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Response To

B Y : G A B I VA S Q U E Z
What is RTI?

• RTI stands for response to intervention,

a school-based strategy that aims to
identify and support kids who are
struggling in school.

• It uses targeted teaching, progress

monitoring, and more support to help
them catch up and thrive.
• "The Pyramid of Interventions was introduced
by the Georgia Department of Education in 2006
as part of our state wide school improvement
plan. Its goal is to provide a framework to assist
individual school systems in meeting the
requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of
2001 and the 2004 reauthorization of the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA)." - Mclntosh County Schools

County RTI
• Tier 1 takes place in every classroom, in every school, every
day. This is good standards based, and scientifically researched
based, teaching. where the teacher addresses the universal
learning and problems that are occurring with the majority of his
or her students. Data collection in Tier I will include benchmark
assessments, AIMSweb identified curriculum based measures,
Pre and Post testing, etc.

• Tier 2 are in need of strategic intervention and have been

identified as at-risk for not meeting end-of-year performance

• Tier 3 intervention plans include more than what occurs during

intervention time.

3 tiers of RTI
• RTI revolves around the idea that it is better to identify and provide
assistance to a student before they experience failure. The McIntosh
County School system will use a series of quick universal screenings
that have been nationally normed in key literacy areas such as reading,
mathematics, and written expression. Each universal screening will
take less than 5 minutes per child to administer which should not to
interfere with valuable instructional time.

• Parents will be provided easy to read reports that will detail their
student's progress. In addition, the screenings allow for immediate
identification of students not progressing at the expected rate for their
age or grade level. As these students are identified, appropriate
interventions can be put in place immediately with more frequent
progress monitoring to ensure success come the spring.

How Does RTI

Benefit Mclntosh
County Schools?
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