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science revision

Name 3 contact forces

• friction
• Air resistance
• Tension
• Normal contact
• Upthrust
• Push/pull
Name 3 non-contact forces
• Electrostatic
• Magnetism
• gravity
What is Hookes law
• Extension proportional to force
Does plastic return to its original form?
• no
Does elastic return to original form?
• It does, until you reach its elastic potential
What causes push and pull?
• Interaction between object
How do you measure pressure?
• Force/area
• Pa, N/m(squared), n/cm(squared)
What do simple machines do?
• They increase a force or changes location
What is moment?
• The turning effect of a force
How do you measure moment?
• Force (times) distance
• N/m, N, m
What is force resolution?
• Adding up or subtracting forces
What happens if an object’s force is
• it does whatever it was previously doing
What happens if an object’s force is
• It changes shape, speed or direction
What is the universe?
• The universe is literally everything.
What are galaxies?
• Clusters of solar systems orbiting black holes
What is our galaxy called?
• Milky way
What are solar systems?
• Its where planets, comets or asteroids orbit
Which planets are in our solar system? (order
them from closest to the sun to the furthest away
from the sun)
• Mercury
• Venus
• Earth
• Mars
• Jupiter
• Saturn
• Uranus
• neptune
Which planets are gas giants?
• Jupiter
• Saturn
• Uranus
• neptune
Which planets are rocky planets?
• venus
• Mercury
• Earth
• mars
what does a nebula turn into?
• A star
What is the speed of light?
• 300,000,000 m/s
What are exoplanets?
• Planets outside our solar system
what is the periodic table?
• A list of element arranged based on their
what are the columns on a periodic table
• groups
What are the rows on the periodic table
• periods
What is the boron staircase?
• A staircase on the periodic table that splits the
metals from the non-metals.
Where would you find group one and is it
• Group one is found on the top left and it
consists of reactive alkali metals
What can you find in group 7?
• halogens
What can you find in group 0?
• Unreactive noble gasses.
What are mixtures?
• mixture is made from different substances that
are not chemically joined.
What is a pure substance?
• A pure substance consists of only one element.
This can be either a compound or an element.
What are atoms?
• Atoms are tiny particles that make up
What charge is a proton?
• positive
What charge is a neutron?
• It is uncharged (neutral)
What charge is an electron?
• negative
What four layers does the earth have?
• Crust
• Mantle
• Outer core
• Inner core

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