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The system of health

care, higher medical

and pharmaceutical
education in Ukraine
• In Ukraine, medicine is one of the most popular
specialties among applicants.
• The issue of the quality of training of entrants remains
critical. Under the condition that there is no set
minimum score of the external examination,
applicants with extremely low results are admitted to
• Health care institutions that provide secondary
(specialized) medical care have begun work under
contracts with the National Health Service. On
September 1, 2020, the salaries of medical workers
were increased.
Significant factors
affecting the standards of
functioning of the
pharmaceutical sector of
the health care industry, the
state of availability of
medicines and health care
in general, are the state of
the own pharmaceutical
industrial and scientific
and technical potential, the
health care financing
system, the level of culture
For admission to medicine, you need to
pass about seven exams, additional
selection methods are determined
by the universities themselves.
Medicine and dentistry are
among the most selective specialties
(numerus fixus).

There are fair complaints about the quality of the test tasks of the
KROC exam and the testing procedure.
There are various reasons for this:
• lack of sufficient funding,
• insufficient quality control of test tasks,
• lack of a system of motivating teachers to prepare high-quality test
This indicates the need to implement an independent external
evaluation of the quality of training of future doctors.
My personal conclusions : Medicine is standing still and
developing. Our country will be one of the most modern in all
fields, I am sure of it

Thank you for attention!

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