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Recruitment Sources

Three Prerecruitment Considerations

 Recruitment Budget
 Three-step recruiting cost ratio formula:
1. Determining total recruiting costs
 Fixed overhead recruiting expenses
 Sourcing expenses attached to specific resources (e.g., advertising)
 Signing bonuses
 Expenses associated with travel or relocation
2. Determine the total compensation involved
3. Divide the total recruiting costs by the total compensation figure

 Quick Results Recruitment Sources

 Broad-Based Recruiting
Proactive and Reactive Recruitment

 Reactive recruitment… you wait for applicants to apply, hoping that the right person is
among them
 E.g. employee referrals, newspaper/tv/radio advertisement, employment agencies or search firms

 Proactive recruitment… you go after the potential job candidates yourself instead of
waiting for their interest and response
 E.g. Direct mail, campus recruitment, job fairs, professional associations

 If immediacy is a primary factor, search out proactive recruitment sources

 Proactive recruiters start looking for a replacement as soon as they learn of an opening
Targeting Special Interest Groups

 Older Workers
 Youth
 Women
 Minorities
 Disables
 Immigrants
 Unemployed Workers
 Interns
 Former Employees
Traditional Recruitment Sources

 Advertising  Newspaper Inserts Open Houses

 Campus Recruiting  Outplacement Firms
 Contingency Workers Direct Mail  Professional Associations
 Employee Referrals  Radio and Television
 Employment Agencies and Search Firms  Research Firms
 Former Applicants Government  Voice Ads
Agencies Job Fairs
 Job Posting
 Military
Innovative Recruitment Sources

 Airplane Banners  Medical Offices

 Banners and Signs  Movie Ads
 Billboard Advertising  On-Site Recruitment
 Bumper Stickers  Preemployment Training
 Company-Sponsored Social Events  Response Cards
 Competitions  Retirees
 Customers, Clients, and Guests
 Fast-Track Training
 Kiosks

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