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Law Solver: A Website for Righteousness &


Our platform is a go-to resource for citizens who seeks justice.

Guided by:
Submitted by:
Mr. Anuj Kumar
Sumit Gaurav, Akshay Kumar Arya , Darvesh Chauhan & Amit Gaurav
Table of Content
2.Logo and Theme
3.The Design Process
4.Creating Content
6.Future Scope
7.Benefits for Lawyer and citizens
8.Law Solver for creating Impact
9.Research Direction
10.How lawyers and citizens use law solver
11.Roles and Responsibilities
12.The work we have done
• Law solver is a online community and knowledge-
sharing platform for citizens and Law enthusiasts.
• It is holy platform for victims who are sufferer of
injustice. Here, injustice includes unjust fine by
unethical and corrupted policemen and other
government authorities to illegal land encroachment
where one individual or any organization occupy a
piece of land without legal authorization or another
person ownership right and built structure for
personal purpose like farming and business etc.
Logo and Theme
The Design Process
UI/UX design elements
The website has a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy to use. It
also features many helpful design elements like upvoting, downvoting,
and answering functionality.

2 Frontend development
Our team will use Html , CSS , Javascript to develop the outlook our website . we
are using javascript to make our web page interactive and dynamic.

3 Backend development

Our team uses modern languages like MongoDB for Database and
Javascript framework like React js to develop the website.
Creating Content

Community-driven Access to Resources

Our platform's content is created by its users, so its Our platform's content is undoubtedly technical and
database of knowledge is vast and constantly solution-focused.
• Enlighten people : Our platform will give people knowledge of
Righteousness of law.
• Prevent Scammers : people will now not tolerate any kind of wrong doing
by scammers.
• Influence over law : With our platform people will learn over new law or
existing law.
Future Scope
Improved AI-based search Hierarchy of learning
Our platform will employee's AI-based New features like progress tracking,
algorithms to understand users' search queries gamification, and leveling-up features are being
and return the most relevant answers. This developed to make the user's experience more
feature will be improved, ensuring that the interactive and fun.
user's time is not wasted.

Knowledge over law Use of ML and Big data

It will increase knowledge of different By using previous records on our site we will
create a Huge data by storing the data of
law among common citizens over a
our customer and we provide effective
time. It will enlighten them and they solutions and try to improve our inclusion.
will be less prone to scammers and
corrupted minded people.
Benefits for lawyers and Citizens

1 For Lawyers:

Lawyers will get opportunity to explore

and get internship . Also it will give them
For Citizens: 2 the experience for their future for how to
Citizens can find resources in our deal with real world problems.
platform whether they are doing their
work legally or illegally. 3 For Both:

Law solver is an expert source of

knowledge for laws, best cases to study ,
and tools used across the INDIA.
Law Solver for creating impact
Tools and Community Support Creative Problem-
Techniques Solving
Being a lawyer is a very
This resource is the epitome of challenging career, but with Law solver encourages citizens
learning hands-on tools and the help of a strong to seek justice. Having a
techniques. Lawyers can learn community, people can share community of lawyers that
from other Citizens' issues, their experiences and learn provide alternate viewpoints
answers, and learn from new from others' mistakes. and solutions is a great way to
perspectives. approach problem-solving in a
different light.
Research Direction
In India various laws are pending and it is very infuriating and time consuming for our
citizens whose cases are pending because of inhuman practices of our corrupted
people .As we have limited no of Courts and less no of judges with every month or year
the no of pending cases will continuing to grow exponentially and the justice will not be
given to all the citizens of our country in the time they need the most. The cases of
common citizens are often treated as worthless and cases of powerful people treated as
their only priority so with our doing we will try to make this situation better by inclusion
of Artificial Technology by using chatbot we will make the chatbot filled with all the
database data so it will treat every case equally and with a frequent reduction in time
consuming tasks by manual work . We will also be open to use of ML and Big data as our
platform will get the pros and cons of the platform by the people.
How Lawyers and Citizens Use Law Solver

Lawyers connect with potential candidates who are active on the site.


Lawyers create law firm profiles and use Law solver to promote their brand and services.


It improves the enlightenment among citizen and make people aware of laws and the punishment which
they will face if they violate it. This reduces the crime rate in society.
The Role Of Group Members
• Sumit Gaurav : Works on Frontend and backend of the
web project . Coordinates between the team members.
• Amit Gaurav : Works on frontend of the web project.
• Darvesh Chauhan : Works on backend and deployment of
the web project.
• Akshay Kumar Arya: Works on UI and UX design and
Presentation of the website.
Work we have already done
Sign in & Sign up page
• Our platform provide solution to the people who get scammed and make the awareness among people.
• It also inform people which step they need to take to solve the problem.
• It create a community where lawyers can interact and also discuss optimal step they need to take solve
the problem.
• We will also try to connect with AI to find solution immediately.
• It also store every query that has been asked in the platform so that people can get solution to their
query immediately .

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