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Analiza Gruspe Taberdo Ph.D., Ed.D., MNSA,MAED, LPT


Intended Learning Outcomes

 Know the diff erent technological

advancement in society

Discuss the eff ects of the interplay between

technology and humanity through the dilemmas
they face

Presentation Title 2

T E C H N O L O G Y: f r o m t h e G r e e k w o r d " t e c h n e " ( a r t ) a n d " l o g o s "

( w o r d ) w h i c h m e a n s d i s c o u r s e o n a r t s . - fi r s t a p p e a r e d i n t h e
1 7 t h c e n t u r y. T H E N Te c h n o l o g y w a s u s e d t o t a l k a b o u t t h e a r t s
- applied arts.

N O W Te c h n o l o g y b e c a m e s o m e f o r m o f n e c e s s i t y. A r t i s n o
longer the topic. Concepts like machine and tools were
a t t a c h e d . Te c h n o l o g y i s a l r e a d y a n i n e v i t a b l e p a r t o f t h e
s o c i e t y.

The roles played by technology these days are very crucial not
only to a few but also to everyone. Te c h n o l o g y k e e p s o n
progressing because of the changing times and the
environment and mind of mankind-”brilliance, creativeness and
power of mind”

Presentation Title 3

Job loss and human replacement
World destruction weapons
Increased loneliness
I. TV SETS - ultimate medium for advertisement placements.
• 1800s. Paul Gottlieb Nipkow was successful in his attempt to send images through the
wires with the aid of a rotating metal disk known as "electric telescope".
• Alan Archibald Campbell - Swinton and Boris Rosing introduced the new system of
Television with the use of cathode ray tube in addition to mechanical scanner system. -
introduced the two types of TV systems: mechanical and electronic. - their work
inspired other scientists to improve the previous inventions which led to the modern TV.

a. Platform for advertisements and information dissemination.
b. Serves as a recreational activity.
c. Stress reliever to most families.
d. Platform for different propagandas and advocacies.
e. A way of bonding with ones’ family members.
II. MOBILE PHONES - used anywhere and anytime for
different purposes other than communication. - are ROLES
considered a must-have technology. a. Primarily used for
BACKGROUND: b. Surfing
•April 3, 1973. Martin Cooper made the worlds' first c. Photography
mobile phonw call. Characteristics of Mobile Phone used by d. Other applications:
Martin Cooper: music player,
√Weight. 1.1 kg calendar,
. √Measurement. 228.6x127x44.4 mm. radio,
√Capable of 30 minutes talk time. TV,
√It took 10 hours to charge. Photo Editor
•1983. Motorola made their first commercial mobile phone
available to the public known as the Motorola Dyna TAC

•19th Century. Charles Babbage designed the Analytical Engine, which was used as
the basic framework of the computers even until the present time. - Computer. its
first design was so big that it could occupy whole floors of buildings. - Laptops.
transition from computer.

•April 1981. OS borne 1 was the first true portable computer that was released.
- start the evolution of laptops.

Presentation Title 12/13/2023 8


a. Surfing
b. Communication
c. Other applications:
music player, calendar, radio, TV, Photo Editor.
d. Used in workplace because of:
√wide keyboard
√wide screens
√separate keyboards
√availability of mouse or touchpad
e. Gaming

Presentation Title 12/13/2023 9


Robot- actuated mechanism programmable in two or more axes

with degree of autonomy, moving within its environment to perform intended task .

Roles Played by Robot – Isaac Asimov

Law 1. A robot may not injure a human being or through in action, allow a
human being to come to harm

Law 2. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where
such orders would conflict with the first law

Law 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection des
not conflict with the first and second law 11

S e r v i c e Ro b o t s : f o c u s m a i n l y i n a s s i s t i n g t h e i r m a s t e r s i n t h e i r e v e r y d a y

• P r e l i m i n a r y e x t ra c t o f t h e r e l e va n t d e fi n i t i o n f o r r o b o t :

A n a c t u a t e d m e c h a n i s m i n t w o o r m o r e a x e s w i t h a d e g r e e o f a u t o n o my,
m o v i n g w i t h i n i t s e nv i r o n m e n t t o p e r f o r m i n t e n d e d t a s k s .

S e r v i c e Ro b o t : p e r f o r m s u s e f u l t a s k s f o r h u m a n s o r e q u i p m e n t .

S e r v i c e Ro b o t f o r Pe r s o n a l U s e : u s e d f o r n o n - c o m m e r c i a l t a s k s , u s u a l l y
by laypersons.

S e r v i c e Ro b o t f o r P r o f e s s i o n a l U s e : u s e d f o r c o m m e r c i a l t a s k s , u s u a l l y
o p e ra t e d b y a p r o p e r l y t ra i n e d o p e ra t o r.

•Around 300 B. C. : earliest conception of robots that is based
fron Egyptians, which is the water clock

. •1950's : earliest robots as people know that is created by

George Devol. - "unimate": his first invention from the words
"Universal Automation".

•October 1, 2005 : Germany was one of the first countries to

develop service robot. - launched the project DESIRE (DESIRE is
an acronym for ”Deutsche Servicerobotik Initiative”. As such it is a
collaborative research project funded by the Ger- man Federal
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).)

1. To achieve a technological edge toward attaining key functions and components that
are suited for everyday use.

2. To create a reference architecture for mobile manipulation.

3. To promote the convergence of technologies through integration into a common

technology platform.

4. To conduct pre-competition research and development activities for new products

and technology transfer in start-up enterprises in the field of service robots. - expected
work to be performed by DESIRE are the following:
a. Clear up the kitchen table.
b. Fill the dishwasher.
c. Clear up the room.
Ethical Dilemmas

1. Most parents would argue that these devices make their children
lazy and unhealthy. - people who are fixated on these
technological advancements start and end their day by using
such devices. - skipping meals - lack of exercise or any bodily
movements - overly dependence on technology - alienation

2. Moral dilemma - people, especially children who are not capable

yet of rationally deciding for themselves what is right or wrong are
freely exposed to different things on these technologies without
Emerging Technological Ethical Dilemmas

1. Real time Satellite Surveillance Imagery

The advancement of technology brought down the price of acquiring satellites
and made them smaller and more sophisticated. These satellites record the status of
the entire Earth in real time or near real time. Satellite generated images are said to be
helpful in planning for and solving humanitarian problems, solve crimes and disaster
risk reduction but if these data would reach the hands of potential lefties, this might
clearly violate the privacy of human life.

2. Colonizing Mars: An Astronaut Bioethics

The NASA and a private company-MARS ONE- worked together for a space
mission to colonize the planet Mars. In 2018, they launched a robotic mission to Mars
and by 2025 four humans will be sent on a one-way mission with the goal of
establishing the first community outside Earth. This is a big breakthrough of mankind
but there is still a big need of risk assessment in establishing such colony outside the
habitable zone. 17
Emerging Technological Ethical Dilemmas

3. Wearable Technology
Companies have developed several wearable technologies to suit human behavior
and activities and still continue to develop. It has a beneficial function in the field of
education and health but their capabilities to expose the private details of our lived could
be a big problem.

4. State sponsored Hacktivism and “soft war”

Soft war is an unarmed force using cyber war and hacktivism with the aim of
transforming cultural values and identities of the society to achieve political ends. It also
progresses to cultural invasions and psychological operations, and these will pose many
threats to any government agency around the world.

5. Enhanced Pathogens
Research about the functions of influenza, SARS and MERS have beneficial
impacts to understanding the virus but a potential avenue exposing virus to the general 18
Emerging Technological Ethical Dilemmas

6. Non-Lethal Weapons
Non- lethal weapons may be used more liberally in situations that could be diffused
by peaceful means but indiscriminate use of such could be used as a means of torture.
Laser missiles, blinding weapons, pain rays, sonic weapons, electric weapons, gases and
sprays, and all weapons alike are all considered force multiplier when combined with lethal

7. Robot Swarms
The risk of this technology is the tendency of these robots to malfunction and case
harms or accidents. The development of “kilobots”, a group of robots capable of
communicating with each other and perform simple tasks without human intervention. This
technology was inspired by the swarm behavior of social insects with a goal of using them
in environmental cleanups or in responding to disasters

Emerging Technological Ethical Dilemmas

8. Artificial Lifeforms
An emerging field of science known as synthetic biology is focused on the custom-
building of synthetic life forms by introducing synthetic DNA to an existing organism. This is
a biological breakthrough but still safety issues cand risk factors are connected with the
possible release of these life forms into our environment. These are synthetic organisms
that become cure for diseases, this may also be used in developing biological weapons in
the future.

9. Resilient social ecological systems

The need to build resilience both in the social and ecological systems of each nation is
necessary most especially in facing societal problems brought about by poverty, economic
globalization ad natural phenomena as climate change and natural disasters.


10. Brain to Brain Interfaces

Using Electroencephalography (EEG) machine that detects brain activity to
sender and a trans-cranial magnetic stimulation coil that controls movement in the
receiver thereby performing the act as directed by the sender. Ethical issues were
arising which concerns the kind of neurosecurity that can be used to prevent
accidental sharing or removal of information from an individual brain, intellectual
property rights and liability between sender and receiver if one commits a mistake

Test your understanding:

Who should be held accountable if someone’s safety is compromised by

a robot? (Robotic surgery).Example : relate the story of my Ate who is a head nurse
at New York University and was operated by a robot
How do science and technology aff ect contemporary life and vice

Science and technology is a very big help to the way

we live on the present-day. Through our farming,
many machines are now invented to speed up and
help the farmers produce more agricultural
products. In the office, updated and advance
computers and gadgets that would easily help them
do their work. The internet that would communicate
from far places as well as for students who need it
to search for information for their homework.
Without these inventions and developments towards
science and technology life would not expand,
advance or grow. Science and technology is the
main function why we live the life we are living
How do we protect our human rights in the face of
technological advancements and ethical dilemmas?
Discipline, commonly used word but a very difficult
one to do. We can protect our human rights in the
face of technological advancements and ethical
dilemmas by not over appraising these
technologies. If it is not for the good of more
people, then do not do it, use it and make it. A lot
of inventions and developments are to be used for
the betterments of everybody and not to be used
by our immoral desires. Love and acceptance are
ones that we should show to each and everyone,
not racism. Because we are the ones who are
creating hatred to one another, and we should be
the one responsible for these actions.
Do you believe that Google makes people stupid?

I think it will depend on how people use google. Since

there is a lot of information posted on google, they can be
a very big help to us students where we can read
additional information that would give us more ideas to
our said topic. But if students only use it to search for the
answers to the questions, they are only answering
without reading the whole idea or thought then they are
missing a lot of information that they need in order to
understand their topic. Google also shares information
that are from before and are not updated and sometimes
inadequate or inaccurate information like when it is about
health related information, there are a lot of things that
should be informed to a person than just what we get
from google so it is still better and safer to get help from
the health workers, and appropriate persons who holds 24
that knowledge.

Answer the following questions.

1. Do people really need technology in their lives? Is it really a necessity?
2. Should there be an ethics of technology? Mention one.
3. Do you believe robots can really replace teachers?




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