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Presented by,
Pratyasha Gogoi (FEP23101)
Sagarika Das (FP23107)
◦ Molecular diffusion or molecular transport can be defined as the transfer or movement of individual molecules through
a fluid employing random, individual movements of the molecules and in the process may collide with each other.
◦ We observe the movement of particles from a higher concentration to a lower concentration.
◦ It can also be defined as the tendency for the molecule to spread out evenly into the available space.
◦ Fick’s Law:
It states that the rate of diffusion is proportional to both the surface area and concentration
difference and is inversely proportional to the thickness of the membrane.

DAB and DBA is the diffusivity of A in B and the diffusivity of B in A respectively (cm 2/sec)
NA and NB are the rate of diffusion of A and B (g.moles/cm 2/sec)
◦ The process of diffusion of one component (A) into another (B) in which their respective molar fluxes are equal but in
opposite directions.

◦ Consider diffusion that occurs in a tube connecting two tanks containing a binary gas mixture of species A and B. If
both tanks as well as the connecting tube are at a uniform pressure and temperature, the total molar concentration
would be uniform throughout the tanks and the connecting tube.

◦ If molecular diffusion is the only mechanism of mass transfer,

NA +NB = 0
NA = - NB
Consider dPA and dPB are the small changes of partial
pressure of a and b over the element dx. As we assumed there
is no bulk flow,

◦ For an ideal gas,

= partial vapor pressure
= no. of moles in volume V at temperature T
= gas constant
(as CA = nA/V)

Substituting these values in Fick’s Law,

NA = - , similarly for gas B NB = -

NA = = - (NA = -NB)
NA = (as DAB= DBA = D)

NA =
PA1 and PA2 are the partial pressure at distance X1 and X2.
This is the equation of molar flux for steady-state equimolar counter diffusion.
(NA) = 0 (since NA is constant over diffusion path)

Subst. = in NA = - ,
NA = - DAB
(- DAB ) =0

or ()=0
◦ This equation maybe solved using boundary conditions to give,

This equation indicates a linear concentration profile for equimolar counter diffusion.
◦ If the gas diffusion occurs at a very fine pore, particularly at a low pressure, the mean path of the
molecules may be larger than the diameter of passage.
◦ The collision with the will becomes much more frequent than collision with other molecules.
◦ The rate of diffusional transport of a species is now is now governed by its molecular velocity, diameter
of passage and the gradient of concentration or partial pressure. This is called “Knudsen diffusion” and
becomes important if pore size is normally below 50mm
◦ Knudsen diffusion is a means of diffusion that occurs when the scale length of a system is comparable to
or smaller than the mean free path of the particles involved.

◦ Definition: Permeability is a measure of a given porous

medium ability to permit fluid flow through its voids.

◦ It is a measure of the material's ability to allow the a.

passage of substances from one side to the other.

◦ Permeability is a key parameter in mass transfer

processes, such as diffusion or filtration, and it
influences the rate at which mass is transported through
a material.
Fig. 1. a, b., Fluid flow
◦ Mathematically, permeability (P) can be described in terms of Fick's Law for diffusion, which relates the mass flux (J)
to the concentration gradient (C/Δx​) and the permeability of the material:
◦ Here: J is the mass flux, representing the amount of mass transferred per unit area and per unit time,
• P is the permeability,
• ΔC is the concentration difference across the material,
• Δx is the thickness of the material.
◦ The negative sign indicates that mass moves from regions of higher concentration to regions of lower concentration.
Types of Permeability
◦ There are 3 types of permeability: effective, absolute, and relative permeabilities.

◦ Effective permeability is the ability of fluids to pass through pores of membranes in the presence of other
fluids in the medium.

◦ Absolute permeability is the measured permeability when the medium is fully saturated with one fluid only.

◦ Relative permeability describes the ability of a particular material to allow the flow of a particular fluid.

Consequently, values of relative permeability change by changing the fluid type. Also, relative permeability is
defined as the ratio between the permeability of any medium compared to the permeability of vacuum or air.

The relative permeability of air = 1. Relative permeability does not have a unit, it is usually expressed in
values ranging from 0 to 1 or a percentage.
Permeability Models
◦ Permeability models in the context of mass transfer can be classified based on the type of mass transfer process and the
nature of the material involved. Here are several classifications:

◦ Diffusion-Based Models:
Fickian Diffusion Models: Describes the movement of substances through materials based on Fick's law of diffusion.
Non-Fickian Models: For cases where the diffusion behavior deviates from Fickian behavior, such as in cases of
anomalous or super-diffusion.

◦ Convection-Diffusion Models:
Convection-Diffusion Equations: Combine convection and diffusion effects for more comprehensive modeling of mass
transfer in fluid flow scenarios.

◦ Membrane Permeability Models:

Porous Membrane Models: Describe the transport of substances through porous membranes, commonly encountered in
applications like filtration and dialysis.
Polymer Membrane Models: Focus on the permeability of substances through polymer-based membranes, relevant in
fields like drug delivery.
◦ Gas Permeability Models:

Gas Diffusion Models: Describe the movement of gases through materials, commonly used in studies of gas transport
through polymers.
Gas Permeation Models: Model the flow of gases through membranes or porous media.

◦ Biochemical Permeability Models:

◦ Cell Membrane Permeability Models: Describe the transport of substances across cell membranes in biological
◦ Drug Delivery Models: Model the permeability of drug molecules through different types of membranes or tissues.

◦ Multiphase Mass Transfer Models:

◦ Multiphase Diffusion Models: Consider mass transfer in systems involving multiple phases, such as gas-liquid or
liquid-solid interfaces.
◦ Multiphase Convection-Diffusion Models: Combine convection and diffusion in systems with multiple phases.
Interphase Mass
• Definition:
• Interphase mass transfer involves the transfer of
mass across the interface or boundary between
two phases. The phases can be gas-liquid,
liquid-solid, or gas-solid.

• Driving Forces:
• Mass transfer occurs due to concentration
gradients or partial pressure differences between
the two phases. These differences create a Fig.2, Interphase Mass Transfer
driving force for the movement of substances.
Types of Interphase Mass Transfer

Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer: Liquid-Liquid Mass Gas-Solid Mass Transfer:

Exchange of components Transfer: Movement of substances
between a gas phase (e.g., air) Transfer of substances between between a gas phase and a
and a liquid phase (e.g., water). two liquid phases, often solid phase, common in
encountered in extraction processes like adsorption.
Film Theory
◦ Definition: The term "film" in film theory refers to a thin layer of fluid near the interface where mass transfer occurs. This theory is
particularly relevant in scenarios where the bulk of the fluid does not participate directly in the mass transfer process, and the focus is
on a specific region near the interface.

◦ Thin Film Concept: Film theory assumes the existence of a thin layer or film of fluid in immediate contact with the interface. This
thin film is the primary location for mass transfer between the two phases.
◦ Boundary Layer: The thin film is often referred to as the boundary layer, and it plays a crucial role in determining the rate of mass
transfer. The boundary layer is characterized by variations in concentration, temperature, or other relevant properties.

◦ Mass Transfer Mechanisms: Film theory accounts for two primary mass transfer mechanisms within the boundary layer:
Diffusion: The movement of molecules from regions of higher concentration to regions of lower concentration within the thin film.

Convection: The transport of mass by bulk fluid flow, which can enhance mass transfer rates by continually replenishing the thin film
with fresh fluid.
◦ Steady-State Assumption: Film theory often operates under the assumption of steady-state conditions. This means that the system is
in equilibrium, and there is a constant rate of mass transfer once the system has reached a stable state.
Two Film
•There are two prominent
film theories of mass

 the Penetration Theory

 the Surface Renewal

Fig.3, Film Theory

Penetration Theory
◦ Concept: The Penetration Theory, also known as the Penetration Model, proposes that the solute penetrates into the bulk
of the stagnant layer near the interface.

◦ Assumptions: Assumes that the concentration of the solute at the interface is zero, and it increases linearly with the
distance into the stagnant layer.

◦ Mass Transfer Mechanism: Emphasizes diffusion as the primary mechanism for mass transfer, with molecules diffusing
into the stagnant layer from the bulk fluid.

◦ Thickness of the Stagnant Layer: Focuses on the thickness of the stagnant layer, where mass transfer occurs, and the
concentration gradient within this layer.

◦ Steady-State Assumption: Often applied under steady-state conditions, assuming that the system has reached a stable
state with a constant rate of mass transfer.

◦ Application: Widely applied in the analysis of mass transfer in gas-liquid systems, particularly in scenarios where the
diffusion path is more significant than convection.
Surface Renewal Theory
◦ Concept: The Surface Renewal Theory proposes that the interface between the two phases is not static but undergoes
continuous renewal due to turbulent or convective flow.
◦ Renewal Frequency: Focuses on the frequency with which fresh fluid is brought into contact with the interface, leading
to the renewal of the surface.
◦ Mass Transfer Mechanism: Considers both diffusion and convection as significant contributors to mass transfer. The
renewal of the interface enhances the transport of solute.
◦ Fluctuating Concentration at the Interface: Acknowledges that the concentration at the interface fluctuates due to the
renewal process, leading to variations in the rate of mass transfer.
◦ Time Variability: Recognizes the time variability in the mass transfer process, especially in systems with dynamic flow
◦ Application: Particularly relevant in situations where convection plays a crucial role, such as in turbulent flow regimes.
Applied in studies of gas-liquid and liquid-liquid mass transfer.
◦ Interphase mass transfer is a complex phenomenon with wide-ranging implications, and its study is crucial for optimizing
processes in numerous scientific and engineering disciplines.

◦ film theory provides a simplified but valuable framework for understanding and analyzing the mechanisms of mass
transfer at interfaces. It aids engineers and scientists in designing and optimizing processes where the interaction between
different phases is a key factor.

◦ These two film theories provide different perspectives on how mass transfer occurs at the interface. While the Penetration
Theory focuses on diffusion within a stagnant layer, the Surface Renewal Theory considers the dynamic renewal of the
interface and the influence of convection on mass transfer.
◦ Transport Processes and Unit Operations, John Geankopolis.
◦ Ma, Y. Z., & Ma, Y. Z. (2019). Permeability Modeling. Quantitative Geosciences: Data Analytics,
Geostatistics, Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, 495-515.
◦ Agaoglu, B., Copty, N. K., Scheytt, T., & Hinkelmann, R. (2015). Interphase mass transfer between
fluids in subsurface formations: A review. Advances in Water Resources, 79, 162-194.
◦ Equimolar Counter diffusion, R. Shankar Subramanian, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering Clarkson University.
◦ Mass transfer and Diffusion, Wiley
◦ Todd, R. S. and Webley, P. A. (2002). Limitations of the LDF/equimolar counterdiffusion assumption for
mass transport within porous adsorbent pellets. Chemical Engineering Science, 57(19), 4227-4242.

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