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The Beginning
of the Universe

The Beginning
of Life
Before Evolution: Cause of the Universe (EXTRA) V2
13.8 Billion years ago, ‘quantum fluctuations’ lead to all of the
matter in the universe coming into existence at the same time in a
tiny, infinitely dense, extremely hot point.
This is the ‘Big Bang’ hypothesis
Since then, space has expanded into the universe we see today

At the ‘beginning’ of the big bang, the laws of science break down
This is called a ‘singularity’ because it cannot be explained with our
current laws of physics
Before Evolution: Beginning of Life (EXTRA) L 1
Scientists are unsure exactly when life began on earth
 Best estimates are ~3.8 billion years ago
Fossil evidence suggest bacteria were prevalent
 ‘How’ this occurred is relatively unknown, but several (evidence based)
hypothesis have been put forward
Development of Life:

TOPIC 1 〇 Recognise that fossils show that life has evolved for ~3.8
billion years
o Understand that the complexity of life has increased
The Development over time
o Remember that over 9 millions different species of life exist
of Life today
o *extension* Remember that many species are now extinct, including
the dinosaurs
Fossils & Evolution V V1 2

3 4
Paleontology is the study of fossils and past life on earth
Fossils are the remains of organisms from 1000s or millions of years ago
Fossils helps us understand how organisms have changed over time
They tells us:
 Life has evolved (changed + become
more complex)
 Climate has changed
 Most organisms are now extinct
(died out)
 Woolly Mammoth
 Tasmanian Tiger
 Ammonites
We can learn from fossils how much, or how little, different organisms have changed as life
developed on Earth.

Not all animals have changed this much. Fossils from the platypus 2.5 million years ago
look like the modern-day platypus.
Species: Variety of Life
V1 V2
Scientists believe all species on
earth has evolved from a single
species (of bacteria) ~3.8 Billion
years ago

Organisms that are more closely

related share a common ancestor
more recently
 The more similar two organisms
are, the more recently they
share a common ancestor
 Dog and Wolf = 0 years (same species)
 Lions and Jaguars = 1 Million years ago
 Parrot and Penguin= 70 Million Years
 Moose and Fly= 600 million years ago
Content Focus:
Artificial Selection

TOPIC 2 Learning Objectives:

∆ Remember that artificial selection (selective breeding) occurs when
humans select for desirable traits when breeding animals or plants
Artificial Selection o Cuter dogs
o Seedless grapes
o Colourful pet birds
o Cows with a lot of milk
◊ *extension* Understand that the mutation of DNA results in new variations in
Artificial Selection V1 V2
Humans can select for desirable traits in organisms through the process
of selective breeding.

Selective breeding is where humans only let the organisms with what
they {genes} allowed to reproduce.

 Colorful Budgies
 Large Carrots
 Fast Horses
 Hairless Pigs
Content Focus:
Natural Selection

TOPIC 3 Learning Objectives:

〇 Remember that natural selection is how a species adapts so it can
Natural better survive in its environment
∆ Contrast natural selection with artificial selection (human caused
Selection ◊
*extension* Recognise that Charles Darwin was the first scientist to theorise
evolution via natural selection
◊ *extension* Research how a knowledge of evolution and biology can be used to improve our
lives and the environment
Evolution via Natural Selection V1 V2 V3 V4 L1
Natural selection is the process through which
organisms evolve to adapt to their environment
• Very slow process (1000s of years)
• Over time species change so much they evolve
new traits (become more complex)

• Faster Gazelles
• Camouflage in Geckos
• Resistance to pesticides in locusts

Natural Selection was first proposed by Charles

Darwin in 1859
Natural Selection: Mechanism
In any population there will be variation (differences between individuals)

Some individuals will be better fitted to the environment. These will be more
likely to survive and pass on their genes.

Over time, the population will contain individuals with genes/traits that best fit
the ecosystem
The Role of Mutation {EXTRA}
New genes (traits) can enter a population by changing existing gene (DNA)
This is know as mutation

Most mutations are harmful

but some make an organism
better suited for the
This gene is passed on
via natural selection

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