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Chapter 5 (part 2)

Nodal analysis with unsteady state

Any sort of change in the system creates unsteady state. For example: Insulated
1 2 3
• Sudden change in the left surface temperature


250oC surface
• Sudden change in convection (changing h or T∞)
4 5 6
• Sudden change in the flux (changing q”)
• Sudden change in the heat generation (changing )
7 8 9
• Making the right surface insulated (h=0), etc
constant flux q”
Energy balance with unsteady state

Assume no outputs
Nodal analysis on Node 5 at unsteady steady, constant k and constant heat generation.
1 2 3
Set ∆x= ∆y and divide k
Set α = k/(ρ Cp)
4 5 6
∆y ∆y
Set Fo = α ∆t/∆x2
7 8 9
Nodal analysis on Node 5 at unsteady steady, constant k and constant heat generation.
1 2 3
Stability criteria
∆x The coefficient of the interested nodal temperature (T5) must be greater than zero.
4 5 6
∆y ∆y
7 8 9

If above condition is satisfied, the results will converge.

An aluminium block (k= 237 W/m.K, α = 97.1x10-6 m2/s) has the following initial specifications:
1 2 3 - Top surface temperature = 100oC
- Bottom surface temperature = 300oC
- Left surface temperature = 200oC

4 5 6 - Right surface temperature = 150oC
- Center temperature = 189.6097oC
The block generates heat uniformly with at a rate of 2x105 W/m3.
Assume ∆x = ∆y= 10 cm = 0.10 m
7 8 9

300oC Suppose the top surface temperature is suddenly decreased to 50 oC while maintaining the same
temperatures for the other surfaces.
a) Determine a suitable value of ∆t for the center node using the stability criteria.
b) Determine the center temperature after 75 seconds.

To converge the results, we should choose any value of ∆t that is less than 25.75 seconds.

Assume ∆t = 25 s
1 2 3

4 5 6
∆y ∆y
7 8 9 At t = 0, T5 = 189.6097 oC

300oC Iteration#1


Note: After 100 seconds, the T5 stops changing (new steady state reached)
𝛼 ∆𝑡 h ∆𝑥
𝐹𝑜= 𝐵𝑖=

Note: This table

assumes no heat
𝛼 ∆𝑡 h ∆𝑥
𝐹𝑜= 𝐵𝑖=

Note: This table assumes

no heat generation.

Set (Bi = 0), if the there is

insulation instead of

𝛼 ∆𝑡 h ∆𝑥
𝐹𝑜= 𝐵𝑖=

Note: This table assumes

no heat generation.

Set (Bi = 0), if the there is

insulation instead of

𝛼 ∆𝑡 h ∆𝑥
𝐹𝑜= 𝐵𝑖=

Note: This table assumes

no heat generation.

Set (Bi = 0), if the there is

insulation instead of

Problem: Consider the unsteady metal strip which is initially at T i = 40oC. Suddenly the strip is exposed to convection on all four
sides as shown in the figure.
a) Determine how many temperatures are unique (different).

h, T∞

All four sides are symmetrical.

Hence, there are 3 unique temperatures (T1, T2 and T5)

h, T∞
h, T∞

• T1 = T3 = T7 = T9
• T2 = T4 = T6 = T8
• T5

h, T∞
Problem: Consider the unsteady metal strip which is initially at T i = 40oC. Suddenly the strip is exposed to convection on all four
sides as shown in the figure.
b) Determine the unsteady nodal equations for all nine nodes.

h, T∞ From table 5.3

h, T∞
h, T∞

Node 5: (Case 1)

h, T∞
Problem: Consider the unsteady metal strip which is initially at T i = 40oC. Suddenly the strip is exposed to convection on all four
sides as shown in the figure.
b) Determine the unsteady nodal equations for all nine nodes.

h, T∞ From table 5.3

h, T∞
h, T∞

Node 6: (Case 3)

h, T∞
Note: T6 = T2 = T4 = T8
Problem: Consider the unsteady metal strip which is initially at T i = 40oC. Suddenly the strip is exposed to convection on all four
sides as shown in the figure.
b) Determine the unsteady nodal equations for all nine nodes.

h, T∞ From table 5.3

h, T∞
h, T∞

Node 3: (Case 4)

h, T∞ Note: T3 = T1 = T7 = T9
Problem: Consider the unsteady metal strip which is initially at T i = 40oC. Suddenly the strip is exposed to convection on all four
sides as shown in the figure.
c) Write the equations used to determine the heat loss after some time (t).

h, T∞

∆ 𝒙 /𝟐 ∆ 𝒙
∆ 𝒚 ∆ 𝒚
𝟐 𝟐

h, T∞
h, T∞


h, T∞
A 1 by 2 cm ceramic strip (k = 3 W/m.oC) is embedded in a high thermal
conductivity material (as shown in the figure) so that the sides are
maintained at a constant temperature of 300oC. The bottom surface of
the ceramic is insulated and the top surface is exposed to a convection
environment with h = 200 W/m2.oC and T∞ = 50oC. At time zero, the
ceramic is uniform in temperature at 300oC. For the ceramic, ρ = 1600
kg/m3 and CP = 0.8 kJ/kg.oC = 800 J/kg.oC.

a) Determine the values of ∆x and ∆y. b) Determine how many unique temperatures exist.
• The left and right sides are symmetrical
• Hence 6 unique temperatures exist
 T1 = T3
 T4=T6
 T5
 T7=T9
 T8
A 1 by 2 cm ceramic strip (k = 3 W/m.oC) is embedded in a high thermal
conductivity material (as shown in the figure) so that the sides are
maintained at a constant temperature of 300oC. The bottom surface of
the ceramic is insulated and the top surface is exposed to a convection
environment with h = 200 W/m2.oC and T∞ = 50oC. At time zero, the
ceramic is uniform in temperature at 300oC. For the ceramic, ρ = 1600
kg/m3 and CP = 0.8 kJ/kg.oC = 800 J/kg.oC.

c) Write the nodal equations for all nodes.

Node 4, 5 and 6 = Case 1

Rotate the diagram
Node 1, 2 and 3 = Case 3 so convection is on top
Node 7, 8 and 9 If Bi = 0 Rotate so that insulation
(Case 3), Bi≠0 (convection = insulation) in on the bottom

A 1 by 2 cm ceramic strip (k = 3 W/m.oC) is embedded in a high thermal
conductivity material (as shown in the figure) so that the sides are
maintained at a constant temperature of 300oC. The bottom surface of
the ceramic is insulated and the top surface is exposed to a convection
environment with h = 200 W/m2.oC and T∞ = 50oC. At time zero, the
ceramic is uniform in temperature at 300oC. For the ceramic, ρ = 1600
kg/m3 and CP = 0.8 kJ/kg.oC = 800 J/kg.oC.

d) Determine the nodal temperatures after 12 seconds. Assume ∆t = 2 seconds.

Initial temperature of all nodes = 300oC

old values
t (s) T1(oC) T2(oC) T3(oC) T4(oC) T5(oC) T6(oC) T7(oC) T8(oC) T9(oC)
0 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300

t(new) = t(old) + ∆t = 0s + 2s = 2s

T1P+1 = 0.1875 (2*300+300+300+2*0.3333*50) + (1-4*0.1875-2*0.3333*0.1875)*300 = 268.75 oC = T3P+1

T2P+1 = 0.1875 (2*300+300+300+2*0.3333*50) + (1-4*0.1875-2*0.3333*0.1875)*300 = 268.75 oC

= 300oC = T6P+1

= 300oC

= 300oC = T9P+1

= 300oC
old values
t (s) T1(oC) T2(oC) T3(oC) T4(oC) T5(oC) T6(oC) T7(oC) T8(oC) T9(oC)
2 268.75 268.75 300 300 300 300 300 300 300

t(new) = t(old) + ∆t = 2s + 2s = 4s

T1P+1 = 0.1875 (2*300+300+268.75+2*0.3333*50) + (1-4*0.1875-2*0.3333*0.1875)*268.75 = 258.98 oC = T3P+1

T2P+1 = 0.1875 (2*300+268.75+268.75+2*0.3333*50) + (1-4*0.1875-2*0.3333*0.1875)*268.75 = 253.12 oC

= 294.14oC = T6P+1

= 294.14oC

= 300oC = T9P+1

= 300oC
old values
t (s) T1(oC) T2(oC) T3(oC) T4(oC) T5(oC) T6(oC) T7(oC) T8(oC) T9(oC)
4 258.98 253.12 258.98 294.14 294.14 294.14 300 300 300

t(new) = t(old) + ∆t = 4s + 2s = 6s

T1P+1 = 0.1875 (2*294.14+300+253.12+2*0.3333*50) + (1-4*0.1875-2*0.3333*0.1875)*258.98 = 252.63 oC = T3P+1

T2P+1 = 0.1875 (2*294.14+258.98+258.98+2*0.3333*50) + (1-4*0.1875-2*0.3333*0.1875)*253.12 = 245.31 oC

= 289.74oC = T6P+1

= 287.54oC

= 297.80oC = T9P+1

= 297.80oC
Note: Solve this on excel.
Time T2 T4 = T6 T5 T7 = T9 T8
Time T1 = T3
Increment ( C)
(oC) ( C)
(oC) ( C)
(seconds) (oC)
0 0 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00
1 2 268.75 268.75 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00
2 4 258.98 253.13 294.14 294.14 300.00 300.00
3 6 252.64 245.31 289.75 287.55 297.80 297.80
4 8 248.73 239.48 285.81 282.38 295.19 293.96
5 10 245.67 235.35 282.63 277.79 292.34 290.08
6 12 243.32 231.97 279.87 273.95 289.71 286.32
e) Determine the total heat lost after 12 seconds. ∆x


The strip of material shown in the figure has a thermal conductivity
of 20 W/m.K and is placed firmly on the isothermal surface
maintained at 50oC. At time zero, the strip is suddenly exposed to
an air stream with T∞ = 300oC and h = 40 W/m2.oC.
Note: For the strip, ρ = 7000 kg/m3, CP = 0.5 kJ/kg.oC = 500 J/kg.oC

Part (a) Write the unsteady nodal equations for each node.
• Left and right sides are symmetrical
• There are 4 unique temperatures
 T1 = T4  T2 = T3
 T5 = T8  T6 = T7

Node 1 and node 4 = Case 4

Node 5 and node 8
= Case 3
Node 2 and node 3 Rotate so convection
= Case 3 is on top
The strip of material shown in the figure has a thermal conductivity
of 20 W/m.K and is placed firmly on the isothermal surface
maintained at 50oC. At time zero, the strip is suddenly exposed to
an air stream with T∞ = 300oC and h = 40 W/m2.oC.
Note: For the strip, ρ = 7000 kg/m3, CP = 0.5 kJ/kg.oC = 500 J/kg.oC

Part (b) The nodal temperatures after 1 minute (60 seconds) are
determine in the following table with ∆t = 5 seconds. Determine
the total heat gained in this time.

Tinitial = 50oC
After, t = 1 minute = 60 seconds
T1 = T4 = 64.61oC
T2 = T3 = 60.89oC
T5 = T8 = 52.78oC
T6 = T7 = 49.96oC
Tinitial = 50oC ∆x/2 ∆x ∆x ∆x/2
After, t = 1 minute = 60 seconds
T1 = T4 = 64.61oC
T2 = T3 = 60.89oC ∆y/2
T5 = T8 = 52.78oC
T6 = T7 = 49.96oC

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