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Hello, Welcome to another exciting class on ExamPadi!

Our topic today is “ELECTRIC CHARGE.”

In this lesson, we will;
1. Explain the concept of electric charge.
2. Describe the Gold leaf electroscope and its uses.
3. List and explain the methods of charging electric charges.
4. Explain the lightning conductor and electrophorus.
What is an Electric Charge?

Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a

force when placed in an electromagnetic field. Electric charge is a scalar
quantity, that is, it has only magnitude but no direction and can be represented
by Q and it is measured in coulombs (C)
Production of electric charges

The experimental discovery shows that whenever two bodies are rubbed together, they acquire attracting
property on some light objects such as paper. Consider one ebonite rod rubbed with a fur, they are seen to attract
each other. The two bodies are said to be clarified. Other examples are glass and silk.

Types of charges

There are two types of charges namely;

• Positive charge and

• Negative charge

A glass rod is said to acquire positive (+ve) charge while ebonite acquires negative(-ve) charge. The law of
electrostatic states that like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other

Note that in the context of electric charge, the terms “attraction” and “repulsion” are used to describe how
charges interact with each other as displayed in the diagram
Gold leaf Electroscope

An electroscope is an instrument used to detect and test small electric charges. It consists of a flat brass disc
or cap, a brass rod with a gold leaf. The metal case is made draught-proof and connected to the earth to
prevent the accumulation of charges due to external influence.

Uses of the Gold Leaf Electroscope

1. To detect charges: If a charged body is placed on the cap of a charged electroscope, an increase in
divergence or collapse of the leaf shows the body is charged. If there is no change in the divergence, it means
the body is not charged.

2. To determine the nature of a charge on the body: If a charged body is placed on a charged electroscope,
increase in divergence means the charge on the electroscope and the body are the same. If the leaf
collapses, it means they have an opposite charge, or the body is uncharged.
3. To determine the conducting properties of a body: If a good conductor is placed on the cap of an
electroscope, the leaf collapses immediately. If it is a semi-conductor, it collapses gradually, and if it is an
insulator, there will be no alteration of the lead.
Charging of electric charges

Charging of electric charges can be done through the following means:

1. Charging by electrostatic induction

2. Charging by friction

3. Charging by conduction

1. Charging by electrostatic induction:

Electrostatic induction is a method of charging a body by introducing a charged body to a neutral body.
When this is done, the body is said to be induced with a charge.

To charge a body, the neutral body A is made to stand on an insulator, not on a conductor. A charged
body B is introduced to the neutral body of A by electrostatic induction. The nearer side of A gets
reversely charged while the further side gets similarly charged.
When the charged body B is removed, the induced positive and negative charges are
neutralized, showing no resultant charge.

When the body is touched, the positive charge flows to the earth
through the hard but the negative charge doesn not flow to the
If the hand is removed first, and then rod B is introduced, the whole surface will be bound with a negative


The neutral body can be charged either positively or negatively.

Conclusively, to charge a body positively, a negatively rod is brought near and to charge a body negatively, a

positively charged rod is brought near.

2. Charging by friction:

Two substance such as glass and silk, when rubbed together, become electrically charged. During rubbing, some

electrons are transferred from the glass to the silk. The silk acquires a net negative charge (excess electrons)

while the glass acquires a net positive charge (electron deficit). If ebonite (hard rubber) is rubbed with fur, the

ebonite is negatively charged and the fur is positively charged. A body with a positive charge attracts a negative

charge but repels but repels one with a positive charge, i.e. like charges repel, unlike charges attract.
Effects of Charging by Friction

• Passengers stepping out of cars and buses complain of a slight electric shock as soon as their feet touch the

ground.This is because friction between the air and the body of the fast moving car makes the body of the

vehicle to be charged.

• A chain is often left hanging from the rear of a petrol tanker to discharge the charges acquired on the body

during movement as this may cause a spark when inflammable vapour is present.

• Contact: This is done by bringing a charged body in contact with an uncharged body. Charges are

transferred from the charged body to the uncharged body.

3. Charging by Conduction

Charging by conduction involves bringing an uncharged object in close proximity to a charged object. If the

charged object has an unequal number of protons and electrons, the uncharged object will discharge electrons
Distribution of charges on conductors

Experimental works have shown that charges are distributed where there is a sharp curve. The density of these charges is greater at the

surface of a sharp curve. The charge per unit area of a charged surface is called surface density.

Surface density is greater at the corner or pointed edge than at the plain surface.


Lightning conductors are used to prevent tall buildings from being damaged when being struck by lightning. They are made from a

copper with a sharp point edge or spike at the top. It helps to conduct the charges generated harmlessly to the earth. When electrical

charges in thunderclouds build up, attraction between unlike charges within a cloud increases steadily until a heavy spark and sound

is produced as the charges approach one another. This spark is observed as lightning and the sound is thunder. The heat generated can

set a building or tree on fire.

The charge on the cloud induces electrical charges on the lightening conductor.
This build up at the sharp edge and cause ionization of air molecule around it.
Some of the charge avalanche result from the ionization of air around the
lightening conductor travels toward the cloud and help to neutralize some of the
charge on the cloud thereby reducing the possibility of a lightening

Electrophorus is used for storing and transferring electric charges. It consists of a metal disc fitted with
an insulating handle and another flat disc made of insulating material such as ebonite.
Answer the following questions to assess
yourself on the just concluded lesson
1. State the law of electrostatics?

2.Explain three functions of a Gold leaf electroscope

3.What is electrostatic induction?

4.Explain the three methods of charging.

5.Explain the use of the following: (i) Lightning conductor (ii)


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