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Modal analysis

Basics of Modal Analysis

• A modal analysis, or a free vibration analysis, is performed to obtain the natural frequencies and
mode shapes of a structure.
• Modal analysis does not consider the response of the structure under dynamic loads but rather
the natural frequencies. A modal analysis is usually the first step before solving more complicated
dynamic problems.
• A modal analysis is a subset of the general equation of motion and it is given as
[M][] + [C][] + [K][X] = [F]
[M] = mass matrix [] = acceleration
[C] = damping matrix [] = velocity
[K] = Stiffness matrix [X] = displacement

• As there is no damping and no applied loading for modal analysis and above equation reduces to
[M][] + [K][X] = 0
In modal analysis, the structure is assumed to be linear, so the response is assumed to
be harmonic:
{x} = {Φ} sin(ωt)

Where Φ is the mode shape (eigenvector) and ω is the natural circular frequency

By substituting this value in the earlier equation, the following is obtained:

- ω2 [M]{Φ}sin(ωt) + [K] ]{Φ}sin(ωt) =0
- ω2 [M] + [K] ]{Φ}sin(ωt) = 0

Noting that the solution Φ =0 is trivial, ωt is solved for:

[K] - ω2 [M] ) {Φ} = 0

For a modal analysis, the natural circular frequencies ω and mode shapes Φ are obtained from the
matrix equation.
ω2 = K/M
This results in certain assumptions related to the analysis:
[K] and [M] are constant
• Linear elastic material behaviour is assumed.
• Small deflection theory is used, and no nonlinearities included.
• [C] is not present, so damping is not included.
• {F} is not present, so no excitation of the structure is assumed.
• The structure can be unconstrained (rigid-body modes present) or partially/fully constrained,
depending on the physical structure.
• It is important to remember these assumptions related to performing modal analyses in Design
Modal Analysis Procedure
• Import the Geometry.
• Mesh the modal as per requirements.
• Assign Material Properties.
• Create connections.
• Assign boundary conditions.
• Request number modes.
• Solve the Model
• Review Results
Geometry and Material Properties

• Different type of geometry supported by Design Simulation may be used: Solid

• Surface bodies (with appropriate thickness defined).
• Line bodies (with appropriate cross-sections defined)For line bodies, only mode
shapes and displacement results are available.

• For material properties, Young’s Modulus, Poisson’s Ratio, and Mass Density are
• Since no loading is assumed, no other material properties will be used.
Loads and Boundary conditions
• Structural and thermal loads not used in a modal analysis
• In this situation, loads are considered but only for their prestress effects.
• Boundary conditions can be used in modal analyses
• If no or partial Boundary conditions are present, rigid-body modes can be
detected and evaluated.
• These modes will be at 0 or near 0 Hz. Unlike static structural analyses,
modal analyses do not require that rigid-body motion be prevented.
• The boundary conditions are important, as they affect the mode shapes
and frequencies of the part. Carefully consider how the model is
Requesting results
Reviewing Results After solution, mode shapes can be
• After solution, mode shapes can be reviewed.
• Because there is no excitation applied to the structure, the mode shapes are relative values
associated with free vibration
• Mode shapes (displacements), stresses, and strains represent relative, not absolute quantities
• The frequency is listed in the Details view of any result being viewed.
• The animation button on the Results Context toolbar can be used to help visualize the mode
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