Lecture 2

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Data : Data is a collection of individual statistics, facts, or items of information.

singular form of data is datum. Data is in a raw form and has to be organized and
interpreted to extract useful information.
Information: When data is processed, organized, structured or presented in a given
context so as to make it useful, it is called Information.
Example: The mark of each student in a class is an example of data, while the
average marks gained by students of the class are information derived from data.

Students ID Bangla English Math

01 75 80 85

02 70 85 90
03 70 86 91

AVG Mark 71.67 83.67 88.67

Raw Data 75,70,70,80,85,86,85,90,91

Context Test scores achieved by students

Average test score is
calculated. Average marks of
Information Bangla is 71.67. Average
marks of English is 83.67.
Average marks of math is
88.67 .
• Data can be numerical (only digits), Alphabetic (only
alphabets), Alpha-numerical ( mixture of alphabets, digits
and special characters), text, image, voice and video.
• A computer is a data processing machine. Computer
processes data to produce information. If the data is false,
then the computer will process the false information.
• The word “computer” comes from the word “Compute”, which
means, “to Calculate”. Although the original objective of inventing a
computer was to create a fast calculating device, nowadays the
computer is used as a data processing device.
• The computer is an electronic device that takes input from the user
and processes these data under the control of a set of instructions
(called program) and gives the result (output) and saves future use.
Characteristics of Computer:
Characteristics Description
Automatic It carries out a job normally without any human intervention.
Speed It can perform several billion (109 ) simple arithmetic operations per second.
Accuracy It performs every calculation with the same accuracy.
Diligence It is free from monotony, tiredness, and lack of concentration.
Versatility It can perform a wide variety of tasks.
Memory It can store huge amount of information and can recall any piece of this information
whenever required.
No. I.Q It can not take its own decisions, and has to be instructed what to do and in what
No feelings It cannot make judgments based on feelings and instincts.
Computer Generation:
(1) First Generation: (1942-55)
• Vacuum Tube Technology to store and process information
• Consumed great deal of power
• Short lived
• Great deal of heat
• Colossal in Size
• Limited memory and processing capability
• Used for very limited scientific and engineering work
• Main memory up to 2KB
• Speed 10 Klp/Sec
• Rotating magnetic drums for internal storage
• Punched cards for external storage
Example: IBM 650, Univac І, ENIAC
(2) Second Generation (1955-64):
• Transistors technology replaced vacuum tubes
• Transistors were much more stable and reliable than vacuum tubes
• Generated less heats
• Consumed less power
• Magnetic core memory for primary storage
• Up to 32 Kilobytes of RAM
• Speed 200,000 to 300,000 instructions per second
• Used for scientific work and for business work
• Slow tedious process
example: IBM 1401, IBM 1620
(3) Third Generation(1964-75):
• Integrated circuits (IC) Technology
• Hundreds/Thousands of tiny transistors on small silicon chips.
• Memory expanded to 2 megabytes
• Speed 5 Million instruction per second
• Develop operating system
• Introduced software
• Keyboard Entry
Example: IBM 360
(4) Fourth Generation (1975-1989):
• Very large scale integrated circuits(VLSIC)
• First time introduce Microprocessor (VLSIC)
• 200,000 to over 3 million circuits per chip
• Cost have reduced
• Widely available for use in business
• Very small size
• Used Magnetic bubble memory
• Memory size over 2 gigabytes
• Processing speed over 200 Million instruction per second
Example: Intel 4004, IBM 3033
(5) Fifth Generation (1989-Present):
• VLSI became ULSI (Ultra Large scale integration)
• Multicore processor chips
• Larger capacity main memory
• Very powerful and compact computers at cheaper rate
• Tremendous outgrowth of computer networks.
Example: IBM Notebooks, Windows PC, Apple PC

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