Team Organic Veggies

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By Team Organic Veggies

The Idea
An app that connects farmers to
This is a startup that encourages
people to join farming by
providing the necessary
knowledge, support, guidance,
and micro loans when necessary

This Startup
• Encourage new farmers both male
and female
• Cater to the existing farmers by
giving them advanced weather
reports, proper knowledge on
farming, and connecting them to us
• By providing micro loans

Our Micro Loan System
• Micro loans will help farmers • We will do background checks
as many of them are unable to • We give loans out to groups
pay loans with huge interests
not individuals
from banks
• The guarantee is the group
• Will encourage new farmers
by giving them loans for the • The guarantors can be NGOs
necessary raw materials • We will allow time extensions
• Our micro loans will have a without an increase in interest
low interest rate and for
exceptional cases no interest
rate all as our primary
objective for giving out the
loans is not profit but to help
the farmers out

Our App Features
• Advanced weather reports
• Connecting farmers to us
• Access to better raw materials
• Helping farmers get micro loans
• Connecting buyers- the buyers will know where their food
comes from
• Better farming knowledge- this will result in better and more
consistent quality of goods


• Direct access to farmers without smartphones

• Farmers can apply for microloans easily
• Quick access to raw materials
• Introduces farmers to new techniques for more efficient farming
• Advise- farmers will be advised on what crops to produce. This
will help in dealing with the excess supply problem

Female Farmers
• By giving them the right price for their products
• By giving the adequate knowledge and training for
• By giving them micro loans to start off their farming

How Does Our
Business Work?
• We will be helping farmers
by providing adequate
knowledge, tools and
rawmaterials like seeds
• We will give microloans to
encourage new farmers
• We will be giving a fair
price to the farmers
• We will sell it to our buyers
for a profit
What makes us
• Ethically • We will have • Responsibly
sourced food a donation sourced
• Farmers get a channel • Food farmed
fair price • Large and from high
• High quality small quality seeds
products corporations • Buyers will
can donate be able ro see
• Individuals where their
can donate as food comes
well from and how
it is produced

• We will set up booths in the rural areas
• We will provide training services for free
• We will offer micro loans and provide good
quality raw materials
• We will buy the output at a fair price
• We will sell it to large retail stores and restaurants

Cost per unit for a kilo of potatoes

Cost per unit Sell per unit

13 tk 27 tk

Why we need 1 million dollars
• To set up booths across the country
• To develop and market the app
• To set up micro loan systems
• To develop proper distribution channels

Our Customers
• Farmers
• Unemployed villagers
• Large buyers like supermarkets
• Restaurants
• Individuals

Mission Vision &
• To help the • Increase • Fairness-
unemployed employment farmers
in the • Introduce being
country improved treated
farming fairly &
• Encourage customers
more new techniques
getting high
farmers quality food
• Make • Farmers are
farmers feel our mail
appreciated focus
• High quality

Impact of Krishi?
Ethically sourced food
Efficient manufacturing
Right prices

Future plans



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