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Unit 1 Mastery

Technology Tool:

Kayla Krushinski
What is NearPod?

 Educators use NearPod in their classrooms for interactive lessons to keep students engaged with what the
teacher is instructing.
 Slides may have quiz questions, polls, or short answer questions for students to answer.
Why use Nearpod?

 NearPod can be used to test the knowledge and

understanding of students in your classroom. If teachers
can see what their students are struggling with they can
use the feedback from NearPod to work on those topics
with students.
 NearPod is easy to navigate for both students and
 NearPod has education content across all subjects and all
grade levels.
 NearPod increases student engagement and hands-on
How to use it

 NearPod is a free tool accessible to both students and teachers.

 Educators simply created a presentation to test the knowledge of their students.

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