Unit 1 Family Life - Speaking

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+ make the bed + water the trees

+ take out the rubbish + wash the dishes

+ vacuum the floor + feed the dogs

+ hang up the clothes + mop the floor

+ sweep the house + iron the clothes

+ do the laundry + cook the meals

Unit 1: Family life
Lesson 4 :
Activity 1. Which household chores do you like doing and which do
you dislike? Write your answers to the questions in the table below and
add a reason. Then tell your partner.

Share with your partner following this model.

- I like cooking because I like eating.
- I don’t like cleaning the bathroom because it’s dirty.
 Expressing likes  Expressing dislikes

• I like…  I don’t like…

 I dislike...
• I love...  I hate…
• I enjoy…  I am tired of... V-ing
 I can’t stand…
• I adore…  I detest...
• I ‘m crazy
Activity 2 : Below is part of Anna’s interview with Mai. Match Mai’s
answers with Anna’s questions.

Anna Mai

1. What household chores do a. Well, I think I like sweeping the house.

you do every day?

2. Which of the chores do you b. Washing the dishes, because I often

like doing the most? break things when I do the washing-up

3. What do you like about it? c. I do the laundry, wash the dishes, and
sweep the house. I sometimes do the
cooking when my mum is busy.

4. Which of the chores do you d. It’s not too hard, and I like seeing the
dislike doing the most? house clean after I sweep it.
Practice reading the conversation in pairs.

Anna: What household chores do you do every day?

Mai: I do the laundry, wash the dishes, and sweep the
house. I sometimes do the cooking when my mum is busy.
Anna: Which of the chores do you like doing the most?
Mai: Well, I think I like sweeping the house.
Anna: What do you like about it?
Mai: It’s not too hard, and I like seeing the house clean after
I sweep it.
Anna: Which of the chores do you dislike doing the most?
Mai: Washing the dishes, because I often break things when
I do the washing-up.
ACTIVITY 3: Make a similar conversation and practise
with a partner.

A: What household chores do you do every day?

B: I …………………………………………………………………………
A: Which of the chores do you like doing the most?
B: Well, I think I like ………………………………………
A: What do you like about it?
B: Because …………………………………………………………..
A: Which of the chores do you dislike doing the most?
B: I hate ………………………………because………………
Tell the class the chores you like and dislike and give
the reasons why you like/dislike them.
Sample: Everyday I do some chores in my family such
as………………..I love …………..…the most because …………. I
also enjoy …………... since…………… However, I
dislike………….because…………...... Next, I hate…………..
as…………………. In short, I love doing housework because I feel
happy when I can help my parents.

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