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We are group 6

Members: Giang, Hoan, Lâm Chi


Once upon a time, in one

palace, there was a knight
named Peter, he was tasked
with guarding the palace.
One day, he went to the forest to
train with the other knights.
However,when he returned, he
saw a chaotic scene, James (the
newly crowned king) captured all
the poor and locked up with the
beasts in a maze with no way out
to satisfy his joy.
Despite being a royal knight,
Peter could not stand and
watch the people of his
kingdom being exiled like that.
Peter and his knightly friends
stood up to James but his army
was too strong. Peter's friends
had to sacrifice themselves and
he was the lucky one to escape
from James’ army.
Despairingly, he remembered
his father's last advice before he
died , that deep in the forest was
hiding treasure. Inside of it is a
compass with the ability to
increase strength. And now, the
adventure of finding the
compass by Peter begins.
While walking in the woods, Peter
suddenly heard a cry for help. He spread
the foliage out and saw an elephant, and
on its feet was a sharp trap by a hunter.
Peter ran to him, removed the trap and
bandaged his paw.After the elephant's
paw was healed and to say thank you to
Peter, it said:
-Thank you. If you're in trouble, just say
"Abum," I'll show up and save you.
Peter and the elephant say goodbye to
each other and Peter continues on his
journey. Along the way, he saw in a cave,
a lion dying of starvation. Peter took
some food from his pocket and
approached the lion. Seeing a stranger
approaching, the lion tried to use some
of his little strength to roar as if to
defend himself. But when he saw Peter
approaching with the food in his hand,
he gradually threw away his defensive
and approached Peter to get the food.s
A moment later, as the lion
gradually regained its strength,
to thank the knight for his help,
he took out a stone from the
cave and said:
- When you have this stone, you
can call the rain and the wind as
you like.
Peter thanked the lion and suddenly
remembered something and said:

- If you don't mind, can you tell me the

shortest way to get to the temple where the
magic compass is hidden?

- -"You just need to walk along the two mountain

ranges ahead and you will go to a village, the
people there will tell you where the exact
location of the temple is," the lion said. Peter
heard that and thanked him and hurried off.
As the lion said, Peter has reached the village.
But as soon as he was about to ask a villager
about the location of the temple, he was
captured by the others. They put him in a stone
prison. After a few days, they took him to the
temple. He asked them why they had arrested
him and where they were going to take him. Then
one said they would take him to sacrifice,
because their land had been in drought for years.
At that moment, he remembered the lion's stone
and shouted at them:
-I hold the stone of the gods in my hand. If you let
me go, I'll rain on this village.
Hearing that, the people released him. At that
moment, he picked up the stone and shouted for
the rain. Then dark clouds came, and then
raindrops fell.
After that rain, the people greatly appreciated
Peter, and led him to the temple. Arriving at the
temple's door, the village head said:

-Behind this stone door is the place where the

magic compass is hidden, but for many years
no one has been able to enter at this door.

Peter suddenly remembered the elephant he

had saved and then he shouted, "Abum," and
the elephant appeared. With his powerful
power, the elephant easily knocked down the
stone door.
After thanking and saying goodbye to the elephant
with the village , he quickly ran inside the temple, the
closer he got, a bright, dazzling golden light spread
throughout the space, Peter found the compass! He
stepped closer to the compass and took it. When he
just touched the compass, his whole body seemed to
be filled with an abundant source of strength.
Surprisingly, this compass also had
a magical use that when holding it
in hand, just needed to think where
he wanted to go, he would get there
in a note. When holding the
treasure, he has the idea to break
into King James's labyrinth and
save the villagers with this
compass. Holding it in his hand, he
rejoiced and closed his eyes,
thinking of the maze and… Pop!

Thanks for your listening.

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