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Lesson 1: Introduction

Prepared by: c.polit sc. Ishmukhamedov Sharip Phone:8747 420 54 01
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 1. Introduction

A problem is a complex theoretical or practical task, the solutions of which are unknown
or not fully known.
Problem types:
1) undeveloped problems
2) developed problems

Undeveloped problems: these are new, unknown problems; these are difficult, non-standard tasks;
there is no complete solution to the problem.

Developed problems have specific ways to solve them, are not new and are constantly discussed
by scientists and politicians.
Lesson 1. Introduction

Problems of international relations –

processes, events, cases that create a threat to
humanity and require solutions at the
international level with participation of world
Lesson 1. Introduction

Types of the international problems by sources

Problems of the IR

Economic Political Social Historical
Lesson 1. Introduction

Types of the international problems by sources

Lecture 1. Introduction

Examples of causes and consequences

Lecture 1. Introduction

Main problem of international relations.

This is the presence of real, objective issues that have a constant impact on international
instability, the growth of conflicts and wars, the growth of distrust and clashes between peoples,
countries, regions.
Objective causes of international problems:
1. Lack and shortage of basic resources for all people and countries
2. High rate and scale of growth of the world economy and the lack of resources for all
countries and peoples
3. Scientific and technological progress and technological revolution
4. World population growth
5. Expenditure of large resources for military purposes
6. Underdevelopment and lack of experience of country leaders
7. Low level of education, communication, relations between people, countries
8. Globalization
Lecture 1. Introduction

Main problem of international relations.

Lecture 1. Introduction

Positive and negative sides of globalization

Lecture 1. Introduction

1. High unemployment
2. Increasing competition and the emergence of "loser"
countries – internationalization
3. Growing inequality
4. Environmental damage
5. Loss of language and culture – unification
6. Rising budget spendings
7. "Brain Drain“
8. World economic crisis
9. Rising youth discontent
Lecture 1. Introduction

Seminar task. Write down to the copybook

Show examples of problems in South America, Africa, South Asia countries
1. Civil war
2. Separatism
3. Terrorism, terrorist organization
4. Violation of women rights
5. Violation of children rights
6. Growing inequality – too many poor and no middle class
7. Environmental disaster
8. Loss of language and culture – unification
9. National debt over 150% of the GDP
10. "Brain Drain“
11. Devaluation #1 country
12. Inflation #1 country
13. Poverty #1 country
14. No free mass media country
15. Narco state, drug traffic country

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