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COURCSE TITEL; Research Method and Presentation

1.Assefa Berhe Abay …………………………00174/09
2.Gebretensy Mamu G/Michael…………………06328/10
3.Surafiel Mokonen Mezgebe……………………06956/10
4.Weldu Tsegay ………………………...07056/10

submission date: 28/03/2016 E.C

We, the undersigned, declare that this project is original work, has not been presented for a semester
project in this or any other universities, and all sources of materials used for the project have been
fully acknowledged.
Student Name: Signature Date

1.Assefa Berhe ....................
2. Gebretensay Mamu .....................
3.Surafiel Mekonen .. ....................
4. Weldu Tsegay .....................

Approved by: Signature Date

Instructor: Haftu ................ ...........

2. Abstract
Accident due to drowsy is prevented and controlled when the vehicle is out of
control. The term
used here for the recognition that the driver is drowsy is by using eye blink of the
driver. In
recent times drowsiness is one of the major causes for highway accidents. These
types of
accidents occurred due to drowsy and driver can’t able to control the vehicle, when
he/she wakes.
The drowsiness is identified by the eye blink duration through infra red sensor.
Depend on the
eye blink duration it can be detected the normal or drowsiness of the driver. If the
driver is
drowsy or unconscious, then the system will give buzzer signal and the speeds of the
vehicle are
reduced and stop finally when he/she is already asleep.

3.Table of Contents

Declaration................................................................................................................................. i
Abstract....................................................................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................ ...........PAGE

1.2 Statment of the Problem................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives of the Project
1.3.1 General objective
1.3.2 Specific objective
1.5 Scope and contribution
Chapter Two
2. Literature
Chapter Three
3.1 Data Source
3.2 Work plan
1.1 back ground
Driving is a challenging task where the driver has to be vigilant to take the current decision on
time to other drivers’ actions and different road conditions. A common activity in most people’s
life is driving; therefore, improving driving (making driving safe) is an important issue in
everyday life. Even though the driver’s safety is improving in road and vehicle design, the total
number of serious crashes is still increasing. Reducing the number of vehicle crashes would
benefit to save life of millions people around the world. Vehicle accidents are most common if
the driving is inadequate. These happen on most factors if the driver is drowsy or if he is
unconscious. Driver’s drowsiness is recognized as an important factor in the vehicle accidents.
This project involves measure and controls the eye blink using IR sensor. The IR transmitter is
used to transmit the infrared rays in our eye. The IR receiver is used to receive the reflected
infrared rays of eye. If the eye is closed means the output of IR receiver is high otherwise the IR
receiver output is low. This to know the eye is closing or opening position. This output is give to
the comparator to compare the inputs and give the highest value.
This project involves controlling accident due to unconscious through Eye blink by considering
the duration of one blink. When the driver’s eye blink duration is more than the normal, the
system realizes driver’s drowsiness or unconscious, and then the alarm will ring in order to make
him /her conscious, if not the DC motor will decrease the speed and stop it at the last
1.2 Statement of the Problem
An essential concern of car accident prevention is human’s life, the most expensive and un
recoverable if once lost. Due to car accident humans may injured highly and as well as lose their
life and it leads to socio-economic disturbance. The accident has negative impact on the growth
of one country by damaging the man power and properties.
Especially, in our country Ethiopia the accident is the worst, increasing rapidly. It is the forth in
the world even if have small number of vehicles relative to the people, as the data states from
Ministry of Ethiopian Road Transportation. Drowsiness or unconscious is the major cause for car
accident. Doing project on prevention car accident due to drowsiness and unconscious is the
matter of saving human’s life and their properties from lost.

1.3 Objective of the project

1.3.1 General objective
The main objective of this project is to design and simulate a model that used to prevent car
accident due to drowsiness and unconscious.
1.3.2 Specific objective
- To design eye blink sensor circuit
- To develop micro controller based drowsiness detection system
- To show a method how can prevent car accident by using IR sensor
- To improve our knowledge on doing project
1.6 Scope
 Drowsiness detection:thi technology primarly focus on detecting drowsiness and alerting
the driver.It may not able to prevent accinnt in all situation,especially when driver severly
sleep-deprived or distracted.
 Focus driver behavior:this technology address only one factor contributing to car
accidents.Additinal measures are needed to address other cause,such as
speeding,distracted driving,and adverse weather conditions.
1.7 Limitation
 Accuracy:Eye blinking can be affected by various factors besides drowssiness such
asfatigue,irritation,wearincantact lenses,or eye codition.this can lead to false alarms or
missed detection.
 Legal and ethical cociderations:concerns may arise regarding privacy,data collection,and
potential misuse of the technology.
eta Parmar made a project by using a small monochrome security camera that points directly
towards the driver’s face and monitors the driver’s eyes in order to detect fatigue in Ryerson
University. The system deals with using information obtained for the binary version of the image
to find the edges of the face, which narrows the area of where the eyes may exist. Once the face
area is found, the eyes are found by computing the horizontal averages in the area.
Taking in to account the knowledge that eye regions in the face present great intensity changes, the eyes are
located by finding the significant intensity changes in the face. Once the eyes are located,
measuring the distances between the intensity changes in the eye area determine whether the eyes
are open or closed. A large distance corresponds to eye closure. If the eyes are found closed for 5
consecutive frames, the system draws the conclusion that the driver is falling asleep[1]. R.Manoj
kumar have a paper on preventing the accidents by providing receiver unit in vehicles along with
transmitter unit at necessary places such as school zones, diversion zones, railway crossings and
other accident prone zones to indicate about the respective places well in before reaching
the spot by means of LCD message and as well as by a recorded voice [2]

2.2 Thematic area

This proposal fills within the drodoar thematic area of transportation safty and human-
centered technology.It addresses the specific problem of drowsyadvance driving,which is a
mejor contributor to car accident
Important literates taken from the literature
The researcher notes two main branches of blink detection algorithms;
1. The first group of detection methods belongs to a static blink detection, which uses the fact, that it can determine the current eye state (open or closed)
for each eye frame from the video sequence independently. Based on these methods, it can be analyzing captured eye states to reveal blinks.
2. A second type of blink detection is a sequential method, which uses analysis of consecutive frames to estimate possible blink occurrence. In contrast to
static detection methods, this approach cannot determine the actual eye state (open or closed) in every point of the input video sequence
s project tries to solve the problem by analyzing the eye blink of the driver using IR sensor.
And it will detect the eye blink rate and duration of the blink. For successful completion of this
project some steps will be followed to carry out different tasks. Starting from identifying the
problem depends on current issue we will undergo on revising of literatures, design our system
model, simulate and finally implement the prototype.

igure 1.1: Modeling Approach of the System

3.1.1 Light Emitting Diode (LED)
Here, we have used the infrared sensor that consists of infrared transmitter which is
one type of
LED, which emits infrared rays generally called as IR Transmitter. Similarly, IR Receiver
is used
to receive the IR rays transmitted by the IR transmitter. One important thing is that,
both IR
transmitter and receiver should be placed straight line to each other. The transmitted
signal is
given to IR transmitter whenever the signal is high, the IR transmitter LED is
conducting and
passes the IR rays to the receiver. The IR receiver is connected with comparator to
feed input

Figure 4.3b: Infra-Red Ray Reflected

3..1.2 Regulator circuit design

Figure 3.4: Regulator Circuit Diagram

By using buck method to converted from 12vdc to 5vdc to regulator at nominal frequency is 50Hz
Assume R is 20q
BIT 2016
And can be design the value of inductor and capacitor
L = Lmin+25%Lmin
= 0.1167+0.25*0.1167
= 0.1196mH
Capacitor can be calculated as follows
C=(1-D)/8L(∆V/Vo)f^2 ;where ∆V/vo=0.01
= (1-0.416)/8*0.1196m*50^2
= 6062mF
When the switch is ON time inductor voltage can be calculated
Apply KVL
During OFF time (𝐼2 → 𝐼1)
=Vo(((1/R )+((1-D)/2*f*L)))
The above design shows the conversion of DC to DC by using buck conversion mechanism

3.1.3 Proteus
Proteus 8 is best simulation software for various designs with microcontroller. It is mainly
popular because of availability of almost all microcontrollers in it. So it is a handy tool to test
programs and embedded designs for electronics hobbyist. You can simulate your programming of
microcontroller in Proteus 8 Simulation Software. After simulating our circuit in Proteus 8
Software you can directly make PCB design with it so it could be a all in one package for
students and hobbyists. So I think now you have a little bit idea about what is proteus software.
Basically PROTEUS is also simulating software but it helps us attach many components with the arduino.
Like comparator, capacitors, LEDs (sensors), motor derivers, LCDs, keypads, ICs etc. and these are just
few that we have named in general. It has a complete library and we will find everything that you will
need. You can design your complete circuit and then simulate it to view the final output. This means that
after perfecting our project on the programming side in , arduino it will need to simulate it on PROTEUS
to determine the output of the hardware components and change it if need be.
PROTEUS is designed to be user-friendly and it will get the hold of it instantly. There is no need
to worry about some complex configuration / settings prior to simulation. Here are the basic
 Place your components from the library
 Connect them accordingly
 Load HEX file (if 8051 is involved)
 Simulate the circuit
 Click the “Pick from library (P)” button as shown in the figure
 Select any category
 Select item from the list

Figure 3.5: Proteus Work Space

3.1.4 Time Table

Item Week one Week two Week three Week four

1 Peppering research Peppering
proposal research
2 Data collection Data
3 Analysis analysis
4 Research finalize Research

Table 3.1

3.1.5 Budget

No Item Price per unit in birr quantity Total price

1 Internet data 15 per day 5 75
2 Transport 30 per day 4 120
3 Paper print 3 per page 7 21
4 Bind 10 per one paper 1 10
5 Mobile card 15 per day 8 120
total 346

3.2 Table
[1]. Neeta Parmer. “Drowsy Driver Detection System”, University of Ryerson, 2002.
[2]. R. Manojkumar. “Effective control of accidents using routing and tracking system with integrated
network of sensor”, International Journal of Advancement in Research and Technology, Volume 2,
Issue 4, April-2013.
[3]. Tomas Drutrousky. “Micro -sleep”, University of Slovak, May, 2014.
http://Research.ijcaonline .org/etcsit/number4/etcsit1028.pdf
R. Manojkumar. “Effective control of accidents using routing and tracking system with integrated
network of sensor”, International Journal of Advancement in Research and Technology, Volume 2,
Issue 4, April-2013.
[4]. B. Praveen Kumar, K. Mahendrakan. “Prevention of Accident Due to drowsy by Using Eye Blink”,
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Volume 3,
Issue 5, May 2014. _of_Accident.pdf

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