Note Taking

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Note Taking
Let’s look at ways to increase our ability to take
effective, helpful notes!
What can Grea
t Wh
you tell me? -ocea ite Sh
n arks
- ea t a
- fi s h l ot
Take a look at these notes. Can you answer
the following questions from these notes?
Where in the world do great white sharks d
- at t ac
live? k
What do great white sharks eat?

How big is a full grown great white shark?

What is
***How could you make these
notes better?***
t Wh
missing? -ocea ite Sh
n arks
- ea t a
- fi s h l ot
Although these notes tell me information,
they are missing a lot of important facts
and details! Brainstorm what would make
them more helpful notes? -bloo
- at t ac
Notes are an important way to not only learn but
remember! Note taking is an important skill you
need for school and for many jobs!
Let’s Try It!

Look at the
Write down, or type in, your
notes on this picture. If you
were asked to explain this
picture, what would you say?

Your Notes
Robinson, A. (2017). Can you spot it?[image] World of Better
Look back at your notes…
Did you record the number of people in the picture?
Did you write down how many boys and girls there
Did you record how many apples were in the tree?
Did you write down what the person was painting?

Just as you did not record EVERY DETAIL of the picture, you do
not need to include every single thing that you read or hear to be a
good note taker!
Let’s learn to look for the key terms and important details that
should be included in good notes!
Let’s take notes that
are easy to use! Science April 4th, 2023

Organized and Ordered Chapter 2: The Nine Planets

Good notes are organized and are
kept in order. Before you begin
taking notes, label them with the



Let’s take notes that
are easy to use! ● Planets
○ Mercury: the first planet
from the sun
Leave space between your writing ○ Space for details
so that you can add, edit and fix ○ Updated information
your notes as needed.
○ Venus: the second planet
from the sun
Let’s take notes that
● Shorten common words
are easy to use! ○ info=information
Abbreviations ○ gov=government
● Use Initials
Many people speak much faster
than we can write, use
○ WC=West Chester
abbreviations, symbols and short ○ AC=American Colonies
hand to help keep up when taking ● Eliminate Vowels
○ mngmnt=management
○ plnt=planet
Common Symbols
Important Information

And, In addition to, Also

&+^ Around and Per
Increase, More than

>↑ @
Take Notes that are
IMPORTANT Write down what is displayed

Write down ONLY… If it is written on the board, it

should be in your notes
The topic, main idea, and important
details NOT every word

Write down Questions

If the teacher asks a question, write
it down and answer it later
How do we Review
our Notes
Save and Study!
Reread Keep your notes in a folder or
binder where you can easily access
Answer any questions and fix them
whatever does not make sense

Check for any recorded due dates or
upcoming quizzes
Let’s Practice!
Use these tips to take
notes from the video
Use your own paper,
Google Doc or
this template

National Geographic. (2019, Jul 25). Sharks 101[video]. YouTube.

Make sure you review your notes and fix

anything you need to!
Let’s Review! Fill in the blank to check your
01 True or False
You need to write down
02 Fill in the Blank
To stay organized, write the
everything the teacher says subject and:

03 Fill in the Blank

Notes need to be saved so
04 True or False
Abbreviations are for lazy
you can: students

Great job! Click here to finish up y

our EdPuzzle and happy note takin
More Practice

Use Outlines Visual Notes

Click If visual or graphic
Here is a document here to see how to notes interest you,
to help with using q use an outline when click here!
uotes in notes taking notes.
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo,
including icons by Flaticon and infographics & images by Freepik

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