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What’s your function ?

Conjunction, what’s your function?

• Conjunction is a word that connects words,

phrases or sentences to each other.

• Some common conjunctions …

and or but
Conjunction, what’s your function?

joins two similar ideas…

and this and that

bread and butter

milk and honey

I am tired. I am hungry.
I am tired and hungry.
I did my homework. I cleaned my room.
I did my homework and cleaned my room.
Conjunction, what’s your function?

joins two contrasting

(opposite) ideas…
but Not this but that

Not apples but oranges

I looked everywhere. I could not find my book.

I looked everywhere but I could not find my book.
He is small. He is strong.
He is small but strong.
Conjunction, what’s your function?

I asked for a house. I was given a mouse.

I asked for a house but was given a

Conjunction, what’s your function?

shows a choice between two or

more options…

coffee or tea

right or
We can go to the movies. We can stay at home.
We can go to the movies or stay at home.
Should I have my bath? Should I have dinner?
Should I have my bath or dinner?
Conjunction, what’s your function?

shows that the second idea is a

so result of the first idea…

My grandmother is coming to visit. I have to go home

My grandmother is coming to visit so I have to go home
I did not study. I failed my test.
I did not study so I failed my test.
Conjunction, what’s your function?

I missed my bus. I was late for school.
I missed my bus so I was late for school.
Conjunction, what’s your function?

shows two events happening at

as the same time.

I saw my sister. I was leaving.

I saw my sister as I was leaving.
I was playing the piano. My mother was cooking.
I was playing the piano as my mother was cooking.
Conjunction, what’s your function?

shows that the second

then idea/action happens after the

I finished my homework. I cleaned my room.

I finished my homework then cleaned my room.
I finished my homework and cleaned my room.
Conjunction, what’s your function?

I ate a burger. I ate a slice of cake.
I ate a burger then a slice of cake.
I ate a burger and a slice of cake.

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