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Pre- Spanish Period


Pre-Spanish Period
Ancient Filipinos were living in scattered barangays and
ruled by different chieftains before the arrival of the

The Barangays or the independent communities were the

unit of government structures.
❖ Filipinos had their own laws and justice system
that are found similar from one barangay to

❖ Promulgated Laws were decided by the Datu.

Pre-Spanish Period

The head of each Barangay was called the Datu.

He governed the barangays using the native rules
which were customary and unwritten.

Datu= Executive, Legislative and Judiciary

Pre-Spanish Period
The datu obtained his position by:

1. inheritance
2. his own wisdom
3. his physical strength
4. his wealth
Administration Of Justice

❖ Datu is the judge or hukom.

❖ The elders are the jurors.

❖ Criminal cases are punished by slavery or death.

❖ Civil disputes fined by payments of gold.

Two Codes During Pre-Spanish Period

Maragtas Code
by Code of Kalantiao
Datu Sumakwel by Datu Kalantiao
Two Codes During Pre-Spanish Period

The Maragtas Code is proof of the advanced civilization of

the Bisayans. Morals were high, industry was encouraged.
❖ Great penalty shall be imposed on laziness. Land shall
be cultivated and planted.

❖ A lazy person shall be arrested and sold as a slave to

work in the fields.
Two Codes During Pre-Spanish Period

The Laws under the Code of Kalantiao. Ye shall not

kill, neither shall ye steal nor shall ye hurt the aged,
lest ye incur the danger of death. All those who this
order shall infringe shall be tied to a stone and drowned
in a river or in boiling water. Ye shall punctually meet
your debt with your headman.
Transition to
spanish period
❖ The Spanish system did not greatly altered the justice
system of ancient Filipinos.
❖ The common law of the Philippines was declared as
customs of Tagalog.
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