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What is a Circle?
A circle is a collection of points that are at a fixed distance from the center of the circle. A circle
is a closed geometric shape.
We see circles in everyday life such as
a wheel, pizzas, a circular ground, etc.
Parts of Circle

Radius: The distance from the center to a point on the boundary is called the
radius of a circle.
It is represented by the letter 'r' or 'R'. Radius plays an important role in the
formula for the area and circumference of a circle, which we will learn later.
Diameter: A line that passes through the center and its endpoints lie on the
circle is called the diameter of a circle. It is represented by the letter ‘D’.
Diameter formula: The diameter formula of a circle is twice its radius.
Diameter = 2 × Radius ( D = 2R)
If the diameter of a circle is known, its radius can be calculated as:
R = D/2
Let us understand the different parts of a circle using the following real-life
Consider a circular-shaped park as shown in the figure below. We

can identify the various parts of a circle with

the help of the figure and table given below.
Circumference: The circumference of the circle is equal to
the length of its boundary.
This means that the perimeter of a circle is equal to its circumference.
The length of the rope that wraps around the circle's boundary perfectly will be equal to its
The below-given figure helps you visualize the same.
The circumference can be measured by using the given formula: Circumference of a circle = 2π R or πD
where ‘R' is the radius of the circle and π is the mathematical constant whose value is approximated to 3.14 or
The circumference of a circle can be used to find the area of that circle.
Area of a circle 🔵
The area of a circle is the space occupied by the circle in a two-dimensional plane.
Alternatively, the space occupied within the boundary/circumference of a circle is
called the area of the circle.
The formula for the area of a circle is
A = πr2, where R is the radius of the circle.
The unit of area is the square unit, for example, m2, cm2, in2, etc.
Area of Circle = πr2 or πd2/4 in square units, where (Pi) π = 22/7 or 3.14. Pi (π) is the
ratio of circumference to diameter of any circle. It is a special mathematical
Area of a circle calculations:
What is Area of Sector of a Circle?

The space enclosed by the sector of a circle is called the area of the sector. For example, a pizza
slice is an example of a sector that represents a fraction of a pizza. There are two types of sectors:
minor and major sectors. A minor sector is a sector that is less than a semi-circle, whereas, a
major sector is a sector greater than a semi-circle.
The figure given below represents the sectors in a circle. The shaded region shows the area of the
sector OAPB. Here, ∠AOB is the angle of the sector. It should be noted that the unshaded region
is also a sector of the circle. So, the shaded region is the area of the minor sector and the
unshaded region is the area of the major sector.
Area of Sector Formula

In order to find the total space enclosed by the sector, we use the area of a
sector formula. The area of a sector can be calculated using the following
Area of a Sector of Circle = (θ/360º) × πr2, where, θ is the sector angle
subtended by the arc at the center, in degrees, and 'r' is the radius of the
Area of a Sector of Circle = 1/2 × r2θ, where, θ is the sector angle subtended
by the arc at the center, in radians, and 'r' is the radius of the circle.
Area and arc length of a sector
Area and arc length of a sector
If x is sector angle
R is

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