chart with Strong or High Positive Correlation.
As the X value increases, the Y value also increases.
Example: Motorcycle Speed Vs Accident.
In the below diagram, the independent variable is speed and the dependent variable is an
accident. As the speed of the motorcycle increases on the highway, the accident rate also
increases accordingly.
Scatter Diagram
2. Scatter diagram with Strong or High Negative Correlation :
Scatter Diagram
3. Scatter diagram with Week or Low Positive Correlation :
Scatter Diagram
4. Scatter diagram with Week or Low Positive Correlation :
Scatter Diagram
5.Scatter diagram with Weakest or No Correlation :
Control Chart Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel
97-2003 Worksheet Worksheet

Control chart is also known as SPC chart or Shewhart chart.

It is a graphical representation of the collected information/data.
And helps to monitor the process centering or process behavior against the specified/set control
Control chart is a very powerful tool to find/investigate the source of Process Variations
present in the manufacturing processes.

Tells when to take necessary action to eliminate the Common or Random or Chance
variations and Special cause of variations. With the help of Control chart, Process Capability
of the production process is measured by Cp and Cpk and Pp and Ppk study.
History of Control Chart
Dr. Walter A. Shewhart, an American, has been credited with the invention of control charts for
variable and attribute data in the 1920s, at the Bell Telephone Industries .

Types of Control Chart

1- Variables (Continues Value)
 X -R chart (Average value and range/SD)
 X (MR) chart (measured value)
2-- Attributes (Discrete Value)
 pn chart (Numbr of defective value)
 p chart (Fraction Defectives)
 c chart (Number of Defects)
 u chart (Number of defects per unit)
History of Control Chart
Dr. Walter A. Shewhart, an American, has been credited with the invention of control charts for
variable and attribute data in the 1920s, at the Bell Telephone Industries .

Elements of Typical Control Charts

 Horizontal axis for sample number or sub-group value.
 Vertical axis for sample statistics e.g. Target or Avg. mean line, UCL and LCL Line.
 Target or Avg. Mean or Central Line – X bar
 Upper control Limit line-UCL Line
 Lower control Limit line-LCL Liner
 Plotting of the sample sub-group avg. value.
Control Chart
When to use a Control chart ?
 Visual display for Process output.
 To identify variation at its source.
 To monitor, control & improve process performance.

Benefits of Control charts

•To predict process visually.
•Helps to identify Common and Special cause of variations.
•Provides indication for taking action.
Steps for making Control Chart
 Fulfill precondition
 Complete preparatory steps
 Data/Information collection
 Making Trial Control limits
 Validation of trial control limits.
 Process Capability study i.e Cp and Cpk study
 Ongoing process control
 Continual improvement
Control Chart
Calculation of Trial Control Limits
Microsoft Excel
Trial Control limits for Average Chart:

UCLx = X double bar + A2*R bar

LCLx = X double bar – A2*R bar

•Trial Control limits for Range Chart:

UCLR = D4 * R bar

LCLR = D3 * R bar
Where D4, D3 and A2 are constant varying as per sample sub-group size.

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