Chapter 2 Biostatics

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)1( ‫الكترونيات حيوية و قياسات‬

Bioinstrumentation I
‫ نعمان قائد النجار‬.‫د‬.‫إعداد أ‬
Prepared by: ‫ نصر قايد العودي‬.‫مدرس المقرر د‬
Pr. Noman AL Naggar- Professor in biomedical engineering
Department of Biomedical Engineering UST-Sana’a
Adjusted by:
Dr. Nasr Kaid AL Awdi- PhD in biomedical engineering
Department of Biomedical Engineering UST-ADEN
Dr.Noman 1
Generalized Static characteristics
1. accuracy
2. Precision
3. Resolution
4. Repeatability or Reproducibility
5. Static sensitivity
6. linearity
Generalized Dynamic characteristics
General Design Criteria for BMI
Sources of biomedical signals

Dr.Noman 2
 Generalized System Characteristics
1-Static System Characteristics
_Describe the performance of instruments for dc or very low frequency inputs.
_The properties of the output for a wide range of constant inputs demonstrate the quality
of the measurement, including nonlinear and statistical effects.
_Some sensors and instruments, such as piezoelectric devices, respond only to time-
varying inputs and have no static characteristics.

2-Dynamic system characteristics

It require the use of differential equations to describe the quality of the measurements.
Although dynamic characteristics usually depend on static characteristics.

Dr.Noman 3
Generalized System Characteristics
Static System Characteristics-1
The difference between the true value and the measured value
divided by the true value.
Accuracy defines how close the measurement result is to the real
b- Precision:
A measurement expresses the number of distinguishable
alternatives from which a given result is selected.
A voltmeter with a larger number of digits has a higher precision
than one with fewer digits. E.g. a voltmeter reading 2.434v is more
precise than that reading 2.43v

Dr.Noman 4
Generalized Static Characteristics…..
1-Static System Characteristics
d. Resolution
.The smallest incremental quantity that can be reliably measured
.However, high resolution does not imply high accuracy
.High resolution implies high precision
Data points with (a) low precision
high precision )b( Figure 2.1

e. Repeatability or Reproducibility (b)

the quality of obtaining the same output from repeated measurements from
.the same input over a period of time
Obtaining the highest possible precision, repeatability, and accuracy is a
.major goal in bioinstrumentation design

Generalized Static Characteristics
1-Static System Characteristics
f. Static sensitivity:
Some definitions of static sensitivity:
baseline drift (intercept), sensitivity (slope)
and the sensitivity drift.

Figure 2.2

Generalized Static Characteristics
-1-Static System Characteristics

g. linearity:
illustration of the definition of linear system. If the y1 corresponds
to the input x1 and y2 to x2, then y1+y2 is the output when x1+x2
is supplied as input.
If the input is increase by k fold, the output will also be increased
by k fold

x1 y1 x1 + x 2 Linear y1 + y 2
System System

x2 y2 kx1 Linear ky1

System System

Dynamic System Characteristics-2
Zero order system:
The simplest nontrivial form of the differential equation results when all the
a’s and b’s are zero except a0 and b0.
a0 y (t )  b0 x(t )
Transfer Function b0
Example H ( j ) 
Linear potentiometer
Zero order system has a constant frequency response

Dynamic System Characteristics-2
Zero order system:

(a) A linear potentiometer, an example of a

zero-order system,
(b) Linear static characteristic for this

Figure 2.3
Dynamic System Characteristics-2
First order system:
If the instrument contains a single energy-storage element, then a
first-order derivative of y(t) is required in the differential equation.
Time-domain dy (t )
a1  a0 y (t )  b0 x(t )
Example dt
RC filter
The first order system has two important parameters:
1. The gain K
2. The time constant τ
The time constant determines the frequency response of the system.
Dynamic System Characteristics-2
First order system:
(a) A low-pass RC filter, an example of a first-
order instrument,
(b) Static sensitivity for constant inputs,

The particular frequency w=2πf is known as

the corner, cutoff, or break frequency.

Figure 2.4
Dynamic System Characteristics-2
Time Delay
Instrument elements that give an output that is exactly the same as the
input, except that it is delayed in time by td, are defined as time-delay
The mathematical expression for these elements is
y (t )  K (t   d ), t d
General Design Criteria for BMI
1. Signal considerations
Type of sensor, sensitivity range, input impedance, frequency response, accuracy,
linearity, reliability, differential or absolute input.
2. Environmental considerations
Signal-to-noise ratio, stability with regards to temperature, pressure, humidity,
acceleration, shock, vibration, radiation etc.
3. Medical factors
◦ Invasive or non-invasive technique, patient discomfort, radiation and heat
dissipation, electrical safety, material toxicity etc.
4. Economic factors
◦ Initial cost, cost and availability of consumables and compatibility with existing
General Design Process

Signal Environmental Medical Economic

considerations considerations factors factors

Initial instrument design

Prototype tests

Final instrument design

FDA BMD approval

Figure 2.5 Production

Sources of Biomedical Signals
 Bioelectrical
◦ Membrane potentials generated by nerve and muscle
◦ Eg. electrocardiogram, electromyogram signals etc.
 Bioacoustics
◦ Acoustic signals created by biomedical phenomena.
◦ Eg. sound from heart valves, air flow in the lung etc.
 Biomechanical
◦ Originate from mechanical functions of biological system.
◦ E.g. displacement, pressure and flow signals.
Sources of Biomedical Signals
 Biochemicals
◦ Resultant of chemical measurement from living tissues or samples.
◦ Eg. Concentration of various ions in the blood.
 Biomagnetics
◦ Weak magnetic signals produced by various organs.
◦ Eg. MEG signals from the brain.
 Bio-Opticals
◦ Generated as a result of optical functions from the biological system.
◦ E.g. Modified IR absorption due to blood oxygenation.
 Bioimpedance
◦ Tissue impedance that gives information regarding its composition, blood volume
◦ Eg. Galvanic skin resistance, respiratory rate etc.
• main text book Webster, J.G. (1997). Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design. 3rd Ed., Wiley.
•Lectures of Dr Noman AL Najjar at UST –BME
• http//
• Lectures Prof. Dr. Nizamettin AYDIN ,

Dr.Noman 17

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