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• a. Are concepts of “nation” and nationalism the same?

Nations are often associated with a sense of identity and
belonging. People within a nation may feel a strong
connection to each other based on their shared attributes.
Nationalism can be both positive and negative. Positive
nationalism can promote unity, pride, and a sense of
purpose among a nation's citizens. Negative nationalism,
on the other hand, can lead to exclusion, ethnocentrism,
and conflicts when it asserts the superiority of one nation
over others.
• b. What makes “nationalism” different from “patriotism”?
• Nationalism is an ideology and sentiment that places a strong emphasis
on the interests, pride, and identity of one's own nation above others. It
often involves the belief that one's nation is superior to others and may
seek to assert its dominance or promote its interests at the expense of
other nations.
• Patriotism is a love and devotion to one's country, often characterized by a
sense of pride, respect for its values and institutions, and a desire to
contribute positively to its well-being. Patriotism does not necessarily
involve feelings of superiority over other nations.
• c. Ako ay Pilipino sapagkat?
• This phrase is typically followed by a reason or
explanation for one's Filipino identity. It serves as a way
for individuals to express and define their sense of being

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