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Ingles III

Teacher :
-Jenny Montaño

Members :
-Juan Jose Copa Jove
-Nathalia Flores Rios
Brief History
Lemon pie is believed to have been first prepared in England, at the
hands of Protestants in the 18th century. After that, it was able to
reach North America thanks to a Separatist Sect, an action that took
place in the year 1774. From there, the récipe began to have great
growth in the región.

- 2 Cups of cookies Maria

- 5 Spoon of butther without salt

- 2 Cans of condenset milk

- ¼ Cup of lemon juice

- 4 Unit of egg yolk (for filling)

- 3 Unit egg White (for meringue)

How the make

 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.

 2. Mix the cookies with the melted butter until you get a compact dough. Pour into the
bottom of a mold and press with the help of a spoon.

 3. For the filling, mix the egg yolks with the condensed led and the lemon juice. Pour it
over the biscuit base and bake for 10 minutes. Remove and let cool.
 4. For the meringue, beat the egg whites until meringue and add the sugar

 5. Spread the meringue over the pie, make the meringue peaks and return to the oven until
golden brown, 5 minutes.

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