Assignment 2 Brief - QT21.2

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QT 21.

Assignment 2 Brief Details


 Submission details

 Key Dates

 Content
3 Parts to Assignment

 Individual Submission of slides and speaker notes (29/11/2022)

 Compulsory Requirement

 Individual Presentation (1/12/2022 – 3/12/2022)

 Compulsory Requirement

 Final submission of slides and speaker notes (9/12/2022)

 Compulsory requirement
Assignment Submission
 Submission is in the form of a 10-minute presentation and five minutes for questions.
The presentation slides for the findings should be submitted along with speaker notes
as one copy. You are required to make effective use of PowerPoint headings, bullet
points and subsections as appropriate.

 Your research should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system (or an
alternative referencing system). Inaccurate use of referencing may lead to issues of
plagiarism if not applied correctly.

 The recommended word limit is 1,000–1,500 words, including speaker notes, although
you will not be penalised for going under or exceeding the total word limit.

 Students need to submit a hard copy and soft copy

Final Submission
 The cover page: Pink
 Unit Learning Outcomes + Assignment Brief and Guidance
 Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
 Student Assessment Submission and Declaration
 Turnitin Digital Receipt
 Turnitin Similarity Report
 Assignment Feedback Form
 Observation Report
 Cover Page
 Slides with Speaker notes
 Reference List
Key Date 1 (29/11/2022)

 All students must submit their slides AND speaker notes to MS Teams before 4
p.m 29/11/2022

 In the interest of fairness to all students, you cannot change your slides or
speaker notes after this date
Key Date 2 - In Class Presentation
 10-minute individual PowerPoint presentation and 5 minutes allocated for questions

 Students need to present their work to the class

 You should follow the given time limit. The lecturer will stop the presentation when the time
has exceeded

 Students will be given a date and time. Do NOT be late or you risk having to redo the

 Your presentation will be recorded for admin purposes

 After the presentation, you will be given a feedback and presentation summary form
Available Time Slots
- Thursday (1/12): from 8 a.m to 11.30 p.m

Group Student Time Group Time

Café Treat Hannie 8.00 Hue Memory Karrar 10.00
Café Treat Alex 8.15 Hue Memory Stella 10.15
Café Treat Katherine 8.30 Hue Memory Mia 10.30
Café Treat Justin Do 8.45 Hue Memory Michael 10.45
VTSK Sam 9.00 Hue Memory Doris 11.00
VTSK Khoa 9.30
VTSK Vu 9.45
Available Time Slots
- Saturday (3/12): from 8 a.m to 11.30 a.m

Group Student Time Group Time

Humble… Audrina 8.00 Reminiscence Anna 10.00
Humble… Elina 8.15 Reminiscence Kaley 10.15
Humble… Iris 8.30 Reminiscence Susie 10.30
Medicity Eirene 8.45 Reminiscence Cassie 10.45
Medicity Jessie 9.00
Medicity Griselda 9.30
Medicity Emma 9.45
Available Time Slots
 Saturday (3/12) from 2p.m to 5 p.m

Group Student Time

Noreir Grace 2.00
Noreir Josephine 2.15
Noreir Kevin 2.30
Noreir Bean 2.45
The Company Men Kyle 3.00
The Company Men Kai 3.30
The Company Men Peanut 3.45
The Company Men Tony 4.00
The Company Men Harry 4.15

 Class ID: 36702130

 Enrollment key: 12345
Learning Outcomes

 LO3 Use contemporary examples to demonstrate both the positive and

negative influence/impact the macro environment has on business operations.

 LO4 Determine the internal strengths and weaknesses of specific businesses

and explain their interrelationship with external macro factors.
Case / Scenario

 Your presentation will include the findings from an external and an internal audit:

 PESTLE analysis to identify positive and negative impacts of external factors and
influences on the sports retail market, including a ‘traffic light chart’ evaluating level
of competition, funding activity, legal complexity and investment opportunity

 A SWOT analysis to explore and explain the organisation’s internal strengths and
weaknesses as a company

 Critical analysis of both the external and internal factors, to determine whether the
organisation should proceed with their expansion plans, presented as conclusions and
Grading Criteria
Suggested Format

 Introduction



 Future Recommendations

 Conclusion
1. Introduction (30 seconds – 1 minute)

 Introduce yourself

 Introduce what you will discuss

2. PESTLE (2-5 minutes)

 Introduce the PESTLE Analysis

 What are the key factors affecting Tesla? Focus on these

 They want negative and positive discussion of the factors (P3)

 Time is very important

 Conclude your PESTLE using the Green light system

 Mention the impact on Tesla

3. Green Light System

 Political Factors – Green Light

 Economic Factors – Green Light
 Social Factors – Yellow Light
 Technological Factors – Green Light
 Legal Factors – Green Light
 Environmental Factors – Red light

 Eg. Overall, it is a green light for Tesla


 Micro-environmental Analysis

 Porters 5 Forces is essential

 5 star method to evaluate the micro-environment of Tesla

4. SWOT of TESLA (2-5 minutes)

 Introduce the model briefly

 Strengths

 Weaknesses

 Opportunities

 Threats

 Conclude the model briefly

5. Future Recommendations (2 minutes)

 Quality Recommendations

 Future strategy plans



Conclusion of Presentation (30 seconds)

 Briefly conclude your presentation

 Any questions
Speaker Notes

 You can add more detail in the speaker notes than you actually say in the live

 Be sure to add the Pearson criteria here, even if you do not say it live!
Sample Submission of PPT File
 Available on Microsoft Teams
Wednesday 23/11/22 Exercise

 Present a PESTLE Analysis or a SWOT Analysis for the company of their choice
in Vietnam.

 This will be the main activity for the class and it should help us to prepare our
knowledge for LO3 and LO4.

 4 Groups x PESTLE

 4 Groups x SWOT
Wednesday 23/11/22

Group Model Organisation

Hue Memory SWOT
Café Treats SWOT
Humble Bumble Bee SWOT
Medicity PESTLE
Noreir SWOT
The Company Men PESTLE
Reminiscence PESTLE

 Be Creative

 Stick to the assignment brief

 Read the learning outcome criteria

 Obey the 10 minutes!

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