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Personality of

Rasulullah SAW
By : Achmad Rifqi Ali
Characteristics of the prophet Muhammad
In Islam, the most perfect role model is found in the Prophet
Muhammad, a person who has qualities that the Prophet Muhammad
always maintained and cared for. The characteristics that existed in
the Prophet Muhammad were also found in other apostles as callers
to the people. The nature in question is known as the mandatory
nature of the Apostle.
The mandatory nature of the Apostle is the character of the Prophet
Muhammad in carrying out his duties as a leader of the people.
Implementation in life
Every Muslim should always do the following:
a). Believing wholeheartedly that every lie, forgery, and deception is a form of
betrayal and hypocrisy that can lower his dignity before God and damage his
reputation before His creatures.
b). Carry out their duties or responsibilities as abdullah and khalifatullah with
high integrity, and therefore have an uncompromising attitude towards all forms
of evil.
c). Believe, think, act, behave, look, and act based on the values ​of truth and
d). Trying to improve the quality of himself to be the best, true, honest,
professional, noble, and responsible in the midst of his religious environment,
family environment, work/organization environment, social
environment/community, and environment of the universe.
(Dapat dipercaya)
Implementation in life
Every Muslim should do the following:
a. Realizing wholeheartedly that life is trustful. So, in every activity, worship, study, and
work, he will always try to improve the quality of his achievements with full sincerity and a
high sense of responsibility.
b. Work with mutual respect for the capacities of others, be participatory and cooperative to
achieve optimal and quality group work results.
c. Never commercializes his status or potential, rank or position, and does not manipulate
and use it for personal gain by way of KKN (Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism), because
this is a betrayal of God's mandate.
d. Be determined and full of responsibility to maintain religion, family honor, property, and
soul, as well as the benefit of the people, which is the mandate of every Muslim.
Implementation in life
Every Muslim should always do the following:
a. Having a superior, charismatic, and exemplary leadership spirit and potential (uswatun
hasanah), so that he becomes a role model, both in the family, religion, work/organization, as well
as in his association with society and the universe.
b. Realizing that he is the caliph of Allah on the surface of the earth who must always show
attitudes, behaviors, and actions that are in accordance with the principles of the rabbani
c. Making the learning and teaching process an effort to improve the quality of work and service.
Through this process, he is called upon to always share knowledge, success tips, and experiences
with his family, work partners or organizations, business partners, and other partners without
feeling afraid of being competitive.
d. Able to respect the opinions of others and have an open attitude (open soul, open heart, open-
minded, open management), respond to differences of opinion openly, and communicate
empathetically, on the basis of noble character and compassion for Allah SWT.
Implementation in life
Every Muslim should always do the following:
a.) Carry out tasks with high-quality standards in accordance with the vision and mission of
faith, Islam, and ihsan. He should always be introspective and full of responsibility.
b). Realizing with all my heart that being highly disciplined and obeying the rules of Allah
and His Messenger is part of an Islamic attitude and way of working. This will awaken a
high sense of devotion to Allah SWT.
c). Trying to position oneself as part of khairunnas anfa'uhum linnas (the best human being
is the most useful for other human beings), working creatively and innovatively to find and
develop various forms of superior products, works, and services (services).
d). Improving akhlakul karimah, intelligence, skills, and abilities to position oneself as a
professional in his field.

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