HEALTH and Safety

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HEALTH and Safety

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Rifky setyarso – Pelaksana KPKNL Cirebon

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Occupational Health and Safety (K3) is our effort to create
a healthy and safe work environment, so as to reduce the
probability of work accidents/illness due to negligence
which result in demotivation and work productivity
deficiencies. H. W Heinrich in Notoadmodjo (2007)
The cause of work safety that is often encountered is unsafe
behavior by 88%, unsafe environmental conditions by 10%,
or both of these things occur simultaneously.
Three important factors of occupational safety and
health (K3) programs
A. Based on humanity. First of all, managers will carry out occupational accident prevention on the basis of true
humanity. They do so to reduce as much pain as possible from work injuries and the effects on families.

B. Under the law. There are also reasons for holding an occupational safety and health program based on the law, for
some those who violate it will be fined.

C. Based on economic reasons to be aware of work safety because the cost of an accident is very large for the
Occupational Safety Goals
Based on Law no. 1 of 1970 concerning occupational safety, that the purpose of Occupational Health and Safety relating
to machinery, equipment, workplace foundations and the workplace environment is to prevent accidents and work-
related illnesses, provide protection to production sources so as to increase efficiency and productivity. This is of course
very important considering that poor employee health results in decreased achievement/output and work demotivation.
Causes of Work Accidents
A. Workload. Workload is a physical, mental and social burden, so it is necessary to pay attention to the placement of
employees according to their abilities

B. Working Capacity. Work Capacity which depends on the level of education, skills, physical fitness, ideal body size,
nutritional state, etc

C. Work environment. Work environment in the form of physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic or psychosocial
Prevention of work accidents
In connection with the above, work accidents can be prevented using the HIRARC method, HIRARC consists of hazard
identification, risk assessment, and risk control.

A. Hazard Identification. According to Suardi, the categories of hazards are physical hazards, mechanical hazards,
electrical hazards, chemical hazards, ergonomic hazards, habitual hazards, environmental hazards, biological hazards
and psychological hazards.

B. Risk Assessment (Risk Assessment). Is an assessment process to identify potential hazards that can occur for the
purpose of risk control of processes and operations. The assessment in the risk assessment is the likelihood and
severity. Likelihood shows how likely an accident is to occur, severity shows how severe the impact of the accident
is. The value of likelihood and severity will be used to determine the risk rating, where the risk rating is the value of
the level of risk, can be low, medium, high or extreme (AS/NZS).

C. Risk Control. Is a way to overcome the potential hazards contained in the work environment. These potential hazards
can be controlled by first determining the priority scale which can then assist in the selection of controls. The risk
control hierarchy according to OHSAS 18001 consists of five hierarchies, namely elimination, substitution,
engineering control, administrative control and personal protective equipment (PPE).
According to Sutrisno and Ruswandi, 2007, the principles that must be implemented in a
company/government agency in implementing Occupational Health and Safety are as follows:

A. Availability of PPE in the workplace

B. There is a book of instructions for the use of tools or hazard signals
C. There are regulations on the division of tasks and responsibilities
D. There is a safe workplace according to SSLK standards (work environment requirements),
including a sterile workplace from dust, dirt, cigarette smoke, gas vapor, radiation, machine and
equipment vibration, noise, a safe workplace from electric current, adequate lighting. , ventilation
and air circulation are balanced.
E. There is support for physical and spiritual health in the workplace
F. There are complete facilities and infrastructure in the workplace
G. There is awareness in maintaining occupational health and safety
H. There is education and training on K3 awareness.
K3 is an effort to get a comfortable workplace and working atmosphere to support the achievement of
the highest productivity. KPKNL Cirebon as the DJKN vertical unit always tries to implement the K3
protocol, both in the office and in the field. To avoid work accidents, OSH is absolutely implemented
in all types of work without exception, both private and government agencies. A culture of healthy
living and also carrying out GERMAS (Healthy Living Community Movement) by promoting a
culture of healthy living and leaving unhealthy habits and behaviors. GERMAS action must be
followed by all components of the nation with awareness, willingness and ability to behave in a
healthy way to improve the quality of life. Availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure also
increases the probability of occupational health.

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