16 Thoracictrauma

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Thoracic Trauma

Introduction to Thoracic Injury

 Vital Structures
– Heart, Great Vessels, Esophagus,
Tracheobronchial Tree, & Lungs
 Abdominal injuries are common with chest
 Prevention Focus
– Gun Control Legislation
– Improved motor vehicle restraint systems
 Passive Restraint Systems
 Airbags
Anatomy and Physiology of the
 Thoracic Skeleton
– 12 Pair of C-shaped ribs
 Ribs 1-7: Join at sternum with cartilage end-points
 Ribs 8-10: Join sternum with combined cartilage at 7th rib
 Ribs 11-12: No anterior attachment
– Sternum
 Manubrium
– Joins to clavicle and 1st rib
– Jugular Notch
 Body
– Sternal angle (Angle of Louis)
 Junction of the manubrium with the sternal body
 Attachment of 2nd rib

 Xiphoid process
– Distal portion of sternum
Anatomy and Physiology of the
 Thoracic Skeleton
– Topographical Thoracic Reference Lines
 Midclavicular line
 Anterior axillary line
 Mid-axillary line
 Posterior axillary line
– Intercostal space
 Artery, Vein and Nerve on inferior margin of each rib
– Thoracic Inlet
 Superior opening of the thorax
 Curvature of 1st rib with associated structures
– Thoracic Outlet
 Inferior opening of the thorax
 12th rib and associated structures & Xiphisternal joint
Anatomy and Physiology of the
 Diaphragm
– Muscular, dome-like structure
– Separates abdomen from the thoracic cavity
– Affixed to the lower border of the rib cage
– Central and superior margin extends to the
level of the 4th rib anteriorly and 6th rib
– Major muscle of respiration
 Draws downward during inspiration
 Moves upward during exhalation
Anatomy and Physiology of the
 Associated Musculature
– Shoulder girdle
– Muscles of respiration
Intercostal muscles
– Contract to elevate the ribs and increase thoracic
– Increase depth of respiration
– Raise upper rib and sternum
Anatomy and Physiology of the
 Physiology of Respiration
– Changing pressure assists:
 Venous return to heart
 Pumping blood to systemic circulation
– Inhalation
 Diaphragm contracts and flattens
 Intercostals contract expanding ribcage
 Thorax volume increases
– Less internal pressure than atmospheric
– Air enters lungs
– Exhalation
 Musculature relaxes
 Diaphragm & intercostals return to normal
– Greater internal pressure than atmospheric
– Air exits lungs
Anatomy and Physiology of the
 Trachea, Bronchi & Lungs
– Trachea
 Hollow & cartilage supported structure
– Bronchi
 Right & left extend for 3 centimeters
 Enters lungs at Pulmonary Hilum
– Also where pulmonary arteries & veins enter
 Further subdivide and terminate as alveoli
– Basic unit of structure & function in the lungs
– Single cell membrane
– External versus Internal Respiration
– Lungs
 Right = 3 lobes
 Left = 2 lobes
Anatomy and Physiology of the
 Trachea, Bronchi & Lungs
– Pleura
 Visceral Pleura
– Cover lungs
 Parietal Pleura
– Lines inside of thoracic cavity
 Pleural Space
 Air in Space = PNEUMOTHORAX
 Blood in Space = HEMOTHORAX
– Serous (pleural) fluid within
 Lubricates & permits ease of expansion
Anatomy and Physiology of the
 Mediastinum
– Central space within thoracic cavity
– Boundaries
 Lateral: Lungs
 Inferior: Diaphragm
 Superior: Thoracic outlet
– Structures
 Heart
 Great Vessels
 Esophagus
 Trachea
 Nerves
– Vagus
– Phrenic
 Thoracic Duct
Anatomy and Physiology of the
 Heart
– Chambers
– Valves
– Vessels
– External Vessels
 Coronary Arteries
 Contraction Cycle
– Systole
– Diastole
 Filling of the coronary arteries occur
Anatomy and Physiology of the
 Heart – Nervous Structure
 SA Node
– General Structure – Right Atrium
 Pericardium  Intra-atrial Pathways
– Surrounds heart  AV Node
– Visceral – AV Junction
– Parietal  Bundle of His
– Serous  Left & Right Bundle
 35-50 ml fluid Branches
 Epicardium  Purkinje Fibers
– Outer Layer
 Myocardium
– Muscular layer
 Endocardium
– Innermost layer
Anatomy and Physiology of the
 Great Vessels  Esophagus
– Aorta – Enters at thoracic inlet
 Fixed at three sites – Posterior to trachea
– Annulus – Exits at esophageal hiatus
 Attaches to heart

– Ligamentum
 Near bifurcation
of pulmonary
– Aortic hiatus
 Passes through
– Superior Vena Cava
– Inferior Vena Cava
– Pulmonary Arteries
– Pulmonary Veins
Pathophysiology of Thoracic
 Blunt Trauma
– Results from kinetic energy forces
– Subdivision Mechanisms
 Blast
– Pressure wave causes tissue disruption
– Tear blood vessels & disrupt alveolar tissue
– Disruption of tracheobronchial tree
– Traumatic diaphragm rupture
 Crush (Compression)
– Body is compressed between an object and a hard surface
– Direct injury of chest wall and internal structures
 Deceleration
– Body in motion strikes a fixed object
– Blunt trauma to chest wall
– Internal structures continue in motion
 Ligamentum Arteriosum shears aorta
– Age Factors
 Pediatric Thorax: More cartilage = Absorbs forces
 Geriatric Thorax: Calcification & osteoporosis = More
Pathophysiology of Thoracic
 Penetrating Trauma
– Low Energy
 Arrows, knives, handguns
 Injury caused by direct
contact and cavitation
– High Energy
 Military,
hunting rifles &
high powered hand guns
 Extensive injury due to
high pressure cavitation

Pathophysiology of Thoracic
 Penetrating Injuries (cont.)
– Shotgun
 Injury severity based upon the distance between the
victim and shotgun & caliber of shot
 Type I: >7 meters from the weapon

– Soft tissue injury

 Type II: 3-7 meters from weapon

– Penetration into deep fascia and some internal

 Type III: <3 meters from weapon

– Massive tissue destruction

Injuries Associated with
Penetrating Thoracic Trauma
 Closed pneumothorax  Tracheobronchial tree
 Open pneumothorax
(including sucking
 Esophageal lacerations
chest wound)  Penetrating cardiac
 Tension
 Pericardial tamponade
 Spinal cord injuries
 Pneumomediastinum
 Diaphragm trauma
 Hemothorax  Intra-abdominal
 Hemopneumothorax penetration with
 Laceration of vascular associated organ
structures injury
Pathophysiology of Thoracic
Trauma Chest Wall Injuries
 Contusion
– Most Common result of blunt injury
– Signs & Symptoms
 Erythema
 Ecchymosis
 PAIN on breathing
 Limited breath sounds
 Crepitus
 Paradoxical chest wall motion
Pathophysiology of Thoracic
Trauma Chest Wall Injuries
 Rib Fractures
– >50% of significant chest trauma cases due to
blunt trauma
– Compressional forces flex and fracture ribs at
weakest points
– Ribs 1-3 requires great force to fracture
 Possible underlying lung injury
– Ribs 4-9 are most commonly fractured
– Ribs 9-12 less likely to be fractured
 Transmit energy of trauma to internal organs
 If fractured, suspect liver and spleen injury

– Hypoventilation is COMMON due to PAIN

Pathophysiology of Thoracic
Trauma Chest Wall Injuries
 Sternal Fracture & Dislocation
– Associated with severe blunt anterior trauma
– Typical MOI
 Direct Blow (i.e. Steering wheel)
– Incidence: 5-8%
– Mortality: 25-45%
 Myocardial contusion
 Pericardial tamponade
 Cardiac rupture
 Pulmonary contusion

– Dislocation uncommon but same MOI as

 Tracheal depression if posterior
Pathophysiology of Thoracic
Trauma Chest Wall Injuries
 Flail Chest
– Segment of the chest that becomes free to
move with the pressure changes of respiration
– Three or more adjacent rib fracture in two or
more places
– Serious chest wall injury with underlying
pulmonary injury
 Reduces volume of respiration
 Adds to increased mortality

– Paradoxical flail segment movement

– Positive pressure ventilation can restore tidal
Pathophysiology of Thoracic
Trauma Pulmonary Injuries
 Simple Pneumothorax
– AKA: Closed Pneumothorax
 Progresses into Tension Pneumothorax
– Occurs when lung tissue is disrupted and air leaks into
the pleural space
– Progressive Pathology
 Air accumulates in pleural space
 Lung collapses
 Alveoli collapse (atelectasis)
 Reduced oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange
 Ventilation/Perfusion Mismatch
– Increased ventilation but no alveolar perfusion
– Reduced respiratory efficiency results in HYPOXIA
– Typical MOI: “Paper Bag Syndrome”
Pathophysiology of Thoracic
Trauma Pulmonary Injuries
 Open Pneumothorax
– Free passage of air between atmosphere and
pleural space
– Air replaces lung tissue
– Mediastinum shifts to uninjured side
– Air will be drawn through wound if wound is
2/3 diameter of the trachea or larger
– Signs & Symptoms
 Penetrating chest trauma
 Sucking chest wound
 Frothy blood at wound site
 Severe Dyspnea
 Hypovolemia
Pathophysiology of Thoracic
Trauma Pulmonary Injuries
 Tension Pneumothorax
– Buildup of air under pressure in the
– Excessive pressure reduces
effectiveness of respiration
– Air is unable to escape from inside the
pleural space
– Progression of Simple or Open
Pathophysiology of Thoracic
Trauma Pulmonary Injuries
Tension Pneumothorax Signs & Symptoms

 Dyspnea  Diminished then

– Tachypnea at first absent breath sounds
on injured side
 Progressive
ventilation/perfusion  Cyanosis
mismatch  Diaphoresis
– Atelectasis on  AMS
uninjured side  JVD
 Hypoxemia  Hypotension
 Hyperinflation of  Hypovolemia
injured side of chest  Tracheal Shifting
 Hyperresonance of
injured side of chest
Pathophysiology of Thoracic
Trauma Pulmonary Injuries
 Hemothorax
– Accumulation of blood in the pleural space
– Serious hemorrhage may accumulate 1,500 mL
of blood
 Mortalityrate of 75%
 Each side of thorax may hold up to 3,000 mL

– Blood loss in thorax causes a decrease in tidal

 Ventilation/Perfusion Mismatch & Shock
– Typically accompanies pneumothorax
 Hemopneumothorax
Pathophysiology of Thoracic
Trauma Pulmonary Injuries
Hemothorax Signs & Symptoms
 Bluntor penetrating chest trauma
 Shock

– Dyspnea
– Tachycardia
– Tachypnea
– Diaphoresis
– Hypotension
 Dull to percussion over injured side
Pathophysiology of Thoracic
Trauma Pulmonary Injuries
 Pulmonary Contusion
– Soft tissue contusion of the lung
– 30-75% of patients with significant blunt chest trauma
– Frequently associated with rib fracture
– Typical MOI
 Deceleration
– Chest impact on steering wheel
 Bullet Cavitation
– High velocity ammunition
– Microhemorrhage may account for 1- 1 ½ L of blood loss
in alveolar tissue
 Progressive deterioration of ventilatory status
– Hemoptysis typically present
Pathophysiology of Thoracic
Trauma Cardiovascular Injuries
 Myocardial Contusion
– Occurs in 76% of patients with severe blunt chest trauma
– Right Atrium and Ventricle is commonly injured
– Injury may reduce strength of cardiac contractions
 Reduced cardiac output
– Electrical Disturbances due to irritability of damaged
myocardial cells
– Progressive Problems
 Hematoma
 Hemoperitoneum
 Myocardial necrosis
 Dysrhythmias
 CHF & or Cardiogenic shock
Pathophysiology of Thoracic
Trauma Cardiovascular Injuries
Myocardial Contusion Signs & Symptoms
 Bruising of chest wall
 Tachycardia and/or irregular rhythm
 Retrosternal pain similar to MI
 Associated injuries

– Rib/Sternal fractures
 Chest pain unrelieved by oxygen
– May be relieved with rest
 Similar
signs and symptoms of medical
chest pain
Pathophysiology of Thoracic Trauma
Cardiovascular Injuries
 Pericardial Tamponade
– Restriction to cardiac filling caused by blood or
other fluid within the pericardium
– Occurs in <2% of all serious chest trauma
 However, very high mortality
– Results from tear in the coronary artery or
penetration of myocardium
 Blood seeps into pericardium and is unable to escape
 200-300 ml of blood can restrict effectiveness of
cardiac contractions
– Removing as little as 20 ml can provide relief
Pathophysiology of Thoracic
Trauma Cardiovascular Injuries
Pericardial Tamponade Signs & Symptoms

 Dyspnea  Kussmaul’s sign

– Decrease or absence of
 Possible cyanosis JVD during inspiration
 Beck’s Triad  Pulsus Paradoxus
– JVD – Drop in SBP >10 during
– Distant heart tones
– Due to increase in CO2
– Hypotension or during inspiration
narrowing pulse  Electrical Alterans
pressure – P, QRS, & T amplitude
changes in every other
 Weak, thready pulse
cardiac cycle
 Shock  PEA
Pathophysiology of Thoracic Trauma
Cardiovascular Injuries
 Myocardial Aneurysm or Rupture
– Occurs almost exclusively with extreme blunt
thoracic trauma
– Secondary due to necrosis resulting from MI
– Signs & Symptoms
 Severe rib or sternal fracture
 Possible signs and symptoms of cardiac tamponade

 If affects valves only

– Signs & symptoms of right or left heart failure

 Absence of vital signs
Pathophysiology of Thoracic Trauma
Cardiovascular Injuries
 Traumatic Aneurysm or Aortic Rupture
– Aorta most commonly injured in severe blunt or
penetrating trauma
 85-95% mortality
– Typically patients will survive the initial injury insult
 30% mortality in 6 hrs
 50% mortality in 24 hrs
 70% mortality in 1 week
– Injury may be confined to areas of aorta attachment
– Signs & Symptoms
 Rapid and deterioration of vitals
 Pulse deficit between right and left upper or lower
Pathophysiology of Thoracic Trauma
Cardiovascular Injuries
 Other Vascular Injuries
– Rupture or laceration
 Superior Vena Cava
 Inferior Vena Cava
 General Thoracic Vasculature
– Blood Localizing in Mediastinum
– Compression of:
 Great vessels
 Myocardium
 Esophagus
– General Signs & Symptoms
 Penetrating Trauma
 Hypovolemia & Shock
 Hemothorax or hemomediastinum
Pathophysiology of Thoracic Trauma
Other Thoracic Injuries
 Traumatic Esophageal Rupture
– Rare complication of blunt thoracic trauma
– 30% mortality
– Contents in esophagus/stomach may move
into mediastinum
 Serious Infection occurs
 Chemical irritation

 Damage to mediastinal structures

 Air enters mediastinum

– Subcutaneous emphysema and penetrating

trauma present
Pathophysiology of Thoracic Trauma
Other Thoracic Injuries
 Tracheobronchial Injury
 Blunt trauma
 Penetrating trauma
– 50% of patients with injury die within 1 hr of injury
– Disruption can occur anywhere in tracheobronchial tree
– Signs & Symptoms
 Dyspnea
 Cyanosis
 Hemoptysis
 Massive subcutaneous emphysema
 Suspect/Evaluate for other closed chest trauma
Pathophysiology of Thoracic Trauma
Other Thoracic Injuries
 Traumatic Asphyxia
– Results from severe compressive forces applied
to the thorax
– Causes backwards flow of blood from right side
of heart into superior vena cava and the upper
– Signs & Symptoms
 Head & Neck become engorged with blood
– Skin becomes deep red, purple, or blue
 Hypotension, Hypoxemia, Shock
 Face and tongue swollen
 Bulging eyes with conjunctival hemorrhage
Assessment of the Thoracic
Trauma Patient
 Scene Size-up
 Initial Assessment
 Rapid Trauma Assessment
– Observe
 JVD, SQ Emphysema, Expansion of chest
– Question
– Palpate
– Auscultate
– Percuss
– Blunt Trauma Assessment
– Penetrating Trauma Assessment
 Ongoing Assessment
Management of the Chest Injury Patient
General Management
 Ensure ABC’s
– High flow O2 via NRB
– Intubate if indicated
– Consider RSI
– Consider overdrive ventilation
 If tidal volume less than 6,000 mL
 BVM at a rate of 12-16
– May be beneficial for chest contusion and rib fractures
– Promotes oxygen perfusion of alveoli and prevents atelectasis
 Anticipate Myocardial Compromise
 Shock Management
– Consider PASG
 Only in blunt chest trauma with SP <60 mm Hg
– Fluid Bolus: 20 mL/kg
Management of the Chest Injury
 Rib Fractures
– Consider analgesics for pain and to
improve chest excursion
 Versed

 Morphine Sulfate
 Nitrous Oxide
– May migrate into pleural or mediastinal space and
worsen condition
Management of the Chest Injury
 Sternoclavicular Dislocation
– Supportive O2 therapy
– Evaluate for concomitant injury
 Flail Chest
– Place patient on side of injury
 ONLY if spinal injury is NOT suspected
– Expose injury site
– Dress with bulky bandage against flail segment
 Stabilizes fracture site
– High flow O2
 Consider PPV or ET if decreasing respiratory status
Management of the Chest Injury
 Open
– High flow O2
– Cover site with
sterile occlusive
dressing taped on
three sides
– Progressive airway
management if
Management of the Chest Injury
 Tension Pneumothorax
– Confirmation
 Auscultaton &
– Pleural Decompression
 2nd intercostal space in
mid-clavicular line
 Consider multiple
decompression sites if
patient remains
 Large over the needle
catheter: 14ga
 Create a one-way-
valve: Glove tip or
Heimlich valve
Management of the Chest Injury
 Hemothorax
– High flow O2
– 2 large bore IV’s
 Maintain SBP of 90-100
 Myocardial Contusion
– Monitor ECG
 Alert for dysrhythmias
– IV if antidysrhythmics are needed
Management of the Chest Injury
 Pericardial Tamponade
– High flow O2
– IV therapy
– Consider pericardiocentesis; rapidly
deteriorating patient
 Aortic Aneurysm
– AVOID jarring or rough handling
– Initiate IV therapy enroute
 Mildhypotension may be protective
 Rapid fluid bolus if aneurysm ruptures

– Keep patient calm

Management of the Chest Injury
 Tracheobronchial Injury
– Support therapy
 Keep airway clear
 Administer high flow O2
– Consider intubation if unable to maintain patient airway
 Observe for development of tension pneumothorax and SQ
 Traumatic Asphyxia
– Support airway
 Provide O2
 PPV with BVM to assure adequate ventilation
– 2 large bore IV’s
– Evaluate and treat for concomitant injuries
– If entrapment > 20 min with chest compression
 Consider 1mEq/kg of Sodium Bicarbonate

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