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Rule of Law
-Dharma Raj Paudel
“Be you never so high, the law is above you”
-Thomas Fuller
4.1 Concept of Rule of Law
• Rule of law is a vague and multi- dimensional concept
• Independent ,impartial and competent justice system is the cornerstone of
rule of law
• Justice is an end and rule of law is a means to achieve that end
• Independent and competent justice system is an institution to transform the
concept of rule of law into living reality in our context
• Constitution is a politico-legal document enacted to promote rule of law
• Article 1 of the present constitution stipulates constitutional supremacy to
test the constitutionality of legislation
• Judiciary is one of the institutions on which rests the noble edifice of
democracy and rule of law.
• Rule by law is opposite to rule of law that demands just, fair and
reasonable law
• Magnacarta , 1215 declared that “we will sell to no man, we will not deny
or defer to any man either justice or right”
• Greek philosopher Aristotle opined that the rule of law is better than that
of individual
• Rule of law is antithesis both to dictatorship and anarchism
• For the citizen, rule of law is both prescriptive; dictating the conduct
required by law and protective to citizens, demanding that government acts
according to law
• Rule of law and arbitrariness are sworn enemy.
• Right to equality is the lifeline and essence of rule of law
• Expounder of rule of law A. V. Dicey mentioned equality before the
law and equal protection of law as the concept of rule of law
• He also added rule of law as a right not to be subjected to
imprisonment , arrest or other physical coercion in any manner that
does not admit of legal justification that is to protect liberty of
human beings
• Lawlessness in governmental control upon corruption, nepotism,
abuse of power has an adverse impact on the notion of rule law.
Origin of the concept of Rule of Law
• Justice Edward Coke is the originator of the concept of rule of law
• Justice Coke said that the King must be under the God and the Law
• A.V. Dicey, British constitutional thinker later developed the concept of rule of
• Natural law thinker developed the idea of reason , equality and good
• Philosophy of laissez faire , propounded by Adom Smith, developed the idea of
minimum of state interference and maximum of individual liberty
• John Locke emphasized on sanctity of private rights as individualism
• The concept of welfare state contributed maximum of happiness and minimum
of sorrow among the people that is related with rule of law.

A.V. Dicey on Rule of Law
A. V. Dicey gives the concept of rule of law containing three principles:
• Absence of discretionary power in the hands of the government officials because every exercise of discretionary power gives room for arbitrariness
• All the persons irrespective of status must be subjected to the ordinary courts of the land
• General rules of constitutional law are result of ordinary law of the land
• Delhi conference of I.C.J. defined that rule of law is a dynamic concept which should be employed to safeguard and advance the political and civil rights of the individuals in a free society.

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Lon fuller’s Eight Elements of Law
Concerning Rule of Law
• Law must be in existence and should be obeyed by all
• Law must be published and promulgated publicly
• Law must be prospective not retroactive in nature
• Law should be intelligible and written with clarity
• Law must avoid contradictions
• Law must not command/ require the impossibilities
• Law must be consistent/be stay constant through time
• Law must be free from ambiguities
Lord Binghom’s Eight Essential Principles of
Rule of Law

• Law must be accessible , intelligible ,clear and predictable

• Legal right and liability should be resolved according to law
• Law should be applied equally to all
• Public officials must exercise their power with good faith, fairly and
• Law must afford protection of human rights
• State must provide a way of resolving disputes
• Adjudicative procedure provided by the state should be fair
• Rule of law requires compliance by the state with its obligation in
national and international areana.

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