The Law of Attraction

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The Law of Attraction

Sagar Agarwal

Why LoA
What is LoA
Like Attracts Like
FBTA’s (Feelings, Beliefs, Thoughts, Actions)
Types of Manifestations (Visualization, Gratitude,
High Frequency Statements to attract Anything in Life
Some books on Law of Attraction
Why Law of Attraction
Money problems
Struggles at work
Relationship problems
Health issues
Career Challenges
Bad Luck as you might be using the LoA against
yourself, Consciously or Unconsciously
Imagine having a Personal Genie
God was sure that most people will be so busy looking
for Success and happiness outside and they would
never look within themselves
So the amazing fact is that your personal Genie is not
hidden in a Lamp but within you, and its called The
Law of Attraction.
What is Law of Attraction/Manifestation
When you successfully attract your goal, it is called
When people don’t understand anything they call it
Magic, Once they understand how Magic works they
call it Science or practice over a process (haath ki safai)
or Deep Work/Thoughts over a Subject.
Eg: - Science of Medicine, Science of Flying, Internet,
Telephone etc.
Everything is Energy (Laws Explained)
Energy cant be created nor be destroyed
Total amount of Energy in the Universe is always
Everything is made of Same Energy
Energy with the same frequency will attract each other
which means Like Attracts Like
Law of Attaraction is often Called/understood as
Maya, as we cant see Energy due to limitation of our
senses and what we see is the matter or the
Materialistic reality.
Like Attracts Like
Best friends stays together
Partnership with your Business partner, Life partner
Similar markets like electronics, steel, plastic,
furniture, clothing etc.
Naughty and intelligent students
Failure attracts failure and Success attracts Success
Rich get Richer and Poor Gets Poorer
Negative Vs Positive Frequency
The LoA is controlled by the Law “Like attracts Like”
It also means that the energy with the same frequency
attract each other
Since we are same energy, we will attract the same
energy frequency at which we vibrate
There are 2 types of frequencies: +ve or High Energy
Frequency and vice versa
This means that compatible energy will always attract
each other
Feelings, Thoughts, Beliefs and Actions-

To begin anything into your life, Imagine that it’s already

-Richard Bach
What is Our Frequency Made of?
If You want a car then feel, think, believe and act as if
you already have a car
If you want a house then tune your FTBAs as if you
already have a house
If you want a relationship then tune your FTBAs as if
you already have a relationship
Whatever you want, just feel, think, believe and act as
if you already have it.
Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and
ask, believe that you have received them, and they will
be granted to you.
-Mark 11:24, King James Bible
How to Overcome/Take Control of
Negative FTBA’s
Negative FTBA Positive FTBA

Feelings Stressed, overwhelmed, unhappy, Happy, Excited, Grateful, relaxed,

frustrated, helpless, angry and satisfied and relieved

Thoughts It is difficult to get a job as market is Finally I have a job, Thank God! I was
down, I am not sure what line of job I really lucky to get a job in a big
get, what will happen if I don’t get a company, I am sure I will find good
job? people, Boss is very helpful

Beliefs This is my bad luck, It is not possible Life is good, I will have a great path in
to be happy without a job, Life is not this company, It’s a great new
fair to me beginning for me. I Deserved this
Actions Getting us late in morning since there Get us early for office, I will celebrate
is no office, wasting time with with my friends and family, I will
friends, giving interviews without upgrade myself by reading work
confidence related books
The Trick is to not react habitually to Negative situations
in Negative Manner

Negative people let their Situations define their FTBA’s

while Extraordinary people use their FTBA’s to define
their situations.

What ordinary people call Coincidence, we call it

Types of Manifestation – Visualization,
Gratitute, Affirmations
Visualization Technique:
 Be Clear and Specific
 Relax and Visualize
 Feel Grateful and Let go

You must do the Visualization Technique 3 times in a day

 Every Morning as soon as you wake up
 Every night just before you sleep
 Anytime when you are negative state of Mind.

 Vision Board
Gratitude Technique
Gratitude simply means being grateful or thankful for
what you have
Being grateful is a feeling we experience when we get
something good. For Eg:
When you achieve your business goal
When your problem is solved
When you receive a pleasant surprise gift etc.

Are’nt we selfish?
Coffee Mug Example
Practising Gratitude
Morning Gratitude
Night Gratitude
Frequency Changing Gratitude
Practice the attitude of gratitude during the entire day
I AM Sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I Love you
What Are Affirmations
Affirmations are Positive statements made in the present
Thank God that my Company is running on Autopilot
Thank God I quadrupled my profits
I am so exited that I got the contract
Thank God I delivered the project before Time.
Thank God that my relationship is full of love, strength
and stability

Affirmations of Health, Relationships, Career, Money,

Material Possessions etc.
Auto Pilot Your Affirmations
Some books on Law of Attraction
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain
The Power of Sub-Conscious Mind by Joseph Murphy
You can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Become a Billionaire Now, Don’t Ask

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