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Comparing Public Facilities for

Disabled Persons in Hong Kong

and Hubei

Welcome to the presentation on comparing

public facilities for disabled persons in Hong
Kong and Hubei. Explore the accessibility
measures adopted by these regions.

Student name : Tang Chen , Yuki

Class number : CCEN4002-CL02
Student ID number : 20252736

1 2 3 4 5

Background Similarities Differences Analysis Conclusion


Hong Kong Hubei

A bustling metropolis known for its A province in China renowned for its
vibrant economy and diverse rich culture and scenic countryside.
1 Barrier-Free Toilets

Both Hong Kong and Hubei

have implemented barrier-free
toilets for the convenience and
comfort of disabled persons.

Similarities 2 Elevators with Braille

Accessible elevators featuring

braille instructions are
available in public buildings
in both regions.
1 Public Transport
 No modification for persons
with disability

Hong Kong
 Public transport equipped
with pedals
2 Traffic Lights
 Scheduled route service Differences Hubei
 Accessible hire cars for  Ordinary traffic lights
wheelchair users
Hong Kong
 Beed sound
 Tactile aids for visually
impaired pedestrians
 Pushbuttons
1.Economic Resources:

•Hong Kong: In 2023-24, substantial resources

Hong Kong Recurrent Expenditure amounting to $329.4 billion, representing 59% of
2023-2024 the recurrent expenditure, are allocated to
livelihood-related areas, including social welfare
(Financial Secretary's Office, 2023).

•Hubei: Detailed information on Hubei's public
$329.4 billion spending on social welfare for 2023 was not
2.Policy and Governance:

Population Dynamics: Hong Kong


20.80% 2.Population Dynamics:


In Hong Kong the elderly population aged 65 20.8% in 2022

14.59% (Census and Statistics Department, 2022).

In Hubei, people aged 65 and above account for 14.59 percent

10.00% of the total population(The People's Government of Hubei
Province, n.d.).

aged 65
and above

Policy Timeline
Hong Kong: Hong Kong has a clear
policy objective to provide a barrier-free
Policy of barrier-free environment The Human Rights environment for persons with disabilities.
for persons with disabilities Action Plan of This includes enabling access to premises
China and use of facilities and services on an
equal basis with others.

2014 2021 Hubei: The Human Rights Action Plan of

China (2021-25) encourages people with
Hong Kong Hubei disabilities to seek jobs and start
businesses, offering preferential policies
such as reduced taxation.
 Similarities in aspects Public Toilets and Elevator design

 Differences in aspects Public Transport and Traffic Lights

 This is because of Economic Resources, Policy and Population Dynamics

 By comparing the public facilities for disabled persons in Hong Kong and Hubei, we
emphasize the importance of inclusivity in urban planning and strive for a more accessible
Financial Secretary's Office, Hong Kong. (2023). The 2023-24 Budget -
Budget Speech. Retrieved from

Labour and Welfare Bureau, Hong Kong. (n.d.). Accessibility. Retrieved


The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China.

(2021). Human Rights Action Plan of China (2021-25). Retrieved from

Census and Statistics Department. (2022). Hong Kong Population

Projection 2020-2069. Retrieved from

The People's Government of Hubei Province. (n.d.). Overview.

Retrieved from

Dash, S. P., & Thilagam , N. L. (2022). A Study On Inter Relationship

Of Open Space And Social Cohesion For Wellbeing Of Elderly: A
Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Built
Environment and Sustainability, 9(1), 55-72.
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Thank you for your attention!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask during the Q&A session.

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