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Introduction to Computing

Malik Ahmad Siraj

Course Objectives
 useful computer skills.
 basic programming.
 how to care for your computer.
 how to use current capabilities of computers.
This course will help you to…
 utilize Microsoft Office (Word, Excel & Power
Point) extensively.
 know what is inside the computer box.
 understand the basics of programming, be able
to write simple programs.
History (1902 – 2010)
Computer History
1902 1911 1919 1933 1939 1941 1946 1947 1953 1958

Olympus is Hewlett
established Packard is
completed. computer is
founded. introduced.
Company now
known as IBM is Canon is
incorporated . established.
Term bug is The first integrated
introduced. ISO is circuit is developed.
3M is founded.

Computer History
1959 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1967 1967 1968

Hitachi is Digital BASIC

founded. introduces the language is
first developed.
Sharp is
founded. Intel
Panasonic is Corporation is
founded. General Motors puts founded.
the first industrial Nokia is
robot. formed.
The (ASCII) is
developed. IBM creates the
first floppy disk.

Computer History
1970 1970 1970 1970 1971 1972 1972 1976 1979 1981

AMD is Intel introduces The first IBM

Oracle is
founded. the first LASER announces
The compact disc is founded.
microprocessor printer is invented. the IBM PC.

Microsoft name is

Dot Bell Labs invents the ’C’

matrix printer is programming language. MS-DOS 1.0
Digital is
introduced. was released.
Computer History
1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1984 1984 1985

Peter Norton Adobe is

The Apple
creates Symantec is founded.
Compaq Macintosh is
Norton Utilities.
founded. Computer introduced.
Corp. is
founded. Microsoft Windows
is announced.
The first notebook-sized
portable computer is
Computer is
Maxtor is Sun is
founded. incorporated. The first Internet domain
name is
Computer History
1985 1989 1990 1991 1994 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995

The WWW is EBay is

ASUS is Java is
launched to the founded.
Corel is founded. introduced. USB standard is
founded. released.
is officially
Archie, the opened.
YAHOO is created. Hotmail
first search
engine is is started.
Computer History
1996 1996 1997 1997 2001 2001 2001 2004 2005

Bill Gates is now

Macromedia the worlds YouTube is
Flash is richest founded.
Windows XP are
released. businessman.
Google Google
is first announces
Wikipedia is founded.
developed. Gmail .

Apple introduces
the iPod.
go on sale.

Computer History
2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2009 2010

Maxtor is acquired
Apple Intel releases the Apple introduces
by Seagate. Core2 Duo
switches its Apple releases the the iPad and
computer to the Processor.
Apple iPhone. iPhone4.
Microsoft releases
Windows 7.
The blu-ray is first
announced and
Adobe completes its Microsoft
acquisition releases Microsoft
of Macromedia . Windows Vista and
Office 2007. 11
Introducing Computer Systems
A Machine to Assist the Human Brain
Computer works on the principle of Human Brain that
Performs the following two functions:

A) To take logical as well as mathematical

B) To retain things (Memory)
Hardware to do the job
Central Processing Unit (CPU)

1st Function

2nd Function
Random Access
Memory (RAM)
How Brain Works?

Input CPU Output

Data Processing Information

Keyboard Monitor

Mouse Printer

Hard Disk Speaker

Floppy Disk Microprocessor
Tape Hard Disk
Floppy Disk
Scanner Tape

CD-Rom RAM Plotter

Modem Modem


Open Save

The Computer Defined
 Electronic device
 Converts data into information
 Modern computers are digital
• Two digits combine to make data
 Older computers were analog
• A range of values made data
Computers For Individual Use
 Desktop computers
• The most common type of computer
• Sits on the desk or floor
• Performs a variety of tasks
 Workstations
• Specialized computers
• Optimized for science or graphics
• More powerful than a desktop
Computers For Individual Use
 Notebook computers
• Small portable computers
• Weighs between 3 and 8 pounds
• About 8 ½ by 11 inches
• Typically as powerful as a desktop
• Can include a docking station
Computers For Individual Use
 Tablet computers
• Newest development in
portable computers
• Input is through
a pen
• Run specialized versions of
office products
Computers For Individual Use
 Handheld computers
• Very small computers
• Personal Digital Assistants (PDA)
• Note taking or contact management
• Data can synchronize with a desktop
 Smart phones
• Hybrid of cell phone and PDA
• Web surfing, e-mail access
Computers For Organizations
 Network servers
• Centralized computer
• All other computers connect
• Provides access to network resources
• Multiple servers are called server farms
• Often simply a powerful desktop
Computers For Organizations
 Mainframes
• Used in large organizations
• Handle thousands
of users
• Users access through a
Computers For Organizations
 Minicomputers
• Called midrange computers
• Power between mainframe and desktop
• Handle hundreds of users
• Used in smaller organizations
• Users access through a terminal
Computers For Organizations
 Supercomputers
• The most powerful computers
• Handle large and complex
• Process trillions of operations
per second
• Found in research organizations
Looking Inside the Computer System
Parts of the Computer System
 Computer systems have four parts
• Hardware
• Software
• Data
• User
Parts of the Computer System
 Hardware
• Mechanical devices in the computer
• Anything that can be touched
 Software
• Tell the computer what to do
• Also called a program
Parts of the Computer System
 Data
• Pieces of information
• Computer organize and present data
 Users
• People operating the computer
• Most important part
• Tell the computer what to do
Information Processing Cycle
Steps followed to process data
 Input
 Processing
 Output
 Storage
Essential Computer Hardware
 Computers use the same basic hardware
 Hardware categorized into four types
Essential Computer Hardware
 Memory devices
• Stores data or programs
• Random Access Memory (RAM)
 Volatile
 Stores current data and programs
 More RAM results in a faster system
• Read Only Memory (ROM)
 Permanent storage of programs
 Holds the computer boot directions
Essential Computer Hardware
 Input and output devices
• Allows the user to interact
• Input devices accept data
 Keyboard, mouse
• Output devices deliver data
 Monitor, printer, speaker
• Some devices are input and output
 Touch screens
Essential Computer Hardware
 Storage devices
• Hold data and programs permanently
• Different from RAM
• Magnetic storage
 Floppy and hard drive
 Uses a magnet to access data
• Optical storage
 CD and DVD drives
 Uses a laser to access data
Software Runs The Machine
 Tells the computer what to do
 Reason people purchase computers
 Two types
• System software
• Application software
Software Runs The Machine
 System software
• Most important software
• Operating system
 Windows XP
• Network operating system (OS)
 Windows Server 2003
• Utility
 Symantec AntiVirus
Software Runs The Machine
 Application software
• Accomplishes a specific task
• Most common type of software
 MS Word
• Covers most common uses of computers
Computer data
 Fact with no meaning on its own
 Stored using the binary number system
 Data can be organized into files
Computer users
 Role depends on ability
• Setup the system
• Install software
• Mange files
• Maintain the system
 “Userless” computers
• Run with no user input
• Automated systems
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