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Gospel Reading:
The Twelve Apostles
Mark 3: 13-19

Then Jesus went up into the hill country,

and called those he wanted, and they came
to him. He appointed Twelve to be with him,
and he called them ‘apostles.’ He wanted to
send them out to preach; and he gave them
authority to drive out demons. These are the
Twelve: Simon , to whom he gave the name
Peter; James , son of Zebedee, and John his
brother...; Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew,
Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alpheus,
Thaddeus, Simon the Cananean, and Judas
Iscariot, the one who betrayed him.
Who are the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ?
Simon Peter (Fisherman),
Andrew (Fisherman),
James the Son of Zebedee ,
John the Beloved,
Matthew (Tax collector),
James the Son of Alpheus,
Thomas (Doubter), Simon
(Zealot), Bartholomew, Philip,
Jude, Judas (Traitor), [Matthias]
They were the designated followers of Jesus. They were taught to interiorize his teaching
before being sent to preach, to drive away demons, and make others
believe of the salvation the Jesus Christ brings.
Jesus' choice of twelve disciples to form an inner circle of
followers served to symbolize the truth that he had come to build
a new house of Israel. The Twelve formed the nucleus of this new
people of God, corresponding to the twelve tribes of Israel, and
signifying God's saving activity at work in Jesus and his followers.
Who are your inner circle?
Who are your spiritual squad?
Who are your community?
The apostles were the eye- and ear- witnesses of his revelation.
Apostle in Latin “apostolus” means “messenger; he who
is sent forth.” An apostle is sent to deliver or spread those
teachings to others. The word "apostle" has two meanings, the
larger meaning of a messenger and the narrow meaning to
denote the twelve people directly linked to Jesus Christ.
Your message? HUMAN SPEECH
Human speech- a simple means of communication
among men, speech expresses the person , participates in
his dynamism, and somehow efficacious. Hence, its
importance in human behavior.
In judging a man’s worth, speech is a touchstone by
which he can be tested (Si 27, 4-7)
A fitting speech or an opportune response is a
treasure and a joy (Pr 15, 23; 25,11) , for there “is a time to
speak and a time to keep silent” (Qo 3, 7). He must restrain
his speech (Si 1, 24) , weigh his words, put a latch on his
mouth (Si 28, 25; Ps 39, 2; 141, 3), and be slow to speak
(Jm 1, 19)
For the mouth speaks rom the abundance of the
heart, and in such a way that good man brings out a
treasure from within him (Lk 6, 45). Speaking under the
action of the Holy Spirit , he can edify, exhort , and console
his brothers ( 1 Co 14, 3); for his human speech then
expresses the Word of God.
Dictionary of Biblical Theology, 246
What type of messages do you bring to your parents, siblings,
relatives, classmates, or teachers? Do you bring good news;
words of kindness, encouragement, blessings to people you
meet? Do you relay rumours, gossips or misinformation that
destroy the dignity of others?
As humans, they also
had their own flaws
and failures.
God does not call the qualified.
He qualifies the ones He called.
Can you identify your imperfections,
lapses, misgivings, and shortcomings
in life? Do you humbly accept the ugly
realities about yourself? How do you
handle them? Do you do something to
improve yourself? Do you remain
stubborn about your flaws and neglect
the opportunity for growth and
Disciples vs. Apostles:
Differences in Meaning

While a disciple is a student, one who

learns from a teacher, an apostle is sent to
deliver those teachings to others. We can say
that all apostles were disciples but all disciples
are not apostles. Jesus chose twelve Disciples
and this inner circle of men came to be known
as Apostles who were entrusted to spread the
message of Jesus throughout the world so that
eventually there would be many Disciples.
The Gospel proclamation knows no boundaries

In his last words to the apostles, the

Lord Jesus Christ gave them a
mission: “Go, therefore, and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I
have commanded you” (Mt 28:19-
Twelve men responded to the call. They were Jews,
commoners, and simple men of faith who gave up
everything to be followers of Christ. Jesus spent
three years training them to be leaders. Jesus’
plan was to eventually have the disciples take over and
carry on the work He had started.

To make sure that the apostles’ teachings

would be passed down after the deaths of the
apostles, Paul told Timothy, “What you have
heard from me before many witnesses
entrust to faithful men who will be able to
teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2).
is the line of bishops stretching back to the apostles.
All over the world, all Catholic bishops are part of a
lineage that goes back to the time of the apostles.
Presbyteorum Ordinis:
“Decree on the Ministry and Life of
December 7, 1965

2. “Therefore, having sent the apostles

just as he himself been sent by the
Father, Christ, through the apostles
themselves, made their successors, the
bishops, sharers in his consecration and
mission. The office of their ministry has been
handed down, in a lesser degree indeed, to
the priests. Established in the order of the
priesthood they can be co-workers of the
episcopal order for the proper fulfillment of
the apostolic mission entrusted to priests by
“The true measure of
leadership is influence.
Nothing more, nothing less.”
- John C. Maxwell
author, speaker, and pastor
Who do you follow and emulate?
Who are the ones you look up to in the
society? Who are your life’s biggest
influences? Whose leadership do you
trust the most? Do you try to become
a good influencer or leader to your
family, friends, co-church members?
What is it to be an apostle?
"And he said to them all, If any man will
come after me, let him deny himself, and
take up his cross daily, and follow me."
Luke 9:23
Self-denial is about making SACRIFICES.
A sacrifice is a loss or something you give up,
usually for the sake of a better cause.
self-denial is SELFLESS act
“There is no greater love than to
lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
John 15:13
Are you willing to leave behind the things that matter to you to
attain a higher good? What sacrifices did you remember doing
out of love? What forms of self-denial have you done for the
Lord? What are the things you are willing to give up on behalf
of the people dear to you?
John 13:12- 15
“Do you understand what I have done for
you?” he asked them. “You call me
‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is
what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher,
have washed your feet, you also should wash
one another’s feet. I have set you an example
that you should do as I have done for you.
Service isn’t an option. Service is a responsibility.
It is a responsibility you need to take seriously and
one you should embrace joyfully.

There are simple WAYS TO SERVE

1.Be kind to strangers
2.Remember someone
3.Pray for those in need
4.Share food
5. Share your time
6.Share your money
7.Share your stuff
8.Share your talents
9.Share the Word of God
How do you show an act of service to your neighbour and God? What type of
people do you find yourself comfortable serving? Does it include orphans, the
poor, the sick, strangers, the suffering, the handicapped, the differently-abled?
the oppressed? Are you only rendering service to a selective group of
individuals? Or are you open to serve all types of people who come to your life?
Take up your Cross
“Christ carries his own cross,
he invites you to carry yours too.”
What Does
“Take Up Your Cross” Mean?
1. Opposition: A cross was used to execute
criminals who had the state of Rome in
opposition to them.
2. Shame: This execution was reserved for
the worst criminals, and the victim was
usually naked on a cross for hours.
3. Suffering: This kind of execution was
designed to prolong excruciating pain.
4. Death: The aim of crucifixion was death,
not torture followed by release.
The Triumph of the Cross
(An excerpt from a homily
by Saint John Chrysostom)
“All this was the glorious result of the
cross. The cross is our trophy raised
against the demons, our sword against sin,
and the sword Christ used to pierce the
serpent. The cross is the Father’s will, the
glory of the Only-begotten, the joy of the
Spirit, the pride of the angels, the
guarantee of the Church, St. Paul’s boast,
the bulwark of the saints, and the light of
the entire world.”
The Persecutions of the
John 15: 18- 19
“If the world hates you, keep in
mind that it hated me first. If you
belonged to the world, it would
love you as its own. As it is, you
do not belong to the world, but I
have chosen you out of the
world. That is why the world
hates you.”
Sharing the Passion of Jesus Christ
As Christians, we seek the
guidance of the Holy Spirit to
help us understand that the
sufferings of our life are the
continuation of Christ’s own
passion. We have to accept our
way of the cross. We have to
believe that it will lead us to
our resurrection with the Lord
Jesus Christ.
“Persevere like a seed, even when
people try to bury you,
-Matshona Dhliwayo
What are your crosses (problems,
struggles, persecutions and
sufferings) in life? How are you
addressing your own experience of
passion in life? What could be the
heaviest cross you have carried so
far? What attitude do you show in
the face of challenges and obstacles?
Do you bear your crosses with
patience, endurance, joy and hope?
“Take Up Your Cross”
Take up your cross and follow Christ,
Take up your cross, the Savior said, Nor think till death to lay it down;
If you would my disciple be; For only he who bears the cross
Deny yourself, the world forsake, May hope to wear the glorious crown.
And humbly follow after me.
To you, great Lord, the One in three,
Take up your cross, let not its weight All praise for evermore ascend;
Fill your weak spirit with alarm; O grant us here below to see
His strength shall bear your spirit up, The heavenly life that knows no end.
Shall brace your heart and nerve your arm.

Take up your cross then in his strength,

And every danger calmly brave,
To guide you to a better home, The Liturgy of the Hours,
And victory over death and grave. Daytime Prayer
Lenten Hymn, Before Holy Week
Text: Charles William Everest Tune: Bourbon
The primary function of the apostles
was to witness to Christ. Pope Francis:
“A Christian who doesn't give
witness is unfathomable.“

Christian witnessing is all about

revealing the unseen Jesus
in people's lives. To put all of
your faith and all of your love into
someone you can't see…
How do you witness to God? Do you stand on behalf of Christ to
your family, friends and acquaintances? Do people see you as a
threat or an obstacle in their lives? Are you able to represent the
goodness, forgiveness and humility of Christ everywhere you go
and to everyone you meet? Do people feel the presence of Christ
in you?
With this Exhortation (Gaudete et
Exultate) I would like to insist
primarily on the call to holiness that
the Lord addresses to each of us, the
call that he also addresses,
personally, to you: “Be holy, for I
am holy” (Lev 11:44; cf. 1 Pet 1:16).
-Pope Francis

Whatever is your calling

Respond to it!
“Let the grace of your baptism bear fruit in a
path of holiness. Let everything be open to God;
turn to him in every situation.
(Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exultate, 15)

To be holy does not require being a bishop, a

priest or a religious. We are frequently tempted
to think that holiness is only for those who can
withdraw from ordinary affairs to spend much
time in prayer. That is not the case. We are all
called to be holy by living our lives with
love and by bearing witness in everything
we do, wherever we find ourselves.”
(Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exultate,14).
1. Positive Messengers
2. Perfection Seekers
3. Good Influencers
4. Joyful Sufferers
5. Other-Centered
6. Service- Oriented
7. Living Witnesses
Be my apostle!

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