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Personal Care

By: Paula Erika De Jesus

Personal care is a complex and important part of daily living that
includes a variety of actions and routines intended to preserve and
improve one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It entails
making conscious efforts to maintain one's body and mind in top
condition, hence fostering general health and self-esteem. Grooming,
hygiene, skincare, nutrition, exercise, and mental health are just a few
examples of the many components that make up personal care. It is
essential for making people feel and look their best, increasing self-
confidence, and improving quality of life.
on National Care Standards
● Dignity
• To have a knowledge ● Privacy
of different aspects of ● Choice
personal care ● Safety
• To learn practical ● Realizing Potential
skills required to deliver ● Equality and Diversity
personal care
What does Personal Care Include?
f orget
Personal Care Includes:
● Bathing, showering, hair washing, oral ...
hygiene nail care.
● Toileting, catheter/stoma care, skin care,
incontinence laundry, bed changing.
● Assistance with the preparation of food
assistance with the fulfilment of special
dietary needs.
● Dealing with the consequences of being
immobile or substantially immobile.
What does Personal Care Include?
f orget

Personal Care Includes:

● ...
Behavior Management, psychological support,
reminding devices.
● Assistance with medication (including eye
application of creams and lotions, simple
dressing, oxygen therapy.
● Assistance with dressing, surgical appliances,
prostheses, mechanical and manual aids.
● Assistance to get up and go to bed. Transfers
including the use of a hoist.
Function of the Skin Don't
f orget
● Protective covering for body
● End organ pain, touch temperature. ...
● Secretes sebum- oily fluid which keeps skin and
● hair moisturized.
● Absorbs small amounts of oily substances
● Origin of hair and nails.
● Contains cholesterol, substance converted into
● Vit D by the action of sunlight.
● Secretes sweat removes waste water and salts
● and plays important part in regulating body
● temperature.
Importance of
skin care
Importance of
skin care
● Keeping skin clean and fresh is essential for
general health and wellbeing.
● Dirty skin collects dried sweat, dead skin cells
and secretions from the glands bacteria breeds
and causes odors and infections
● It is important to clean the skin at least daily.
Importance of
skin care
● If a service user is not willing to either have a
bath or a shower then they should be encouraged
to have a daily wash. (even using body wash or
baby wipes) especially to folds of skin.
● If someone has a skin condition, this should be
noted in their support plan.
● Older skin loses elasticity and sensation- be
aware of extreme temperatures and use care when
● Pressure problems caused by- unable to move
position, friction, continence issues, diet etc.

● Bacteria UTI, chest infection

● Viruses- common cold
● Fungi- thrush, athletes foot
● Parasites- scabies, head lice
Cross Infection
Infection Control
● Wash hands.
Cross infection is the physical ● Check washing facilities are
movement or clean.
transfer of harmful bacteria from ● Use hand washing gel if no
one person, suitable facilities.
● Wear gloves and apron where
object, or place to another, or required.
from one part of the body to ● Wash hands after taking off latex
another. gloves or
● before putting on a new pair.
● Dispose of waste appropriately.
04 Hygiene
● Using the bathing/washing period to assess
individual progress, can identify change of mood
or ability to cooperate.
● Note any physical signs, e.g pain on movement of
a limb or bruising. This is important as
confused or disabled people may be unable to
recall a fall or knock.
Dressing /
● Helps the person retain an interest in
appearance and standard of
● Consider hair styling, make up etc.
● Respect choices but prompt with
appropriate clothing e.g. for weather.
● May need to support with sensory
aids, prostheses and orthoses.
The importance of food and drink

Food is an important
part of social events Meal times are
Food drink are basic in most cultures and opportunity to spend
essentials for human there are often time with family /
beings to survive. special customs friends.
associated with
Possible causes
of poor Nutrition
in Dementia
● Not recognizing that it is time for a meal
● (orientation).
● Forgetting to eat or drink/thought of
● eaten already (memory).
● Difficulties cooking food / Not waiting to
● food properly (concentration).
● Food placed wrongly e.g sausages in
● cupboard (confusion).
● Physical causes e.g. sore mouth.
Continence Dementia
● Approximately 50 60 of people with dementia
are thought to suffer from incontinence. (mostly
● Rare for someone in earlier stages of dementia to
suffer from incontinence.
● More often problems start as dementia progresses
from moderate to severe stages.
● Often the incontinence is as a result of
inappropriate urinating or defecating rather
than the person being totally unaware of their
Continence / Incontinence

● General obstacles to
Types of Incontinence
● Infection urine infection
● Stress
● Urge
● Poor diet and/or fluid
● Overflow
● Neurogenic
● Constipation
● Functional
● Medication side effects
● Alcohol
Factors affecting
continence in people
with Dementia
● Memory- may forget what they set out to do.
● Orientation unable to find toilet especially in
unfamiliar environments.
● Dis-inhibition- where and when appropriate.
● Recognition- unable to recognize facilities or
recognize sensation of needing toilet.
● Apathy- motivation to get up and go.
● Physical difficulties- unable to remove clothing
or get on / off toilet due to e.g. arthritis,
poor eyesight.
Personal care routines can vary greatly from person to person depending on
personal preferences, cultural norms, and medical requirements. Bathing,
brushing one's teeth, taking care of one's hair, doing skincare routines, and
using cosmetics or grooming items are some frequent personal care tasks.
Personal care activities that are essential to a holistic sense of well-being
include controlling stress, having a balanced diet, and exercising frequently.
The topic is very important since personal care has a significant impact on one's
mental and emotional health in addition to their physical health. Healthy personal care
practices can help people build self-confidence, lower their chance of developing
numerous health problems, and generally improve their quality of life. It's a subject
that appeals to people of all ages and socioeconomic groups, and it keeps changing as
new tools, technology, and techniques for self-care are developed to support people in
achieving their personal care objectives. The subject of personal care is more
important than ever in this age of growing attention on self-care and wellbeing.
Thank you!

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