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Name: Abdullah Mukhtar

Student ID: 30409774
 The prefix "crypt-" means "hidden" or "vault," and the suffix "-graphy" stands for
"writing.“ [1]
 Cryptography is the science and art of securing communication and information
through the use of mathematical techniques and algorithms to convert data into an
unreadable format (cipher text), which can only be reversed to its original form
(plain text) by individuals possessing the proper decryption key or method [2]
 Cipher - A procedure that will render a message unintelligible to the recipient. Used
to also recreate the original message.
 Plaintext - The message or information that is being encrypted.
 Cipher text - The message or information that is created after the cipher has been
One line Diagram

Plain Text Encryption Ciphertext Decryption Plain Text

Readable format Non-readable format Readable format

Summary of Application in Linear Algebra

 A message can be encrypted using a matrix as a cypher.
 To be used in decryption, the matrix must be invertible.
 Cipher matrix can be as simple as a 3x3 matrix composed of random integers.
 Each character in plaintext needs to be assigned a numerical value and entered
into a matrix in order to be encrypted.
 These numbers can range in value, but an example is using 1-26 to represent A
to Z and 27 to represent a space.
 The ciphertext message is then encoded in a new matrix created by multiplying
this matrix by the cypher matrix.
Types of Cryptography
Based on key there are two types of cryptography:
 Symmetric Key
In cryptography, a symmetric key is one that is used both to encrypt
and decrypt information. This means that to decrypt information, one must
have the same key that was used to encrypt it [3].

Plaintext Secret key encryption Cipher text Secret key encryption Plaintext
 Example: DES(Data Encryption Standard ), 3DES and AES(Advanced
Encryption Standard)
 Asymmetric Key
Asymmetric-key encryption algorithms use a pair of keys, a public
key associated with the creator/sender for encrypting messages and a private
key that only the originator knows (unless it is exposed or they decide to share
it) for decrypting that information [3].

Plaintext Public key encryption Cipher text Private key encryption Plaintext

 Example: RSA are widely used in internet.

Encrypting a Message
 As previously mentioned, a number value is assigned to each character in
the plaintext.
 Then, these values are divided into vectors so that the sum of the rows in
each vector and the cypher matrix equals one.
 Values are placed into each vector one at a time, going down a row for each
value. Once a vector is filled the next vector is created. If the last vector
does not get filled by the plaintext then the remaining entries will hold the
value for a space.
 The vectors are then augmented to form a matrix that contains the plaintext.
 The Ciphertext matrix is then produced by multiplying the plaintext matrix
by the cypher matrix.
Decrypting a Message
 The original cypher matrix is required to decrypt a Ciphertext
matrix. The Ciphertext cannot be decrypted without inverting the
cypher matrix.
 The Ciphertext matrix is then multiplied by this inverted cypher
 The original plaintext matrix is produced by the product.
 The plaintext can be found again by taking this product and
splitting it back up into its separate vectors, and then converting
the numbers back into their letter forms.
First obtain a cipher matrix

For this example we will use the following plaintext

 Now we will replace each letter with its numerical representation, using 0-25 for
A-Z and 26 for a space.
 Now separate the plaintext into 3x1 vectors until the whole plaintext is used.
[15] [6] [13] [0] [26] [4] [14] [13]
[4] [20] [18] [17] [14] [26] [26] [4]
[13] [8] [26] [4] [13] [19] [14] [26]
 Augment these vectors into a plaintext matrix

 Multiply the plaintext matrix with the cipher matrix to form the encrypted matrix

 The newly formed matrix contains the ciphertext

 Multiply the matrix by the inverse of the cypher to convert the encrypted data
back to plaintext.

 Which contains the plaintext
The protector of our digital secrets is cryptography. It gives us the
ability to securely send and store sensitive information in a world that is
becoming more linked. It ensures the privacy, integrity, and validity of
our data through encryption, decryption, and key management.
Cryptography is still vital to our continuous fight for digital security
even as cyber threats continue to exist. It becomes more important as
our reliance on technology increases. To protect our digital future, let's
adopt its values and innovations.
 1. Challita, K., H.J.I.J.o.N.C.A. Farhat, and T. Applications,
Combining steganography and cryptography: new directions. 2011.
1(1): p. 199-208.
 2. Rahman, M.M., et al., Implementation of RSA algorithm for
speech data encryption and decryption. 2012. 12(3): p. 74-82.
 3. Bruce, S., Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorthms, and
Source Code in C.-2nd. 1996, john wiley & sons.
 4. ; Available from:

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