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The Parable of the

Phytoplankton: Understanding
the Impact of Environmental
Changes in Antarctica

‘ We sometimes underestimate the influence of little things ’

- Charles W. Chestnutt
Antarctica’s Ecosystem:
The Antarctic continent is isolated
from the rest of the world by the
Southern Ocean and successful
natural colonization events are rare.
As a result, terrestrial biodiversity is
low and comprised of simple plants
(e.g. mosses, lichens, liverworts) and
animals (e.g. flies, mites and
springtails). Antarctica, because of her
simple ecosystem and lack of
biodiversity, is the perfect place to
study how little changes in the
environment can have big
The Parable of the Phytoplankton:
One such important life organism is the
Phytoplankton. This microscopic sea grass
holds a lot of weight in the food chain of the
entire Southern Ocean. These single celled
plant life are essential for photosynthesis.
Scientists warn that a further depletion in
the ozone layer will affect the activities of
phytoplankton, which in turn will affect the
lives of all the marine animals and birds of
the region, and the global carbon cycle. Due
to its simple ecosystem even the smallest of
changes causes drastic effects. In this case
the saying ‘Take care of the small things
and the big things will fall into place’
holds true.
Climate change is a growing concern
that is affecting countries world
wide. Scientists fear that if climate
change is not controlled swiftly, the
ice sheets in Antarctica could
collapse because of climate change,
leading to a rise in sea levels which
would have disastrous consequences
for low-lying cities and communities.
The phytoplankton is an example of
how little things make drastic
differences. If we start today to try
to save our planet through small
steps it will make cosmic changes in
the future.

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